Bengt Åkerström



Articles in journals

Åkerström, B. (2012). Self-reported health in people with mild intellectual disability : A pilot study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, vol. 56: 7-8, pp. 809-809.

Vadla, D. , Bozikov, J. , Åkerstrom, B. , Cheung, W. , Kovacic, L. , Masanovic, M. , Merilainen, S. , Mihel, S. & et al. (2011). Differences in healthcare service utilisation in elderly, registered in eight districts of five European countries. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 39: 3, pp. 272-279.

Marnetoft, S. , Selander, J. , Åkerström, B. , Asplund, R. & Dahl, A. (2007). A comparison of perceived health, attitudes to work, leisure time, and social welfare systems among people in a rural area in the north of Sweden and among people in the city of Stockholm. Work, vol. 28: 2, pp. 153-164.

Asplund, R. , Marnetoft, S. , Selander, J. & Åkerström, B. (2007). Place of residence as a correlate of sickness absence in Sweden. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, vol. 30: 2, pp. 147-151.

Asplund, R. , Marnetoft, S. , Selander, J. & Åkerström, B. (2005). Nocturia in relation to somatic health, mental health and pain in adult men and women. BJU International, vol. 95: 6, pp. 816-819.

Selander, J. , Marnetoft, S. , Åkerström, B. & Asplund, R. (2005). Locus of control and regional differences in sickness absence in Sweden.. Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 27: 16, pp. 925-928.

Asplund, R. , Marnetoft, S. , Selander, J. & Åkerström, B. (2005). Sleep in relation to sickness absence, unemployment and place of residence. Sleep and hypnosis, vol. 7: 1

Asplund, R. , Marnetoft, S. , Selander, J. & Åkerström, B. (2004). Sleep in relation to somatic health, mental health and pain. Sleep and Hypnosis, vol. 6: 4, pp. 148-154.

Chapters in books

Åkerström, B. & Nilsson, I. (2010). Parent´s views on the future for their diabled child and family. In Contemporary Issues in Intellectual Disabilities. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. pp. 247-254.

Åkerström, B. (2004). Studier av livsförlopp hos personer med autismspektrumstörningar. In Handikappforskning på tillväxt?. Stockholm : Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap.

Conference papers

Åkerström, B. & Nilsson, I. (2008). Parents' views on the future for their disabled child and the family : Meeting abstract. In JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH. (JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH). pp. 719--719.

Åkerström, B. (2005). Sickness absence and Perceived Health in Parents of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. .

Åkerström, B. (2005). The role of social networks as an explanatory factor regarding regional differences in sickness absence, physical and mental health and bodily pain in Sweden. .

Åkerström, B. & Nilsson, I. (2004). Societal support and perceived health in parents of children and adolescents with disabilities : Meeting Abstract. In JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH. Oxford : (JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH). pp. 383--383.

Åkerström, B. & Nilsson, I. (2003). Societal support and health in parents of children with autism spectrum disorders : Poster presented at the 7th International Congress Autism-Europe Lisboa 2003. .

Åkerström, B. & Nilsson, I. (2003). Upplevelse av hälsa och livskvalitet hos föräldrar till barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder : Föredrag vid Socialförsäkringsstämman 2003, Stockholm.. .

Åkerstrom, B. (2000). Adults with autism and mental retardation - A life-span perspective : Meeting abstract. In Journal of intellectual disability research, vol. 44 part 3-4. (Journal of intellectual disability research)

Doctoral theses, monographs

Åkerström, B. (2001). Adults with Autism and Mental Retardation : A Life- Span Perspective. Dis. Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2001 (Studia psychologica Upsaliensia : 20)


Åkerström, B. & Henriksson, G. (2008). Inventering av psykiskt funktionshindrade samt livskvalitetsundersökning i Jämtlands län 2005. Östersund : FoU Jämt (Rapport från FoU Jämt 2008: 8)

Åkerström, B. & Nilsson, I. (2004). Samhällsstödet till barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder och deras föräldrar i Jämtlands län. Östersund : FOU-Jämt, Mitthögskolan (FOU-Jämt 3)

Åkerström, B. & Westerdahl, G. (2003). Utvärdering av projektet Vårdknuten : Ett personal- och kompetensförsörjningsprojekt inom vård och omsorg i Jämtlands län. Östersund : FOU-Jämt