Surface and Colloid Engineering
The research in our group Surface and Colloid Engineering is focused on the following two main areas; Biomaterials and Metal chelation.
Wood is a fantastic material that can be processed into a variety of products. For instance, cellulose is the most abundant renewable material on earth and will play an important role in our quest for replacing synthetic oil-based products. Examples of applications include cellulose-based textiles and nonwoven, novel composite materials with added functionalities, and polymeric cellulose formulations and dispersions.
Metal chelation
Metal chelators are molecules with inherent functionality to capture and bind specific metal ions. We are working with both chemicals and materials with these outspoken properties. The dual functionality of designed chelating surfactants offers possibilities to recover formed metal complexes that can be further treated to regenerate the chelating surfactant and recover the metals. Functionalized solid materials can be used in filter applications to selectively remove metal ions that for different reasons are unwanted in water solutions.
Current projects
Articles in journals
Articles, reviews/surveys
Chapters in books
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Cordova, A. , Afewerki, S. , Alimohammadzadeh, R. , Sanhueza, I. , Tai, C. , Osong, S. H. , Engstrand, P.
Ibrahem, I. (2019). A sustainable strategy for production and functionalization of nanocelluloses. Pure and Applied Chemistry, vol. 91: 5, pp. 865-874.
Yang, J. , Zasadowski, D. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2019). Biorefining of Spruce TMP Process Water : Selective Fractionation of Lipophilic Extractives with Induced Air Flotation and Surface Active Additive. BioResources, vol. 14: 2, pp. 4124-4135.
Singh, P. , Magalhaes, S. , Alves, L. , Antunes, F. , Miguel, M. , Lindman, B.
Medronho, B. (2019). Cellulose-based edible films for probiotic entrapment. Food Hydrocolloids, vol. 88, pp. 68-74.
Costa, C. , Medronho, B. , Filipe, A. , Mira, I. , Lindman, B. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2019). Emulsion formation and stabilization by biomolecules : The leading role of cellulose. Polymers, vol. 11: 10
Costa, C. , Mira, I. , Benjamins, J. , Lindman, B. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2019). Interfacial activity and emulsion stabilization of dissolved cellulose. Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 292
Eivazihollagh, A. , Svanedal, I. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2019). On chelating surfactants : Molecular perspectives and application prospects. Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 278, pp. 688-705.
Yang, J. , Dahlström, C. , Edlund, H. , Lindman, B.
Norgren, M. (2019). pH-responsive cellulose–chitosan nanocomposite films with slow release of chitosan. Cellulose (London), vol. 26: 6, pp. 3763-3776.
Eivazihollagh, A. , Norgren, M. , Dahlström, C.
Edlund, H. (2018). Controlled Synthesis of Cu and Cu2O NPs and Incorporation of Octahedral Cu2O NPs in Cellulose II Films. Nanomaterials, vol. 8: 4
Ibrahem, I. , Iqbal, M. N. , Verho, O. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Olsén, P. , Edlund, H. , Tai, C. , Norgren, M. & et al. (2018). Copper Nanoparticles on Controlled Pore Glass and TEMPO for the Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols. ChemNanoMat, vol. 4: 1, pp. 71-75.
Eivazihollagh, A. , Bäckström, J. , Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2018). Electrochemical recovery of copper complexed by DTPA and C12-DTPA from aqueous solution using a membrane cell. Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986), vol. 93: 5, pp. 1421-1431.
Singh, P. , Medronho, B. , Valente, A. J. M. , Miguel, M. G.
Lindman, B. (2018). Exploring the prebiotic effect of cyclodextrins on probiotic bacteria entrapped in carboxymetyl cellulose-chitosan particles. Colloids and Surfaces B, vol. 168: August 2018, pp. 156-162.
Cuomo, F. , Cofelice, M. , Venditti, F. , Ceglie, A. , Miguel, M. , Lindman, B.
Lopez, F. (2018). In-vitro digestion of curcumin loaded chitosan-coated liposomes. Colloids and Surfaces B, vol. 168, pp. 29-34.
Medronho, B. , Filipe, A. , Costa, C. , Romano, A. , Lindman, B. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2018). Microrheology of novel cellulose stabilized oil-in-water emulsions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 531: 1 December 2018, pp. 225-232.
