Procedures for new initiatives with Knowledge Foundation as financier


A research project within the KK-Environment - from start to finish

1. Initiation/generation of ideas

December year 0

Start-up meeting/workshop, new ideas


Invitation to formulate new projects

The process begins with a start-up meeting/workshop initiated by the research environment steering group. At the meeting, the research environment strategy and areas that needs attention are presented, calls that are searchable and what we preferably should aim for are discussed and, where appropriate, particular projects or areas that needs to be developed. All senior researchers in the KK research environment are invited to this informal start-up meeting. After the meeting, an invitation to submit proposals is sent out to all researchers.

2. Development process

February year 1

Submission of drafts

- Presentation of drafts
The first project proposals consist of drafts. They are presented at a joint seminar. The drafts are then reviewed internally and feedback is given from the research environment management. The management then selects out the drafts that may proceed to the next step.


year 1

Submission of proposals

The researchers whose ideas proceeds will now write a more detailed proposal. Proposals should include a preliminary budget and a description of the participating companies. The proposals are then presented to the research environment reference group. Based on the feedback and recommendations of the reference group and the research environment strategy, the management selects the proposals that will proceed to develop into full proposals.


year 1

Submission of full project plans

The project managers are appointed and suggestions of international experts to review the finished project proposals are requested by the faculty. Complete project plans and CV’s from all participating researchers and companies should be delivered in early May - in good time to start the external review process before summer. Formalities for project plans are outlined in each specific call for proposal from the Knowledge Foundation.



Forms and templates

Write the project plan as specified in the call text from the Knowledge Foundation

Övrigt material med relevant information


3. Quality ensurance

May-June year 1 - External review
July-August year 1 - Revision
August-September year 1 - Second review (If required)
The faculty ensures that the project plans are sent for external review - both scientific review and review of the co-production. If a project does not receive high enough scores from reviewers, a revision reflecting comments and feedback must be done, then the project proposal is sent for a second review. The complete proposals are again presented to the research environment reference group; they are also presented and reviewed by the faculty board.

September year 1 - Final projects incl. complete budget templates
October year 1 - Checkup, formal requirements

The project plans should be complemented by budget templates - an internal template approved by the department economist and a completed Knowledge Foundation budget template, before all formalities are internally reviewed by the faculty. In connection with the writing of the research environment work plan, the dean decides on a prioritization of project proposals.

End of October year 1 - Submission of applications along with work plan
The applications are submitted to the Knowledge Foundation together with the work plan at the end of October, then the Knowledge Foundation's Expert Group implement a hearing at Mid Sweden University. The outcome of this hearing will result in a decision by mid-December on which ones of the proposed projects that will be granted funds.

Forms and templates

We will publish new budget templates from Knowledge Foundation as soon as they arrive. 

Other relevant information


4. Project start

year 1

Decision from the Knowledge Foundation

year 2

Chasing signatures from companies, write IPR agreements with companies as well as eventual researchers’ agreements with participating MIUN researchers.

year 2     

Send completed agreements to the Knowledge Foundation

In mid-December, Mid Sweden University receives the decision on the financing of actions by the Knowledge Foundation. When start date and budget of the granted projects are approved by the Knowledge Foundation, they send out contracts for signing of Mid Sweden University and participating companies. It is Mid Sweden University’s task to ensure that the signatures come in on time. In conjunction with the contracts, we also establish IPR agreements and researchers’ agreements with participating researchers. As soon as everyone, including the Knowledge Foundation, has signed the agreement, the project can be set up as an activity in Agresso.

5. Continuously during the project lifetime

Fall semester

Work plan: submit status report

Prior to work plan submitted to the Knowledge Foundation every fall: submit status report to the KK research environment management with comments regarding the project's scientific achievement, co-production and contribution to the profiling of the Knowledge Environment.

Forms and templates

Spring semester

Progress report: submit status report, financial report and reporting by companies.

Prior to progress report submitted to the Knowledge Foundation every spring: submit a status report, a report on the economy of the project and a progress and financial report from participating companies.

Forms and templates

6. Final reporting of the project

The final report is made and sent in to the Knowledge Foundation in conjunction with the work plan or the progress report, as described in the agreement. The final report consists of, in accordance with the agreement; a project report, summaries from participating companies with comments about the project outcomes – the business advantage, together with companies financial reporting and the internal Mid Sweden University’s financial reporting - signed by department economist and project manager. All this will be submitted to the Knowledge Foundation. In addition to this, the project manager will write a supplement to the final report, designed to provide additional input for external reviewers in our internal evaluation process of completed actions. As far as possible, the same external experts who initially reviewed the application also will be asked review the final report.

Forms and templates