Geography is a subject where we study environmental and social issues in different parts of the world, in urban and rural areas. The subject of Geography gives special emphasis to the interaction between the humans, society and environment from a holistic perspective of how nature and man has shaped and is shaping the landscape – from the most recent ice age up until the landscape of today and tomorrow. Geographers can, for example, work with social planning concerning climate changes or environmental consequences, or development issues concerning development of agriculture or urbanization. Geographers often work with environmental issues or different types of sustainability issues in Sweden or internationally.
The subject of Geography includes natural science perspectives (physical geography) and social science perspectives (human geography) and many geographical issues find their answers by taking both perspectives into consideration. Starting out from a geographical dimension means combining the study of locations, landscapes, and regions with relationships between natural and cultural circumstances. In geographical studies, the spatial perspective is central. It means starting out from how objects and phenomena or processes are spatially located and organised in relation to each other.
Geography can be described as an interdisciplinary subject placed between the traditional division of subjects into social sciences/humanities and natural sciences.
At Mid Sweden University courses in Geography are currently offered as a part of the teacher education and as contract education for primary school teachers. In our Geography courses focus is on, among other things, landscape analysis, human impact on the environment, and how the human conditions of life and activities are affected by different natural and cultural circumstances. For example, the connection between the natural landscape and different social, economic and political aspects are studied.