Alves, L. , Medronho, B. , Filipe, A. , Antunes, F. E. , Lindman, B. , Topgaard, D. , Davidovich, I.
Talmon, Y. (2018). New Insights on the Role of Urea on the Dissolution and Thermally-Induced Gelation of Cellulose in Aqueous Alkali. GELS, vol. 4: 4
Alves, L. , Lindman, B. , Klotz, B. , Böttcher, A. , Haake, H.
Antunes, F. E. (2018). On the rheology of mixed systems of hydrophobically modified polyacrylate microgels and surfactants : Role of the surfactant architecture. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 513, pp. 489-496.
Singh, P. , Medronho, B. , dos Santos, T. , Nunes-Correia, I. , Granja, P. , Miguel, M. G.
Lindman, B. (2018). On the viability, cytotoxicity and stability of probiotic bacteria entrapped in cellulose-based particles. Food Hydrocolloids, vol. 82, pp. 457-465.
Lundberg, M. , Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2018). Validation of crill measurements in a high-yield pulp refining process for improved fines material control. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 33: 2, pp. 200-209.
Singh, P. , Medronho, B. , Alves, L. , da Silva, G. J. , Miguel, M. G.
Lindman, B. (2017). Development of carboxymethyl cellulose-chitosan hybrid micro- and macroparticles for encapsulation of probiotic bacteria. Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 175, pp. 87-95.
Eivazihollagh, A. , Bäckström, J. , Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2017). Influences of the operational variables on electrochemical treatment of chelated Cu(II) in alkaline solutions using a membrane cell. Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986), vol. 92: 6, pp. 1436-1445.
Eivazihollagh, A. , Bäckström, J. , Dahlström, C. , Carlsson, F. , Ibrahem, I. , Lindman, B. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2017). One-pot synthesis of cellulose-templated copper nanoparticles with antibacterial properties. Materials letters (General ed.), vol. 187, pp. 170-172.
Eivazihollagh, A. , Tejera, J. , Svanedal, I. , Edlund, H. , Blanco, A.
Norgren, M. (2017). Removal of Cd2+, Zn2+, and Sr2+ by Ion Flotation, Using a Surface-Active Derivative of DTPA (C12-DTPA). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 56: 38, pp. 10605-10614.
Lindman, B. , Medronho, B. , Alves, L. , Costa, C. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2017). The relevance of structural features of cellulose and its interactions to dissolution, regeneration, gelation and plasticization phenomena. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP, vol. 19: 35, pp. 23704-23718.
Alves, L. , Medronho, B. , Antunes, F. E. , Topgaard, D.
Lindman, B. (2016). Dissolution state of cellulose in aqueous systems. 1. Alkaline solvents. Cellulose (London), vol. 23: 1, pp. 247-258.
Alves, L. , Medronho, B. , Antunes, F. E. , Topgaard, D.
Lindman, B. (2016). Dissolution state of cellulose in aqueous systems. 2. Acidic solvents. Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 151, pp. 707-715.
Duan, R. , Westerlind, B. , Norgren, M. , Anugwom, I. , Virtanen, P.
Mikkola, J. (2016). Fibre stress-strain response of high temperature chemi-thermomechanical pulp treated with switchable ionic liquids. BioResources, vol. 11: 4, pp. 8570-8588.
Piltonen, P. , Hildebrandt, N. C. , Westerlind, B. , Valkama, J. , Tervahartiala, T.
Illikainen, M. (2016). Green and efficient method for preparing all-cellulose composites with NaOH/urea solvent. Composites Science And Technology, vol. 135, pp. 153-158.
Svanedal, I. , Andersson, F. , Hedenström, E. , Norgren, M. , Edlund, H. , Satija, S. K. , Lindman, B.
Rennie, A. R. (2016). Molecular Organization of an Adsorbed Layer : A Zwitterionic, pH-Sensitive Surfactant at the Air/Water Interface. Langmuir, vol. 32: 42, pp. 10936-10945.
