Practical knowledge through cooperation with a company


Wang Xu from China is a student at Mid Sweden University. He has just finished his Masters program in Electronics Design and now looking forward to his new job as an Engineer at the company SenseAir AB.

You recently presented your master's thesis “High Performance CO2 Measurement Based on Pressure Modulation”. What is it about?

The thesis work aims to solve two problems in the existing CO2 sensors, zero-signal drift and resolution improvement. In this project, we use a novel method, pressure modulation, to overcome the drawbacks, the zero-signal drift is eliminated by measuring IR signals at two pressure levels, and the resolution will be improved with pressure increment, generally the results are quite satisfactory!

How do you like study at the Mid Sweden University?

I would like to say I like the study here quite a lot. Our department works close to the industry field, so the offering courses are practical, and almost for all courses there’re relative labs to help students to understand the knowledge better. We have several professors and some PhD-students, well-appointed labs, clean room and a nice library which create a quite academic environment. For me, this is absolutely a perfect place to pursue my study!

Why did you choose to study here?

Actually I was an exchange student at first, and after studying here for some time I found that I have been enjoying the time here! Always nice people around, quite good study environment, characteristic architecture and most of all you’re quite free to do the things of interest. Well, it’s really hard to find an excuse to leave here!

What was the most fun during your education? And what was the hardest?

I think the most fun thing is to attend some student-held party. Normally at such a party you will have the chance to communicate with other students from different countries, and at the same time you can enjoy some nice food and beer. The hardest part for me is, of course, the language. I do have problem to buy food in super market, sometimes I even don’t know what the stuff is that I purchased. But luckily I have started to learn Swedish, things are becoming better and better.

What do you think about the project courses?

Fantastic! I would say. Normally the projects are in some unknown domains which make your study more as research. During the period you can exert your potential and creativity, combine with your knowledge to create a unique artwork. If you have the chance to cooperate with some company, you can learn more practical knowledge and skills. After the project, your knowledge will be enhanced and deepened and your view will be broadened. So generally, you will benefit a lot from such a course, and I’m one of the beneficiaries!

What are you going to do now (after your education)?

I will start to work as an engineer in thn Swedish company SenseAir AB in Delsbo. SenseAir is one of the world's largest producers CO2 sensors and I did my master thesis in cooperation with SenseAir!

About Wang Xu

Name: Wang Xu
Comes from: Beijing, China
Studied: International Master's Programme in Electronics Design
Campus: Sundsvall

More information:
International Master's Programme in Electronics Design (in English)
SenseAir AB