Dimitri Ioannides
Kandidatexamen i geografi (University of Nottingham); Masterexamen i miljöplanering (University of Nottingham); Doktorsexamen i stadsplanering och utvecklingspolitik (Rutgers University).
Turism och geografi, turismens ekonomiska geografi, turism och hållbar utveckling, turism på öar och i perifera områden.
Pågående forskning
Turism i nyliberala miljöer, turism och resiliensteori, turismarbetare (rättviseaspekten av hållbara områden).
Ekonomisk geografi, turismplanering, turismvetenskaplig teori och metod, turismvetenskap och forskning m.m.
Ibland undervisar jag också i kurser med olika teman på forskarnivå – bland annat samhällsteori, vetenskapligt skrivande, turismresurser, m.fl.
Artiklar i tidskrifter Artiklar, recensioner Böcker Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier Konferensbidrag Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Ioannides, D. , Halkier, H. & Lew, A. (2014). Special Issue introduction : Evolutionary economic geography and the economies of tourism destinations. Tourism Geographies, vol. 16: 4, ss. 535-539.
Brouder, P. & Ioannides, D. (2014). Urban Tourism and Evolutionary Economic Geography : Complexity and Co-evolution in Contested Spaces. Urban Forum, vol. 25: 4, ss. 419-430.
Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2012). Conducting creativity in the periphery of Sweden : A bottom-up path towards territorial cohesion. Creative Industries Journal, vol. 5: 1&2, ss. 119-137.
Zampoukos, K. & Ioannides, D. (2011). The Tourism Labour Conundrum : Agenda for New Research in the Geography of Hospitality Workers. Hospitality and Society, vol. 1: 1
Ioannides, D. , Nielsen, P. Å. & Billing, P. (2006). Transboundary Collaboration in Tourism : The case of the Bothnian Arc. Tourism Geographies, vol. 8: 2, ss. 122-142.
Ioannides, D. (2006). Editorial: Tourism in Borderlands. Tourism Geographies, : 2, ss. 99-101.
Ioannides, D. (2006). Commentary: The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry: Ten Years of Progress in Research and an Agenda for the Future. Tourism Geographies,
Ioannides, D. & Holcomb, B. (2003). Misguided policy initiatives in small-island destinations : Why do up-market tourism policies fail. Tourism Geographies, vol. 5: 1, ss. 39-48.
Ioannides, D. & Petersen, T. (2003). Tourism "non-entrepreneurship" in peripheral destinations : A case sudy of small and medium tourism enterprises on Bornholm, Denmark. Tourism Geographies, vol. 5: 4, ss. 408-435.
Ioannides, D. & Ioannides, M. C. (2002). “Pilgrimages of Nostalgia: Patterns of Jewish Travel in the US.”. Tourism recreation research, vol. 27: 2, ss. 17-25.
Ioannides, D. & Petersen, T. (2001). Challenges for tourism development within a restrictive planning environment : The case of a "cold water destination". Tourism, vol. 49: 4
Artiklar, recensioner
Ioannides, D. (2010). A review of 'Tourism and Innovation' (by C. Michael Hall and Allan Williams). Tourism Geographies, vol. 12: 4, ss. 571-575.
Ioannides, D. & Timothy, D. (2010). Tourism in the USA : A spatial and social synthesis. Routledge
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Ioannides, D. (2015). City Planners as Political Entrepreneurs : Do they exist; Can they exist?. I Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Undesrtanding Political Entrepreneurship. Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate (The Ashgate Plus Series in International Relations and Politics). S. 43-54.
Ioannides, D. (2015). Archipelagic Tourism : Synthesis and Reflections. I Archipelago Tourism : Policies and Practices. Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate (New Directions in Tourism Analysis). S. 241-248.
Ioannides, D. & Debbage, K. (2014). Economic geographies of tourism revisited : From theory to practice. I The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell.
Zampoukos, K. & Ioannides, D. (2014). Making difference within the hotel : labour mobility and the internationalization of reproductive work. I A Hospitable World? : Organising Work and Workers in Hotels and Tourist Resorts. London : Routledge. S. 11-26.
Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2013). Creative serendipity : when art and public entrepreneurship revitalize a downtown. I Regioner, regionalism och entreprenörskap. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden Unversity. S. 120-138.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2012). Tourism workers and the equity dimension of sustainability. I Tourism Enterprises and the Sustainability Agenda across Europe. Ashgate (New Directions in Tourism Analysis).
Ioannides, D. & Debbage, K. (2011). The economy of tourism spaces : A multiplicity of "critical turns". I New Perspectives in Tourism Geographies : Space, place and tourism. London : Routledge.
Ioannides, D. (2008). Hypothesizing the Shifting Mosaic of Attitudes through time : A Dynamic Framework for Sustainable Tourism Development on a ‘Mediterranean Isle’. I Tourism , Recreation and Sustainability, 2nd Edition : Linking Culture and the Environment. Wallingford, Ox. UK : CABI Publishing.
Ioannides, M. & Ioannides, D. (2006). Global Jewish tourism : Pilgrimages and remembrance. I Tourism, religion and spiritual journeys. London : Routledge. S. 156-171.
Ioannides, D. & Petridou Daughtrey, E. (2006). Competition in the travel distribution system: the US travel sector.. I Corporate Rivalry and Market Power. London : I.B. Tauris. S. 124-142.
Ioannides, D. (2005). Re-engineering estaqblished products and destinations. I Tourism Business Frontiers : Consumers, Products and industry. Butterworth-Heinemann. S. 77-84.
Debbage, K. & Ioannides, D. (2004). The cultural turn : Towards a more critical economic geography of tourism. I A Companion to Tourism. Oxford : Blackwell Publishing.
Ioannides, D. & Ioannides, M. C. (2004). Jewish past as a foreign country: : The travel experiences of american jews. I Tourism, diasporas and space : Travels to promised lands. London : Routledge.
Ioannides, D. (2002). Tourism and economics in host communities. I Tourism and host communities. London : CABI Publishing. S. 37-54.
Fuchs, M. , Ioannides, D. & Fredman, P. (2012). Development and Implementation of a Post-Graduate Programme in Tourism Studies : A Swedish Experience-Based Report. .
Wall Reinius, S. , Ioannides, D. & Zampoukos, K. (2011). The trend towards all-inclusive and other pre-planned tourist destinations: Does geography matter?. I IV Critical Tourism Studies Conference. Cardiff :
Ioannides, D. (2008). Towards a new framework for modeling the regional impact of experiences. .
Ioannides, D. (2008). The creation of leisure utopias : A new era in city building. .
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Ioannides, D. (ed.) , Apostolopoulos, Y. (ed.) & Sönmez, S. F. (ed.) (2001). Mediterranean islands and sustainable tourism development : Practices, management and policies. London : Continuum (Island studies series )
Ioannides, D. (ed.) & Debbage, K. G. (ed.) (1998). The economic geography of the tourist industry. London : Routledge