Yang, J. , Duan, J. , Zhang, L. , Lindman, B. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2016). Spherical nanocomposite particles prepared from mixed cellulose–chitosan solutions. Cellulose (London), vol. 23: 5, pp. 3105-3115.
Lindman, B. , Medronho, B.
Theliander, H. (2015). Editorial : Cellulose dissolution and regeneration: systems and interactions. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 30: 1, pp. 2-3.
Afewerki, S. , Ma, G. , Ibrahem, I. , Liu, L. , Sun, J.
Cordova, A. (2015). Highly Enantioselective Control of Dynamic Cascade Transformations by Dual Catalysis : Asymmetric Synthesis of Polysubstituted Spirocyclic Oxindoles. ACS Catalysis, vol. 5: 2, pp. 1266-1272.
Medronho, B. , Duarte, H. , Alves, L. , Antunes, F. , Romano, A.
Lindman, B. (2015). Probing cellulose amphiphilicity. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 30: 1, pp. 58-66.
Cuomo, F. , Lopez, F. , Piludu, M. , Miguel, M. G. , Lindman, B.
Ceglie, A. (2015). Release of small hydrophilic molecules from polyelectrolyte capsules : Effect of the wall thickness. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 447, pp. 211-216.
Lindman, B.
Medronho, B. (2015). The Subtleties of Dissolution and Regeneration of Cellulose : Breaking and Making Hydrogen Bonds. BioResources, vol. 10: 3, pp. 3811-3814.
Alves, L. , Medronho, B. , Antunes, F. E. , Fernández-García, M. P. , Ventura, J. , Araújo, J. P. , Romano, A.
Lindman, B. (2015). Unusual extraction and characterization of nanocrystalline cellulose from cellulose derivatives. Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 210, pp. 106-112.
Duan, R. , Ibrahem, I. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2014). Acid-Catalyzed Synthesis of Foamed Materials from Renewable Sources. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 53: 45, pp. 17597-17603.
Zasadowski, D. , Yang, J. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2014). Antisolvent precipitation of water-soluble hemicelluloses from TMP process water. Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 113, pp. 411-419.
Boija, S. , Almesåker, A. , Hedenström, E. , Bylund, D. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2014). Determination of conditional stability constants for some divalent transition metal ion-EDTA complexes by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 49: 7, pp. 550-556.
Svanedal, I. , Boija, S. , Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2014). Headgroup interactions and ion flotation efficiency in mixtures of a chelating surfactant, different foaming agents and divalent metal ions. Langmuir, vol. 30: 22, pp. 6331-6338.
Afewerki, S. , Guangning, M. , Ibrahem, I. & Cordova, A. (2014). Highly enantioselective organo/metal cooperative catalysis for construction of spirocyclopentaneoxindoles. Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society, vol. 248
Svanedal, I. , Persson, G. , Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2014). Interactions in Mixed Micellar Systems of an Amphoteric Chelating Surfactant and Ionic Surfactants. Langmuir, vol. 30: 5, pp. 1250-1256.
Svanedal, I. , Boija, S. , Almesåker, A. , Persson, G. , Andersson, F. , Hedenström, E. , Bylund, D. , Norgren, M. & et al. (2014). Metal Ion Coordination, Conditional Stability Constants and Solution Behavior of Chelating Surfactant Metal Complexes. Langmuir, vol. 30: 16, pp. 4605-4612.
Zasadowski, D. , Strand, A. , Sundberg, A. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2014). Selective purification of bleached spruce TMP process water by induced air flotation (IAF). Holzforschung, vol. 68: 2, pp. 157-165.
Ma, G. , Afewerki, S. , Deiana, L. , Palo-Nieto, C. , Liu, L. , Sun, J. , Ibrahem, I.
Córdova, A. (2013). A palladium/chiral amine co-catalyzed enantioselective dynamic cascade reaction : Synthesis of polysubstituted carbocycles with a quaternary carbon stereocenter. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 52: 23, pp. 6050-6054.
Svanedal, I. , Persson, G. , Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2013). Anomalies in Solution Behavior of an Alkyl Aminopolycarboxylic Chelating Surfactant. Langmuir, vol. 29: 45, pp. 13708-13716.
Ibrahem, I. , Ma, G. , Afewerki, S.
