Jan Lisspers
Articles in journals Chapters in books Conference papers Reports
Articles in journals
Olsen, M. , Anderbro, T. , Amsberg, S. , Leksell, J. , Moberg, E. , Lisspers, J. , Gudbjörnsdottir, S. & Johansson, U. (2014). Psychometric Properties of the Swedish Version of the Fear of Complications Questionnaire. Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, vol. 04: 4, pp. 69-76.
Lisspers, J. , Almén, N. & Sundin, Ö. (2014). The Effects of a Recovery-Focused Program for Stress Management in Women — An Exploratory Study. Health, vol. 06: 20, pp. 2825-2836.
Perk, J. , Burell, G. , Carlsson, R. , Hambraeus, K. , Johansson, P. & Lisspers, J. (2014). Allvarliga brister i rådgivning till koronarsjuka patienter efter ballongvidgning patienter undervärderar levnadsvanors betydelse, visar enkätstudie. Läkartidningen, vol. 111: 42, pp. 1835
Carlsson, R. , Burell, G. , Hambraeus, K. , Johansson, P. , Lisspers, J. & Perk, J. (2012). The challenge of lifestyle counselling after percutaneous coronary intervention. European Heart Journal, vol. 33: Supp 1, pp. 560-560.
Hambraeus, K. , Burell, G. , Johansson, P. , Karlsson, R. , Lisspers, J. & Perk, J. (2012). Cardiac rehabilitation : demands from elderly patients after percutaneous coronary intervention. European Heart Journal, vol. 33: Supp 1, pp. 450-450.
Perk, J. , Burell, G. , Hambraeus, K. , Johansson, P. , Karlsson, R. & Lisspers, J. (2012). Harvesting the benefits of a cardioprotective lifestyle after coronary angioplasty. European Heart Journal, vol. 33: Supp 1, pp. 446-446.
Sundin, L. , Hochwälder, J. & Lisspers, J. (2011). A longitudinal examination of generic and occupational specific job demands, and work-related social support associated with burnout among nurses in Sweden. Work (Reading, Mass.), vol. 38: 4, pp. 389-400.
Laaksonen, M. , Ainegren, M. & Lisspers, J. (2011). Evidence of improved shooting precision in biathlon after 10-weeks of combined relaxation and specific shooting training. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, vol. 40: 4, pp. 237-250.
Anderbro, T. , Amsberg, S. , Adamsson, U. , Bolinder, J. , Lins, P. , Wredling, R. , Moberg, E. , Lisspers, J. & et al. (2010). Fear of hypoglycaemia in adults with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, vol. 27: 28, pp. 1151-1158.
Kallionen, M. , Bernhardsson, J. , Grohp, M. , Lisspers, J. & Sundin, Ö. (2010). Psykisk ohälsa ett stort problem hos primärvårdens patienter. Enkät besvarad av över 2000 patienter. Läkartidningen, vol. 107: 23, pp. 1545-1547.
Kalloinen, M. , Bernhardson, J. , Grohp, M. , Lisspers, J. & Sundin, Ö. (2010). Mental health a problem among primary care patients. A Questionnaire comprising more than 2000 patients.. Läkartidningen, vol. 107, pp. 1545-1547.
Amsberg, S. , Anderbro, T. , Wredling, R. , Lisspers, J. , Lins, P. , Adamson, U. & Johansson, U. (2009). A cognitive behavior therapy-based intervention among poorly controlled adult type 1 diabetes patients--a randomized controlled trial.. Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 77: 1, pp. 72-80.
Amsberg, S. , Anderbro, T. , Wredling, R. , Lisspers, J. , Lins, P. , Adamson, U. & Johansson, U. (2009). Experience from a behavioural medicine intervention among poorly controlled adult type 1 diabetes patients. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, vol. 84: 1, pp. 76-83.
