STC Research Center

Sensible Things that Communicate, STC, develops sensor-based systems and services in electronics and computer science with a focus on industrial IT and digital services. STC is a part KK-Environment funded by the Knowledge Foundation. STC works closely to the research FSCN at Mid Sweden University.
STC Research Center operates in a region with a strong forest-based industry and a significant IT operations. The research keeps a high international standard, but also focus on issues that meet local and regional interests.
STC has a long-term partnership with the KK-Foundation on the basis of the strategic vision through research in materials technology and information technology contribute to a industrial transformation. A transformation fueled by a need for new products and business in the forestry industry and an opportunity for growth is through information technology. By linking these two industries, we create an industrial ecosystem with very exciting prospects, regionally and nationally, where the interaction with the innovation environments such as Fiber Optic Valley is important.