Córdova, A. (2013). Palladium/Chiral Amine Co-catalyzed Enantioselective beta-Arylation of alpha,beta-Unsaturated Aldehydes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 52: 3, pp. 878-882.
Zhang, R. , Andersson, H. , Andersson, M. , Andres, B. , Edlund, H. , Edström, P. , Edvardsson, S. , Forsberg, S. & et al. (2013). Soap-film coating : High-speed deposition of multilayer nanofilms. Scientific Reports, vol. 3, pp. Art. no. 1477
Lidenmark, C. , Pettersson, T. , Karlsson, O. J. , Notley, S. M. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2013). The adhesive behavior of extracted Latex polymers towards Silicon oxide and Cellulose. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 44, pp. 250-258.
Ma, G. , Lin, S. , Ibrahem, I. , Kubik, G. , Liu, L. , Sun, J.
Cordova, A. (2012). Achiral Co-Catalyst Induced Switches in Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions on Racemic Mixtures (RRM) : From Stereodivergent RRM to Stereoconvergent Deracemization by Combination of Hydrogen Bond Donating and Chiral Amine Catalysts. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, vol. 354: 14-15, pp. 2865-2872.
Högberg, I. , Zasadowski, D. , Karlsson, A. , Wikman, B. , Andersson, F. , Hedenström, E. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2012). Brightness development of a hydrogen peroxide bleached spruce TMP. Comparisons of pre-treatments with DTPA and a separable chelating surfactant. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27: 1, pp. 50-55.
Afewerki, S. , Ibrahem, I. , Rydfjord, J. , Breistein, P.
Córdova, A. (2012). Direct Regiospecific and Highly Enantioselective Intermolecular α-Allylic Alkylation of Aldehydes By Combination of Transition Metal and amine Catalysts. Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 18: 10, pp. 2972-2977.
M, Y. , Ibrahem, I. , Hasegawa, M. , Schrock, R.
Hoveyda, H. (2012). Enol Ethers as Substrates for Efficient Z- and Enantioselective Ring-Opening/Cross-Metathesis Reactions Promoted by Stereogenic-at-Mo Complexes; Utility in Chemical Synthesis and Mechanistic Attributes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 134: 5, pp. 2788-2799.
Norgren, M. , Andersson, K.
Eriksson, M. (2012). Lignin Removal by Adsorption to Fly Ash in Wastewater Generated by Mechanical Pulping. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 51: 8, pp. 3444-3451.
Ibrahem, I. , Breistein, P.
Córdova, A. (2012). One-pot three-component highly selective synthesis of homoallylboronates by using metal-free catalysis. Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 18: 17, pp. 5175-5179.
Zasadowski, D. , Hedenström, E. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2012). Removal of lipophilic extractives and manganese ions from spruce TMP waters in a customized flotation cell. BioResources, vol. 7: 2, pp. 2376-2392.
Strand, A. , Zasadowski, D. , Norgren, M. , Hedenström, E. , Willför, S.
Sundberg, A. (2012). Selective froth flotation of pitch components from spruce TMP process water. Appita journal, vol. 65: 4, pp. 337-346.
Zasadowski, D. , Hedenström, E. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2012). Use of a Voith flotation cell for removal of lipophilic extractives and Mn ions from spruce thermomechanical pulping process waters. BioResources, vol. 7: 3, pp. 2784-2126.
Deiana, L. , Dziedzic, P. , Zhao, G. , Vesely, J. , Ibrahem, I. , Rios, R. , Sun, J.
Cordova, A. (2011). Catalytic Asymmetric Aziridination of alpha,beta-Unsaturated Aldehydes. Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 17: 28, pp. 7904-7917.
Afewerki, S. , Breistein, P. , Pirttilä, K. , Deiana, L. , Dziedzic, P. , Ibrahem, I.
Córdova, A. (2011). Catalytic Enantioselective beta-Alkylation of alpha,beta-Unsaturated Aldehydes by Combination of Transition-Metal- and Aminocatalysis: Total Synthesis of Bisabolane Sesquiterpenes. Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 17: 32, pp. 8784-8788.
Ibrahem, I. , Santoro, S. , Himo, F.