Fredrikson, M. , Linton, S. J. , Lisspers, J. , Melin, L. , Sundin, Ö. , Öhman, A. , Öst, L. , Bohman, B. & et al. (2009). Regeringens storsatsning mot psykisk ohälsa äventyrar patientsäkerheten.. Läkartidningen, vol. 106, pp. 946-947.
Anderbro, T. , Amsberg, S. , Wredling, R. , Lins, P. , Adamsson, U. , Lisspers, J. & Johansson, U. (2008). Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the Hypoglycaemia Fear Survey. Patient Education & Counseling, vol. 73: 1, pp. 127-131.
Bergström, G. , Björklund, C. , Fried, I. , Lisspers, J. , Nathell, L. , Hermansson, U. , Helander, A. , Bodin, L. & et al. (2008). A comprehensive workplace intervention and its outcome with regard to lifestyle, health and sick leave: The AHA study.. Work, vol. 31: 2, pp. 167-180.
Sundin, L. , Hochwälder, J. , Bildt, C. & Lisspers, J. (2007). The relationship between different work-related sources of social support and burnout among registered and assistant nurses in Sweden : A questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, vol. 44: 5, pp. 758-769.
Söderman, E. , Lisspers, J. & Sundin, Ö. (2007). Impact of Depressive Mood on Lifestyle Changes in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, vol. 39: 5, pp. 412-417.
Sundin, L. , Bildt, C. , Lisspers, J. , Hochwälder, J. & Setterlind, S. (2006). Organisational factors, individual characteristics and social support : What determines the level of social support?. Work, vol. 27: 1, pp. 45-55.
Lisspers, J. , Sundin, Ö. , Öhman, A. , Hofman-Bang, C. , Rydén, L. & Nygren, Å. (2005). Long-term effects of lifestyle behavior change in coronary artery disease : Effects on recurrent coronary events after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Health Psychology, vol. 24: 1, pp. 41-48.
Lisspers, J. , Ståhl, K. & Almén, N. (2005). Livsstilsförändring vid kranskärlssjukdom, typ 2- diabetes och utmattningsproblem. Svensk Rehabilitering, vol. (4: 4, pp. 8-12.
Sundin, Ö. , Lisspers, J. , Hofman-Bang, C. , Nygren, Å. , Rydén, L. & Öhman, A. (2003). Comparing Multifactorial Lifestyle Interventions and Stress Management in Coronary Risk Reduction.. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 10: 3, pp. 191-204.
Hallman, T. , Thomsson, H. , Burell, G. , Lisspers, J. & Setterlind, S. (2003). Stress, Burnout and Coping : Differences between Women with Coronary Heart Disease and Healthy Matched Women. Journal of Health Psychology, vol. 8: 4, pp. 433-446.
Hallman, T. , Perski, A. , Burell, G. , Lisspers, J. & Setterlind, S. (2002). Perspectives on Differences in Perceived External Stress : A Study of Women and Men with Coronary Heart Disease. Stress and health, vol. 18: 3, pp. 105-118.
Söderman, E. , Lisspers, J. & Sundin, Ö. (2002). Depression as a predictor of return to work in patients with coronary artery disease.. Social Science & Medicine, vol. 56: 1, pp. 193-202.
Söderman, E. , Sundin, Ö. & Lisspers, J. (2002). Depression och livsstilsförändring vid rehabilitering av kranskärlspatienter. Svensk Rehabilitering, : 3, pp. 48-51.
Hallman, T. , Burell, G. , Setterlind, S. , odén, A. & Lisspers, J. (2001). Psychosocial risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD), their importance compared with other risk factors and gender differences in sensitivity. Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, vol. 8: 1, pp. 39-49.
Lisspers, J. (2001). Lära nytt : Rehabilitering och beteendeförändring. Svensk Rehabilitering, vol. 4: 1, pp. 36-41.
Lisspers, J. , Hofman-Bang, C. , Nordlander, R. , Rydén, L. , Sundin, Ö. , Öhman, A. & Nygren, Å. (1999). Multifactorial evaluation of a program for lifestyle behavior change in rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease. Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal, vol. 33: 1, pp. 9-16.
