Popular Culture Tourism

PopCulTour is a research project that focuses on how value is created in popular (pop) culture tourism, i.e. tourism induced by for example film, television and literature. The research project employs both a destination and a consumer perspective and identifies pop culture.
We are a group of tourism researchers at Mid Sweden University’s European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR), Department of Service Management, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, Gothenburg University and Aalborg University.
We research the scope and content of pop culture tourism such as travels to film locations, places featured in literature, and fan events. We are also interested in the use of social media and its relation to the planning of tourism the wake of popular cultural phenomena in for example film, literature, television shows and music. In recent years we have focused on research on the international pop culture phenomena The Twilight Saga and ABBA.
On this site you will also be able to find latest news on our research. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Research on Popular Culture Tourism
We are a group of tourism researchers at Mid Sweden University’s European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR), Department of Service Management, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, Gothenburg University and Aalborg University.
We research the scope and content of pop culture tourism such as travels to film locations, places featured in literature, and fan events. We are also interested in the use of social media and its relation to the planning of tourism the wake of popular cultural phenomena in for example film, literature, television shows and music. In recent years we have focused on research on the international pop culture phenomena The Twilight Saga and ABBA.
Examples of publications that our research has resulted in are:
- Larson, M, Lundberg, C & Lexhagen, M. Thirsting for Vampire Tourism: Developing Pop Culture Destinations Submitted to Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. Accepted for publication.Lexhagen, M., Larson, M. & Lundberg, C. ”The Fan(g) Community: Social Media and Pop Culture Tourism”. In Gyimóthy, S. & Munar, A.M. (Eds). Tourism Social Media: A New Research Agenda. Emerald. Accepted. To be published in 2013.
- Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (2012) “Bitten by the Twilight Saga: From Pop Culture Consumer to Pop Culture Tourist" in Sharpley, R. & Stone, P. R. (Eds). The Contemporary Tourist Experience: Concepts and Consequences. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Lundberg, C., Lexhagen, M. & Mattsson, S. (2012). Twication™: The Twilight Saga Travel Experience. Jengel Förlag AB: Östersund.
- Lundberg, C., Lexhagen, M. & Mattsson, S. (2011). I populärkulturturismens spår: Twilight + Vacation = Twication©. Jengel Förlag AB: Östersund.
- Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (2010). The Popular Culture Tourism Service System: The Case of Twilight. Impresa Ambiente Management. Vol. 4, No. 3. pp. 439-458.
Our Research Featured in Media
Our research on pop culture has received extensive attention from media.
Research on ABBA tourism
ABBA The Museum, which is part of the Swedish Music Hall of Fame will open on May 7, 2013 in Stockholm Sweden.
- Part of our research on pop culture travels will this year focus on ABBA tourism due to the opening of ABBA The Museum, says Christine Lundberg.
A web survey is currently active for ABBA fans to participate in which measures fans’ involvement in ABBA, their fan related travels, and social media usage.
- A number of ABBA fan clubs around the world is helping us with the distribution of the survey. Some preliminary findings from the survey will be presented in time for the opening of the museum, says Christine Lundberg
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