Cordova, A. (2011). Enantioselective Conjugate Silyl Additions to alpha,beta-Unsaturated Aldehydes Catalyzed by Combination of Transition Metal and Chiral Amine Catalysts. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, vol. 353: 2-3, pp. 245-252.
Ma, G. , Bartoszewicz, A. , Ibrahem, I.
Córdova, A. (2011). Highly Enantioselective Co-Catalytic Direct Aldol reactions by Combination of Hydrogen-Bond Donating and Acyclic Amino Acid Catalysts. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, vol. 353: 17, pp. 3114-3122.
Ibrahem, I. , Breistein, P.
Córdova, A. (2011). One-Pot Three-Component Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of Homoallylboronates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 50: 50, pp. 12036-12041.
Andersson, K. I. , Eriksson, M.
Norgren, M. (2011). Removal of Lignin from Wastewater Generated by Mechanical Pulping Using Activated Charcoal and Fly Ash: Adsorption Isotherms and Thermodynamics. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 50: 13, pp. 7722-7732.
Andersson, K. I. , Eriksson, M.
Norgren, M. (2011). Removal of Lignin from Wastewater Generated by Mechanical Pulping Using Activated Charcoal and Fly Ash : Adsorption Kinetics. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 50: 13, pp. 7733-7739.
Lidenmark, C. , Forsberg, S. , Norgren, M. , Edlund, H. & Karlsson, O. (2010). Changes with aging in the surface hydrophobicity of coated paper. TAPPI Journal, vol. 9: 5, pp. 40-46.
Zhao, G. , Ullah, F. , Deiana, L. , Lin, S. , Zhang, Q. , Sun, J. , Ibrahem, I. , Dziedzic, P. & et al. (2010). Dynamic kinetic asymmetric transformation (DYKAT) by combined amine and transition metal catalyzed enantioselective cycloisomerization. Chemistry - A European Journal,
Halvarsson, S. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2010). Manufacture of High-Performance Rice-Straw Fiberboards. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 49: 3, pp. 1428-1435.
Halvarsson, S. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2010). Wheat straw as raw material for manufacture of medium density fiberboard (MDF). BioResources, vol. 5: 2, pp. 1215-1231.
Halvarsson, S. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2009). Manufacture of non-resin wheat straw fibreboards. Industrial crops and products (Print), vol. 29: 2-3, pp. 437-445.
Andersson, K. , Pranovich, A. , Norgren, M. , Eriksson, M.
Holmbom, B. (2008). Effects of biological treatment on the chemical structure of dissolved lignin-related substances in effluent from thermomechanical pulping. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 23: 2, pp. 164-171.
Halvarsson, S. , Edlund, H.
Norgren, M. (2008). Properties of Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) based on Wheat straw and Melamine Modified Urea Formaldehyde (UMF) Resin. Industrial crops and products (Print), vol. 28: 1, pp. 37-46.
Engqvist, C. , Forsberg, S. , Norgren, M. , Edlund, H. , Andreasson, B.
Karlsson, O. (2007). Interactions between single latex particles and silica surfaces studied with AFM. Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 302: 1-3, pp. 197-203.
Bydén Sjöbom, M. , Marques, E. , Edlund, H.
Khan, A. (2005). Phase Equilibria of the Mixed Didodecyldimethylammonium Bromide-Taurodeoxycholate-Water System with a Large Solution Region.. Colloids and Surfaces, vol. 269: 1-3, pp. 87-95.
Persson, G. , Edlund, H. , Hedenström, E.
Lindblom, G. (2004). Phase Behavior of 1-Alkylpyridinium Octane-1-sulfonates : Effect of the 1-Alkylpyridinium Counterion Size. Langmuir, vol. 20: 4, pp. 1168-1179.
Amenitsch, H. , Edlund, H. , Khan, A. , Marques, E.
La Mesa, C. (2003). Bile Salts Form Lyotropic Liquid Crystals. Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 213: 1, pp. 79-92.
Bydén Sjöbom, M. , Hedenström, E.
Edlund, H. (2003). Binary Phase Equilibria of Three alfa-Methylsubstituted Sodium Alkanoate Surfactant Systems.. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 257: 2, pp. 333-336.
Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2003). Ion Specific Differences in Salt Induced Precipitation of Kraft Lignin. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 18: 4, pp. 400-403.
Persson, G. , Edlund, H. , Amenitsch, H. , Laggner, P.
Lindblom, G. (2003). The 1-monooleoyl-rac-glycerol/n-octyl-beta-D-glucoside/water system : Phase diagram and phase structures determined by NMR and X-ray diffraction. Langmuir, vol. 19: 14, pp. 5813-5822.
Persson, G. , Edlund, H. & Lindblom, G. (2003). Thermal Behaviour of Cubic Phases Rich in 1-monooleoyl-rac-glycerol in the ternary system 1-monooleoyl-rac-glycerol / n-octyl-b-D-glucoside / Water.. European Journal of Biochemistry, vol. 270: 1, pp. 56-65.
Norgren, M. , Edlund, H.
Wågberg, L. (2002). Aggregation of Lignin Derivatives under Alkaline Conditions. Kinetics and Aggregate Structure. Langmuir, vol. 18: 7, pp. 2859-2865.
Raghavan, S. , Edlund, H.
Kaler, E. (2002). Cloud-Point Phenomena in Wormlike Micellar Systems Containing Catanionic Surfactant and Salt. Langmuir, vol. 18: 4, pp. 1056-1064.
Bydén Sjöbom, M.
Edlund, H. (2002). Dependence of Alkyl Chain Asymmetry on the Phase Equilibria of Three Catanionic Surfactant Mixtures Containing Dodecyltrimethylammonium Chloride-Sodium Alkylcarboxylate-Water. Langmuir, vol. 18: 22, pp. 8309-8317.
Norgren, M. , Edlund, H. , Wågberg, L.
Annergren, G. (2002). Fundamental Physical Aspects on Lignin Dissolution. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 17: 4, pp. 370-373.
Norgren, M. , Edlund, H. , Wågberg, L. , Lindström, B.
Annergren, G. (2001). Aggregation of Kraft Lignin Derivatives under Conditions Relevant to the Process. Part I. Phase Behaviour. Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 194: 1-3, pp. 85-96.
Norgren, M. , Edlund, H. & Nilvebrant, N. (2001). Physiochemical differences between dissolved and precipitated Kraft lignin fragments as determined by PFG NMR, CZE and quantitative UV spectrophotometry. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science (JPPS), vol. 27: 11, pp. 359-363.
Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2001). Stabilisation of Kraft Lignin Solutions by Surfactant Additions. Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 194: 1-3, pp. 239-248.
Marques, E. F. , Edlund, H. , La Mesa, C.
Khan, A. (2000). Liquid Crystals and Phase Equilibria Binary Bile Salt-Water Systems. Langmuir, vol. 16: 11, pp. 5178-5186.
Marques, E. , Regev, O. , Edlund, H.
Khan, A. (2000). Micelles, Dispersions and Liquid Crystals in the Catanionic Mixture Bile Salt-Double-Chained Surfactant. The Bile Salt-Rich Area. Langmuir, vol. 16: 22, pp. 8255-8262.
Bydén Sjöbom, M. , Edlund, H.
Lindström, B. (1999). BinaBinary Phase Equilibria and Structure of the Two α-Methyl-Substituted Surfactants Sodium (R)-2-Methyldecanoate and Racemic Sodium 2-Methyldecanoate ry Phase Exuilibria and Structure of the Chiral α-Methylsubstituted Surfactants Sodium (R)-2-Methyldecanoate and Racemic Sodium 2-Methyldecanoate. Langmuir, vol. 15: 8, pp. 2654-2660.
Edlund, H. , Khan, A. & La Mesa, C. (1998). Formation of a Liquid Crystalline Phase in the Sodium Taurodeoxycholate-Water System. Langmuir, vol. 14, pp. 3691-3697.
Edlund, H. , Bydén, M. , Lindström, B. & Khan, A. (1998). Phase Equilibria and Structure of the 1-dodecyl Pyridinium Bromide-Dodecane-Water System. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 204: 2, pp. 312-319.