Hofman-Bang, C. , Lisspers, J. , Nordlander, R. , Nygren, Å. , Sundin, Ö. , Öhman, A. & Rydén, L. (1999). Two year results of a controlled study of a residential rehabilitation for patients treated with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty : A randomized study of a multifactorial programme. European Heart Journal, vol. 20: 20, pp. 1465-1474.
Lisspers, J. , Söderman, E. , Sundin, Ö. & Nygren, Å. (1999). The effects on and off depression : An Exploratory Study of Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention in Coronary Artery Disease. Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, vol. 28: 1, pp. 9-18.
Lisspers, J. , Sundin, Ö. , Hofman-Bang, C. , Nordlander, R. , Nygren, Å. , Rydén, L. & Öhman, A. (1999). Behavioral effects of a comprehensive, multifactorial program for lifestyle change after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty : A prospective, randomized, controlled study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, vol. 46: 2, pp. 143-154.
Lisspers, J. , Nygren, Å. & Söderman, E. (1998). Psychological Patterns in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease, Chronic Pain and Respiratory Disorder. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, vol. 12: 1, pp. 25-31.
Söderman, E. & Lisspers, J. (1997). Diagnosing depression in patients with physical diseases using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). . Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, vol. 26: 3, pp. 102-112.
Lisspers, J. , Nygren, A. & Söderman, E. (1997). Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) : some psychometric data for a Swedish sample. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, vol. 96: 4, pp. 281-286.
Lisspers, J. & Öhman, A. (1996). Livsstilsförändring på livstid: En 'beteendefokuserad' modell för eftervård vid kranskärlssjukdom [Life-long life style changes. A model of self care in coronary heart disease focused on behavior]. Läkartidningen, vol. 93: 15, pp. 1453-1458.
Lisspers, J. , Öhman, A. & Nygren, Å. (1996). Rehabilitering och sekundärprevention vid kranskärlssjukdom: Praktisk tillämpning och preliminära erfarenheter av en "beteendefokuserad" modell. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, vol. 73, pp. 191-196.
Lisspers, J. , Öst, L. & Skagerberg, B. (1992). Clinical effects of biofeedback treatment in migraine: The relation to achieved self-control and pretreatment predictors. Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, vol. 21: 4, pp. 171-190.
Lisspers, J. & Nygren, Å. (1992). Livsstilsförändring som rehabilitering vid kranskärlssjukdom. VÅRD - utbildning, utvärdering, forskning, vol. 1, pp. 23-28.
Lisspers, J. & Öst, L. (1990). Long-term follow-up of migraine treatment: Do the effects remain up to six years?. Behaviour Research and Therapy, vol. 28, pp. 313-322.
Lisspers, J. & Öst, L. (1990). BVP-biofeedback in the treatment of migraine: The effects of constriction and dilatation during different phases of the migraine attack. Behavior modification, vol. 14: 2, pp. 200-221.
Perk, J. , Hambraeus, K. , Burell, G. , Carlsson, R. , Johansson, P. & Lisspers, J. (). Study of Patient Information after percutaneous Coronary Intervention (SPICI) : should prevention programmes become more effective?. EuroIntervention,
Chapters in books
Arnetz, B. , Frenzel, L. , Åkerstedt, T. & Lisspers, J. (2008). The Brief Fatigue Syndrome Scale: Validation and Utilization in Fatigue Recovery Studies.. In Fatigue Science for Human Health. Tokyo : Springer-Verlag Tokyo Inc..
Lisspers, J. & Sundin, Ö. (2007). Behavior change interventions in coronary artery disease: Reversing or retarding artherosclerotic disease. In Best Practices in the Behavioral Management of Chronic Disease II. Los Altos, Calif. : Institute for Brain Potentia.
