Keynote Speakers
Ursula Heise (UCLA): The Anthropocene and the Reimagination of the City
Richard Kerridge (Bath Spa University): Material Ecocriticism and the New Nature Writing
Mark Luccarelli (University of Oslo): Across Borders: The Limits of Environmental Convergence and the Role of the Environmental Humanities
Kari Norgaard (University of Oregon): Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life
Gísli Pálsson (University of Iceland): Housekeeping, Oikos, and the Anthropocene
Sophia Perdikaris (City Universirty of New York): “The Sea Will Rise, Barbuda Will Survive”: The Role of Time and Context in Environmental Consciousness in the Anthropocene
Þorvarður Árnason (University of Iceland): Natural Aesthetics of Þórbergur Þórðarson and Johannes Sveinsson Kjarval
Hannes Bergthaller (National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan): On Ruins and the Laws of Nature: Volney, Marsh, and Liberal Ecology
Maths Bertell (Mid Sweden University): Conversions to Christianity in the Nordic Countries from an Ecological Perspective: The Change of Values and the Relationship between Humans, the Landscape and its Resources
Werner Bigell (University of Tromsø): The Universal Language of Eco-globalism
Anders Birgersson (Zoopeople Media Arts Collective): Bifrost 1.0: Developing the Environmental Humanities
Astrid Bracke (University of Amsterdam): Fire and Ice: Narrating the Anthropocene in Post-Millennial British Fiction
Inga Carlman (Mid Sweden University): Social Scientists and the Strong Sustainability Perspective
Michaela Castellanos (Mid Sweden University): Marine Parks as Risky Business: Negotiations of Anthropological Difference in Contemporary US Activist Documentaries
Lena Christensen (Lund University): The Socio-ecological Dimensions of the Anthropocene: A Reading of Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behavior
Peter Degerman (Mid Sweden University): The Word and the World – The Material Ecopoetics of David Vikgren
Maria Elevant (Stockholm University): Narrating the Anthropocene in Oryx and Crake
David Farrier (University of Edinburgh): Animal Detectives and ‘Anthropocene Noir’ in Chloe Hooper’s A Child’s Book of True Crime
Eva Friman (SWEDESD, Uppsala University): Education for Sustainable Development
Morgan Fröling (Mid Sweden University): To Really Do What We Know We Need to Do – Can Humanities Help where Natural Science and Engineering Have Reached the End of the Road?
Erik Grönlund (Mid Sweden University): Different Perceptions of the Relation Man vs. Nature Viewed by Different Applications of the Ecosystem Concept
Ashleigh Harris (Uppsala University): Mutation and the African Present: Lauren Beukes’s Moxyland (2008) and Nnedi Okorafor’s Lagoon (2014)
Steven Hartman (Mid Sweden University): The Environmental Humanities as an Educational Project, Bifrost 1.0: Developing the Environmental Humanities
Reinhard Hennig (Mid Sweden University): No Future and no Past? How the Anthropocene Changes Environmentalist Narratives
Dominic Hinde (University of Edinburgh): Building Common, Local Futures: Establishing a Normative Ethics of Ecomodernity
Mae Kilker (University of Notre Dame): Environmental Memory of the Fens: Lived Experience and Intertextuality at Crowland Abbey
C. Parker Krieg (University of Oregon): Environmental Memory and Historiographic Metafiction: William Vollmann Writes North America
Ursula Lang (University of Minnesota): Environmental Consciousness in and through Everyday Embodied Affects
Jörgen Magnusson (Mid Sweden University): New Light on the Historical Jesus in View of Environmental Consciousness
Nuno Marques (Mid Sweden University): Building a Dojo in California: Gary Snyder‘s Syncretic Place
Peter Mortensen (Aarhus University): Greening Happiness East and West
Peter Norrman (Zoopeople Media Arts Collective): Bifrost 1.0: Developing the Environmental Humanities
John Parham (University of Worchester): A Transnational Romance: Eco-Cosmopolitanism, Anime, Romantic Narrative
Adriana Méndez Rodenas (University of Iowa): On the Trail with Humboldt: Mapping the Orinoco as Transnational Space
Torbjörn Skytt (Mid Sweden University): What Is It Like to Be a Tree?
Heather Sullivan (Trinity University): The Dark Pastoral: Material Ecocriticism in the Anthropocene
Margaret Tedford (University of Belfast): Dominion and Caretaking: Unpacking Environmental Consciousness in Some Old English Saints‘ Lives
Masami Yuki (Kanazawa University, Japan): Organic Food Movement, Locavorism, and Transnational Food Consciousness
Symposium Organizers -- Mid Sweden University
Steven Hartman, Professor of English & Chair of NIES/Coordinator of ECOHUM
Anders Olsson, Docent in English
Reinhard Hennig, Research Assistant in Environmental Humanities, ECOHUM
Michaela Castellanos, Doctoral Candidate in English
Christian Hummelsund Voie, Doctoral Candidate in English
Nuno Marques, Doctoral Candidate in English