Vår forskning / Research

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Psychology at MIUN was granted the right as a subject of research of its own rather recently, in 2006. Since then research at the Department of Psychology is broadly organized into four major research areas: Clinical Psychology, Emotion and Cognition, Developmental Psychology, and Work and Industrial Psychology, each with their own missions and goals. In addition, an emerging team across different areas is research concerning Gender and Women.

An overarching mission is to conduct research, basic as well as applied, both filling gaps in knowledge and improve wellbeing and health, primarily of relevance to the understanding of psychological factors influence on suffering and ailment. One important goal is to help prevent, cure and alleviate human suffering and illness. This includes studies involving psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders, sensory and cognitive dysfunctions, etiological mechanisms and development processes, as well as prevention and treatment research.

Aktuella studier

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