Lisspers, J. & Schill, U. (2004). Lisstilsförändring vid primärprevention och rehabilitering av kranskärlssjukdom. In Den hälsosamma arbetsplatsen : från analys till åtgärd. Karlstad : Stress Management Center. pp. 384-.
Lisspers, J. (2004). Forskning kring SMC-profilerna vid Mitthögskolan Östersund. In Den hälsosamma arbetsplatsen : från analys till åtgärd. Karlstad : Stress Management Center. pp. 384-.
Lisspers, J. (2002). Livsstilsförändring vid kranskärlssjukdom - grunden för en effektiv rehabilitering och sekundärprevention.. In Handlingsplan för ökad hälsa i arbetslivet : Del II, bilagor. Stockholm : Fritzes (Statens offentliga utredningar). pp. 427-440.
Conference papers
Laaksonen, M. , Ainegren, M. & Lisspers, J. (2009). Effects of combined relaxation and shooting training on shooting performance in biathlon. In Effects of combined relaxation and shooting training on shooting performance in biathlon.
Bergström, G. , Björklund, C. , Lisspers, J. , Nathell, L. , Hermansson, U. , Fried, I. , Helander, A. , Bodin, L. & et al. (2006). Work and health in the processing and engineering industries [abstract]. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. (EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH). pp. 57--58.
Jensen, I. , Bergström, G. , Björklund, C. , Fried, I. , Lisspers, J. , Nathell, L. , Hermansson, U. , Roos, P. & et al. (2006). The AHA-study: Implementing evidence based measueres for retaining workability at work sites : Effects on lifestyle, workability and firm productivity. 9th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. Bangkok, Thailand, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2006. .
Boethius, G. , Landahl, M. , Lisspers, J. & Weimer, K. (2006). Operation tobacco-free : Offering pre-operative tobacco cessation support to patients a in county-scale projekt - Feasibility aspects. In The 13th World Conference on Tobacco and Health : July 12-15, 2006, Washington, DC.
Ståhl, K. & Lisspers, J. (2005). Livsstil och diabetes : Effekter av en intensivt 'beteendefokuserad' intervention på livsstilsförändring, samt indikatorer på metabolt syndrom och typ 2 diabetes. In 6. Nordiske kongress i preventiv kardiologi og hjerterehabilitering”, 16-18 juni, 2005. Tönsberg, Norway.
Lisspers, J. , Ståhl, K. & Setterlind, S. (2005). Effekter av ett beteendefokuserat stress- och livsstilsprogram i primärprevention av livsstilsrelaterad ohälsa - en kvasiexperimentell utvärdering : Presented at "6. Nordiske kongress i preventiv kardiologi og hjerterehabilitering", June 2005, Tönsberg, Norway.. .
Lisspers, J. , Ståhl, K. & Setterlind, S. (2005). The effects of a behaviorally oriented stress- and lifestyle change program in primary prevention of lifestyle related illness - a quasi-experimental study. .
Lisspers, J. , Ståhl, K. , Almén, N. & Schill, U. (2005). Light the fire again : Preliminary results on the effects of a lifestyle behavior change intervention model in the treatment and rehabilitation of stress related exhaustion (’burnout’) problems. In International Developments in Rehabilitation to Work.
Lisspers, J. & Almén, N. (2005). "Utbrändhet" som livsstils- och beteendeproblem: Preliminära resultat av ett beteendefokuserat stress- och livsstilsprogram. : Presented at "6. Nordiske kongress i preventiv kardiologi og hjerterehabilitering", June 2005, Tönsberg, Norway.. .
Ståhl, K. & Lisspers, J. (2005). Livsstil och diabetes : Presenterad vid Läkarstämman, November 2005, Stockholm.. .
Lisspers, J. , Ståhl, K. & Setterlind, S. (2004). Evaluation of behaviorally oriented stress- and lifestyle change program for primary prevention of coronary heart disease : The Eighth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine", 25-28 August 2004, Mainz, Germany. .
