Francisco Esteves



Articles in journals

Strack, J. , Lopes, P. & Esteves, F. (2015). Will you thrive under pressure or burn out? Linking anxiety motivation and emotional exhaustion. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 29: 4, pp. 578-591.

Silva, C. , Chaminade, T. , Fonseca, D. , Santos, A. , Esteves, F. , Soares, I. & Deruelle, C. (2015). Attachment style impacts behavior and early oculomotor response to positive, but not negative, pictures. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 56: 3, pp. 327-334.

Silva, C. , Da Fonseca, D. , Esteves, F. & Deruelle, C. (2015). Motivational approach and avoidance in autism spectrum disorder : A comparison between real photographs and cartoons. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, vol. 17, pp. 13-24.

Oliveira, S. E. H. , Esteves, F. & Carvalho, H. (2015). Clinical profiles of stigma experiences, self-esteem and social relationships among people with schizophrenia, depressive, and bipolar disorders. Psychiatry Research, vol. 229: 1-2, pp. 167-173.

Arriaga, P. , Adrião, J. , Madeira, F. , Cavaleiro, I. , Maia e Silva, A. , Barahona, I. & Esteves, F. (2015). A "dry eye" for victims of violence: effects of playing a violent video game on pupillary dilation to victims and on aggressive behavior. Psychology of violence, vol. 5: 2, pp. 199-208.

Strack, J. & Esteves, F. (2015). Exams? Why worry? Interpreting anxiety as facilitative and stress appraisals. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, vol. 28: 2, pp. 205-214.

Soares, S. , Esteves, F. & Lundqvist, D. (2015). In the grip of fear: Dissociations in attentional processing of animal fearful individuals. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 56: 1, pp. 11-17.

Fernandes, S. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2015). Using an educational multimedia application to prepare children for outpatient surgeries. Health Communication, vol. 30: 12, pp. 1190-1200.

Silva, C. , Ferreira, A. , Soares, I. & Esteves, F. (2015). Emotions Under the Skin: Autonomic Reactivity to Emotional Pictures in Insecure Attachment. Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 29: 4, pp. 161-170.

Oliveira, S. , Esteves, F. , Pereira, E. , Carvalho, M. & Boyd, J. (2015). The Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version of the ISMI Scale. Community mental health journal, vol. 51: 5, pp. 606-612.

Galinha, I. C. , Oishi, S. , Pereira, C. R. , Wirtz, D. & Esteves, F. (2014). Adult Attachment, Love Styles, Relationship Experiences and Subjective Well-Being : Cross-Cultural and Gender Comparison between Americans, Portuguese, and Mozambicans. Social Indicators Research, vol. 119: 2, pp. 823-852.

Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). 100 anos depois: Onde está o Watson?. Psicologia Na Actualidade, : 18, pp. 18-35.

Arriaga, P. , Esteves, F. & Feddes, A. R. (2014). Looking at the (mis) fortunes of others while listening to music. Psychology of Music, vol. 42: 2, pp. 251-268.

Galinha, I. , Pereira, C. & Esteves, F. (2014). Versão reduzida da escala portuguesa de afeto positivo e negativo-PANAS-VRP: Análise fatorial confirmatória e invariância temporal. Psicologia, vol. 28: 1, pp. 53-65.

Fernandes, S. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). Atitudes infantis face aos cuidados de saúde e percepcão de dor: Papel mediador dos medos médicos. Ciência e Saúde Colectiva, vol. 19: 7, pp. 2073-2082.

Soares, S. , Lindström, B. , Esteves, F. & Öhman, A. (2014). The hidden snake in the grass: superior detection of snakes in challenging attentional conditions. PLoS ONE, vol. 9: 12, pp. Art. no. 0114724

Fernandes, S. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). Providing preoperative information for children undergoing surgery: a randomized study testing different types of educational material to reduce children’s preoperative worries. Health Education Research, vol. 29: 6, pp. 1058-1076.

Galinha, I. C. , Pereira, C. R. & Esteves, F. G. (2013). Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Temporal Invariance of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Psicologia, vol. 26: 4, pp. 671-679.