Edlund, H. , Sadaghiani, A.
Khan, A. (1997). Phase Behaviour and Phase Structure for Catanionic Surfactant Mixtures: DoTAC-SN-Water System. Langmuir, vol. 13, pp. 4953-4963.
Edlund, H. , Bydén, M. , Lindström, B.
Khan, A. (1997). Ternary Phase Equilibria of the 1.dodecyl Pyridinium Bromide-Dodecanol-Water System. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 196: 2, pp. 231-240.
Carlsson, H. , Edlund, H. , Persson, G.
Lindström, B. (1996). Competition Between Monovalent and Divalent Counterions in a Surfactant / Water System. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 180: 2, pp. 598-604.
Edlund, H. , Berglund, P. , Jensen, M. , Hedenström, E.
Högberg, H. (1996). Resolution of 2-Methylalkanoic Acids : Enantioselective Esterification with Long Chain Alcohols Catalysed by Candida rugosa Lipase. Acta Chemica Scandinavica, vol. 50: 8, pp. 666-671.
Bergström, G. , Wassgren, A. , Anderbrant, O. , Fägerhag, J. , Edlund, H. , Hedenström, E. , Högberg, H. , Geri, C. & et al. (1995). Sex pheromone of the pine sawfly Diprion pini (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) : Chemical identification, synthesis and biological activity. Experientia, vol. 51: 4, pp. 370-380.
Högberg, H. , Berglund, P. , Edlund, H. , Fägerhag, J. , Hedenström, E. , Lundh, M. , Nordin, O. , Servi, S. & et al. (1994). Biocatalysis As A Useful Tool In Pheromone Synthesis : Enantiomerically Pure Building-Blocks From Bakers-Yeast Reductions And Enzyme-Catalyzed Resolutions. Catalysis Today, vol. 22: 3, pp. 591-606.
Högberg, H. , Edlund, H. , Berglund, P.
Hedenström, E. (1993). Water Activity Influences Enantioselectivity in a Lipase Catalysed Resolution by Esterification in an Organic Solvent. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, vol. 4: 10, pp. 2123-2126.
Articles, reviews/surveys
Lindman, B. , Medronho, B.
Karlström, G. (2016). Clouding of nonionic surfactants. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, vol. 22, pp. 23-29.
Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2014). Lignin : Recent advances and emerging applications. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, vol. 19, pp. 409-416.
Chapters in books
Lindman, B.
Nylander, T. (2017). Polymer-Surfactant Interactions.
Cosmetic Science and Technology: Theoretical Principles and Applications. Elsevier Inc.. pp. 449-469.
Conference papers
Eivazihollagh, A. , Löf, L. , Lindman, B. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2019). Vesicle-templated all-cellulose nanocapsules. Paper presented at the 6th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 21–25 October, 2019
Lundberg, M. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2018). Crill Measurements For Improved Fines Material Control. In IMPC 2018. Trondheim, Norway :
Duan, R. , Norgren, M. , Hedenström, E. , Ibrahem, I. & Edlund, H. (2013). New approaches toward producing foamed materials from renewable sources.. Paper presented at the The 17th International Symposiumon Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry, June 12-14, 2013, Canada
Zasadowski, D. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2013). Recovery of water-soluble hemicelluloses from TMP process water after selective flotation.. In The 17th International Symposiumon on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry.
Zasadowski, D. , Norgren, M. , Hedenström, E. , Willför, S. , Strand, A. & Sundberg, A. (2013). Selective froth flotation of pitch components from spruce TMP process water.. In The 17th International Symposiumon on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry.
Yang, J. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2013). Selective separation of wood substances from TMP mill process water by flotation. Analysis of the foam fraction.. Paper presented at the The 17th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry
Duan, R. , Norgren, M. , Edlund, H. & Hedenström, E. (2012). Novel foamed materials from renewable sources. In 9th European Conference on Foams, Emulsions and Applications.
Ibrahem, I. , Afewerki, S. , Breistein, P. & Córdova, A. (2012). One-pot three-component catalytic asymmetric synthesis of homoallylboronates. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Vol 243. (ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY). pp. 889-INOR-
Zasadowski, D. , Andersson, F. , Edlund, H. , Almesåker, A. , Hedenström, E. & Norgren, M. (2011). Removal of dissolved and colloidal substances from mechanical pulping white waters by flotation. In 16th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings, ISWFPC. Tianjin : . pp. 1238--1242.