Lisspers, J. & Setterlind, S. (2004). Trying to understand the sick leave epidemic in Sweden: Changes in job strain and stress reactions during the nineties : The Eighth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 25-28 August 2004, Mainz, Germany. .
Lisspers, J. (2003). Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention: The effects of lifestyle behaviour change on the progression of CAD and the long-term recurrence risk - and on the effects on and of depression.. In Heart and Mind: The role of stress in Coronary Artery Disease. Maastricht, The Netherlands, January 2003..
Lisspers, J. (2003). Hur motiverar vi människor att ändra beteende? : Livsstils och hälsa - 9e nationella konferensen för nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus, Östersund, Okt-2003. .
Lisspers, J. (2002). Beteendeförändring - det viktiga vid hjärtrehabilitering. : Svenskt Kardiovaskulärt vårmöte, Malmö, April 2002 (Inbjudet föredrag).. .
Lisspers, J. , Sundin, Ö. , Hofman-Bang, C. , Rydén, L. , Nygren, Å. & Öhman, A. (2002). Long-term effects of lifestyle behaviour change intervention after PTCA: Effects on lifestyle, progression of CAD, and on cardiac events. : The VI Nordic Congress on Cardiac Rehabilitation, June 14th-16th 2002, Reykjavik, Iceland.. .
Lisspers, J. , Sundin, Ö. , Hofman Bang, C. , Rydén, L. , Nygren, Å. & Öhman, A. (2001). Long-term effects of lifestyle behaviour change after PTCA: Effects on the progression of CAD and on cardiac events. : European Society of Cardiology (ESC) XXIII Congress, Stockholm, sept, 2001.. .
Nilsson, A. , Sundin, L. , Lisspers, J. , Setterlind, S. , Hemmingsson, A. , Fostervold, K. I. & Endestad, T. (2000). Manliga och kvinnliga småföretagares arbets- och livssituation utifrån ett stressperspektiv. In Ved Inngangen till Cyberspace - Ergonomisk tenkning inn i et nytt årtusen : Proceedings fra Nordiska Ergonomisalskapets Årskonferanse, 2000.
Setterlind, S. & Lisspers, J. (2000). Changes in job strain and stress reactions during the nineties: Gender differences. : Sixth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Queensland, Australia 15-18, November 2000.. .
Lisspers, J. (2000). Modifying Life Style Factors : EU WorkLife 2000 workshop (inför Sveriges ordförandeskap i EU): Prevention of Heart Diseases, Bryssel, Juli 2000 (Inbjudet föredrag).. .
Lisspers, J. , Öhman, A. & Nygren, Å. (1999). Livsstilsförändring hos hjärtsjuka ur LO-kollektivet - Ett-års resultat av en prospektiv, randomiserad utvärderingsstudie : 5:e Nordiska kongressen i hjärtrehabilitering, Skellefteå, juni 1999. .
Söderman, E. & Lisspers, J. (1999). Effekter av ett beteendeorienterat hjärtrehabiliteringsprogram på depression : 5:e Nordiska Kongressen i Hjärtrehabilitering, Skellefteå, juni 1999.. .
Lisspers, J. , Ståhl, K. & Arnetz, B. (2005). Stress, stressreduktion och risk för hjärtsjukdom.
Arnetz, B. , Frenzel, L. , Åkerstedt, T. , Söderström, M. , Ståhl, K. & Lisspers, J. (2005). Stress och återhämtning. : En prospektiv psykofysiologisk interventionsstudie.
Boëthius, G. , Lisspers, J. & Weimer, K. (2005). Operation Tobaksfri : Avvänjningsstöd till patienter som ska genomgå operation. Folkhälsoinstitutet
Lisspers, J. & Söderman, E. (1998). Tobaksinformation på CD-rom : påverkan av ungdomars attityder till tobak och förändring av tobaksvanor. Östersund : Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Mitthögskolan 1998:2)