Bernhardsson, J. , Bjärtå, A. , Esteves, F. & Sundin, Ö. (2013). INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS OF N2pc DURING FEAR PROCESSING. Psychophysiology, vol. 50, pp. S119-S119.

Soares, S. & Esteves, F. (2013). A glimpse of fear: Fast detection of threatening targets in visual search with brief stimulus durations. PsyCh Journal, vol. 2: 1, pp. 11-16.

Silva, C. , Soares, I. & Esteves, F. (2012). Attachment insecurity and strategies for regulation: When emotion triggers attention. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 53: 1, pp. 9-16.

Gaspar, A. & Esteves, F. (2012). Preschooler´s faces in spontaneous emotional contexts - how well do they match adult facial expression prototypes?. International Journal of Behavioral Development, vol. 36: 5, pp. 348-357.

Martins, A. , Faisca, L. , Esteves, F. , Muresan, A. & Reis, A. (2012). Atypical moral judgements following traumatic brain injury. Judgment and decision making, vol. 7: 4, pp. 478-487.

Esteves, F. , Arriaga, P. , Carneiro, P. & Flykt, A. (2010). Emotional responses (verbal and psychophysiological) to pictures of food stimuli. Psicologia, vol. 24: 2, pp. 89-111.

Soares, S. , Esteves, F. , Lundqvist, D. & Öhman, A. (2009). Some specific animal fears are more specific than others: Evidence from attention and emotion measures. Behaviour Research and Therapy, vol. 47: 12, pp. 1032-1042.

Costa, R. & Esteves, F. (2008). Skin conductance responses to visual sexual stimuli. International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 67: 1, pp. 64-69.

Carneiro, P. , Albuquerque, P. , Fernandez, A. & Esteves, F. (2007). Analyzing false memories in children with associative lists specific for their age. Child Development, vol. 78: 4, pp. 1171-1185.

Chapters in books

Gaspar, A. , Esteves, F. & Arriaga, P. (2014). On Prototypical Facial Expressions Versus Variation in Facial Behavior : What Have We Learned on the “Visibility” of Emotions from Measuring Facial Actions in Humans and Apes. In The Evolution of Social Communication in Primates. Springer (Interdisciplinary Evolution Research). pp. 101-126.

Arriaga, P. , Esteves, F. & Fernandes, S. (2013). Playing for better or for worse? : Health and social outcomes with electronic gaming. In Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services. IGI Global. pp. 48-69.

Madeira, F. , Arriaga, P. , Adrião, J. , Lopes, R. & Esteves, F. (2013). Emotional gaming. In Psychology of gaming. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. pp. 11-29.

Conference papers

Claudio, A. P. , Carmo, M. B. , Gomes, I. L. , Esteves, F. & Gaspar, A. (2015). Sense of presence inside a feared (virtual) tunnel. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 10TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI 2015).

Esteves, F. , Emauz, A. & Gaspar, A. (2015). Assessing affective empathy towards humans and other animals from emotional facial expressions. .


Lavrador, L. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2015). Sensiblización a escalofrios emocionales. .

Esteves, F. & Santos, I. (2015). Attentional bias to caloric food stimuli. .

Leal, A. , Lopes, R. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). The brain mapping of emotion in human faces : Clinical aplication in epilepsy. In IEEE MeMeA 2014 - IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings.. pp. 46--49.

Rosa, P. J. , Esteves, F. & Arriaga, P. (2014). Effects of fear-relevant stimuli on attention : Integrating gaze data with subliminal exposure. In IEEE MeMeA 2014 - IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings.. pp. Art. no. 6860021-

Gaspar, A. , Esteves, F. & Emauz, A. (2014). Us humans, them dogs and the others: assessing affective empathy towards humans and other animals from facial expression, using facial EMG. .

Esteves, F. & Petisca, S. (2014). Food choices in conditions of fictitious food scarcity. .

Cláudio, A. P. , Carmo, M. B. , Pinheiro, T. , Esteves, F. & Lopes, E. (2013). Virtual environment to treat social anxiety. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).. pp. 442--451.