Högberg, I. , Zasadowski, D. , Karlsson, A. , Wikman, B. , Andersson, F. , Hedenström, E. , Edlund, H. & Norgren, M. (2011). Use of chelating surfactants as complexing agents for removal of manganese from mechanical pulp fibres prior to hydrogen peroxide bleaching.. In 16th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings, ISWFPC. Tianjin : . pp. 682--686.
Högberg, I. , Andersson, F. , Hedenström, E. , Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2010). The Interaction Parameter in Binary Surfactant Mixtures of a Chelating Surfactant and a Foaming Agent..
TRENDS IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE XXIV. Berlin : (Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science). pp. 17--20.
Córdova, A. , Ibrahem, I. , Afewerki, S. , Breistein, P. , Deiana, L. , Zhao, G. , Dziedzic, P. , Pirttilä, K. & et al. (2010). TOC-Trends in Organic Chemistry : Selective Catalysis.
Andersson, K. I. , Norgren, M. & Eriksson, M. (2009). Lignin removal from wastewater by adsorption. In Proceedings - 2009 International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2009.. pp. 280--285.
Halvarsson, S. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2008). Manufacturing of Non-Resin Wheat Straw MDF/HDF.
Halvarsson, S. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2005). Processing of Wheat Straw Materials for Production of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) . In 59th Appita Annual Conference, Aukland, New Zealand 16-19 May 2005. Brunswick East Victoria 3057, Australia : . pp. 623--629.
Norgren, M. , Mackin, S. & Edlund, H. (2004). Different aggregations processes during kraft lignin aggregation.. In Eighth European Workshop on lignocellulosics and pulp : utilization of lignocellulosics and by-products of pulping ; August 22-25,2004 ; proceedings. : Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP) ; 8 (Riga) : 2004.08.22-25. Riga : . pp. 562-
Halvarsson, S. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2004). Manufacturing of fiber composite Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) based on annual plant fiber and Urea Formaldehyde Resin. In Proceedings of ICECFOP1: 1st International Conference on Environmentally-Compatible Forest Products.. pp. 131--147.
Persson, G. , Edlund, H.
Lindblom, G. (2004). Phase behaviour of the 1-monooleoyl-rac-glycerol/n-octyl-beta-D-glucoside/water system.
Edlund, H. & Norgren, M. (2002). Different Types of Aggregation and Aggregate Structures in Aqueous Kraft Lignin Solutions. . In Proceedings. 7th EWLP.. pp. 297--300.
Edlund, H. & Norgren, M. (2002). Ion Specific Differences in Salt Induced Precipitation of Kraft Lignin. In Proceedings 7th EWLP, Turku, Finland, Aug 26–29, 2002.. pp. 75--78.
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Eivazihollagh, A. (2018). Metal-Chelate Complexes in Alkaline Solution : On Recovery Techniques and Cellulose-based Hybrid Material Synthesis.
(Comprehensive summary)
Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2018 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 282)
Svanedal, I. (2014). Fundamental Characterization and Technical Aspects of a Chelating Surfactant.
(Comprehensive summary)
sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2014 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 179)
Zasadowski, D. (2014). Selective Separation Of Wood Components In Internal Process Waters Originating From Mechanical Pulping.
(Comprehensive summary)
Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2014 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 184)
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Duan, R. (2016). On Shaping Mechanical Properties of Lignocellulosic Materials by Benign Chemical Processing. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2016 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 124)
(Comprehensive summary)
Sundsvall : Mittuniversitet, 2012 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 74)
Andersson, K. (2010). Lignin in wastewater generated by mechalical pulping : Chemical characterisation and removal by adsorption. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2010 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 44)
Norgren, M.
Edlund, H. (2002). Ion specific differences in salt induced precipitation of kraft lignin. Sundsvall : Mitthögskolan, FSCN (Rapportserie FSCN 2002:14).
(FSCN-rapport R-02-38).