Publikationer 2009

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Damber, Ulla (2009). Reading, schooling,and future time perspective : A small-scale study of five academicallysuccessful young Swedes. International Journal of Learning, vol. 16: 1,pp. 234-248.


Björkman, Conny & Olofsson, Anders(2009). Qualitative Descriptions of Pre-conditions for Capacity-building inSchools. International Studies in Educational Administration, vol. 37:2, pp. 25-40.


Höög, Jonas, Johansson, Olof &Olofsson, Anders (2009). Swedish Successful schools revisited. Journal ofEducational Administration, vol. 47: 6, pp. 742-752.


Lindberg, J Ola & Gu, Limin (2009). ICT and Teacher Professional Development : Four Swedish Cases andthe Theoretical Framework. Distance Education Journal, : 3, pp. 24-27.


Gu, Limin & Lindberg, Ola (2009).Technology Enhanced Teacher Professional Development in Sweden -policies, literature and recent initiatives. Distance Education Journal, :4


Fredriksson, Ulf, Holzer, Thomas ,McCluskey-Cavin, Huguette & Taube, Karin (2009). Strengths and weaknessesin the Swedish and Swiss education systems : A comparative analysis based onPISA data. European Educational Research Journal (online), vol. 8: 1,pp. 54-68.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Eklund, Monica & Taube,Karin (2009). Reading and education for students ofimmigrant origin in some Swedish municipalities. US-China Education Review, vol.6: 11, pp. 17-32.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Gajek, Elzbieta &Jedeskog, Gunilla (2009). Ways to use ICT in schools tooptimize the impact on teaching and learning. Acta Didactica Napocensia, vol.2: 4, pp. 20-32.


Snyder, Kristen (2009). II nuovo compito dei leader : A new task forschool leaders. Dirigenti scuola, : 3, pp. 86-90.


Sträng, Monica & Åberg-Bengtsson, Lisbeth(2009). From the mountain and then? : Five-year-oldsvisiting the 'Way of the water' exhibition at a science centre.International Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 41: 1, pp. 13-31.


Ivarson Jansson, Ewa, Augusén, Harriet ,Frykland, Marie & Cooper, Karen (2009). More LikeReal Life - Motivitational Methods of Teaching in Upper Secendary School. USChina Education Review, vol. 6: 11(Serial no.60), pp. 46-56.


Grek, Sotiria, Lawn, Martin , Lingard, Bob ,Ozga, Jenny , Rinne, Risto , Segerholm, Christina & Simola, Hannu (2009). National policy brokering and the construction of the EuropeanEducation Space in England, Sweden, Finland and Scotland. ComparativeEducation, vol. 45: 1, pp. 5-21.


Åberg-Bengtsson, Lisbeth (2009). Thesmaller the better? : A review of research on small rural schools in Sweden.International Journal of Educational Research, vol. 48: 2, pp. 100-108.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Holzer, Thomas ,McCluskey-Cavin, Huguette & Taube, Karin (2009). Strengths and Weaknessesin the Swedish and Swiss Education Systems: a comparative analysis based onPISA data. European Educational Research Journal (online), vol. 8: 1,pp. 54-68.


Damber, Ulla (2009). Using inclusion, highdemands and high expectations to resist the deficit syndrome : A study of eightGrade three classes overachieving in reading. Literacy, vol. 43: 1, pp.43-49.


Segerholm, Christina (2009). "We aredoing well on QAE" : The case of Sweden. Journal of education policy, vol.24: 2, pp. 195-209.



Lindberg, J Ola (2009). Preface. In OnlineLearning Communities and Teacher Professional Development : Methods forImproved Education Delivery. Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference.pp. xvii-xxv.


Fredriksson, Ulf (2009). Interim reportfrom the ELFE 2 study visits in Slovenia, Poland and Latvia: analysis ofpractices and experiences in schools and Teacher Education Institutions. In Reporton the ELFE 2 Regional Seminar, Riga, 12-13 March 2009. Brussels : ETUCE -European Trade Union Committee for Education. pp. 9-10.


Lidström, Anders & Bostedt, Göran (2009).Kommunerna och medborgarna. In Kan norra Sverige regionaliseras? :Beslutsprocesser och medborgarperspektiv. Umeå : Umeå universitet.Statsvetenskapliga institutionen. pp. 153-162.


Karlsson, Håkan (2009). Utbildning i, om ochför entreprenörskap : Fallstudier i gymnasieskolan. In Entreprenörskapsutbildningi skola och samhälle : Formering av en ny pedagogisk identitet?. Härnösand: Mittuniversitetet Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap(Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier). pp. 81-110.


Olofsson, Anders (2009). Entreprenörskap somlokal skol- och samhällsförändring. In Entreprenörskapsutbildning i skolaoch samhälle : Formering av en ny pedagogisk identitet?. Härnösand :Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier). pp. 16-40.


Samlingsvolymer (redaktörer)


Lindberg, J Ola (ed.) &Olofsson, Anders D (ed.) (2009). Online Learning Communitiesand Teacher Professional Development : Methods for Improved Education Delivery.IGI Global


Olofsson, Anders (red.) (2009).Entreprenörskapsutbildning i skola och samhälle : Formering av en ny pedagogiskidentitet? Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 1)



Jaldemark, Jimmy (2009). "Rethinking the conceptualizationof online education." In Readings in Technology and Education : Proceedingof ICICTE 2009. Abbotsford, BC, Canada : University ofFraser Valley.


Lindberg, J. Ola (2009). "Knowing about ICTin education : Redefining digital competence for teachers?" In Readings inTechnology and Education : Proceedings of ICICTE 2009. Fraser Valley : pp.268--277.


Lindberg, J. Ola & Gu, Limin (2009). "Technologyenhanced teacher professional development: Four cases in Sweden for teachers'professional development and the use of ICT." In Readings in Technology andEducation : Proceedings of ICICTE 2009. Fraser Valley : pp. 35--43.


Gu, Limin & Lindberg, J. Ola (2009). "ImplementingICT in education : More than building the infrastructure?" In Readingsin Technology and Education : Proceedings of ICICTE 2009. pp. 44--55.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Eklund, Monica &Taube, Karin (2009). "Reading, reading habits, reading interest, well-being inschool and perspectives on the future among 8th grade students in a Swedishmunicipality." Paper presented at the 37th Congressof the Nordic Educational Research Association, Trondheim, March, 2009.


Fredriksson, Ulf, Gajek,Elżbieta & Jedeskog, Gunilla (2009). "Methodologies to optimize theimpact of ICT on teaching and learning." Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Vienna,September, 2009.


Fredriksson, Ulf (2009). "Teacher Certificationand Selection in Sweden." Paper presented at OECDWorkshop: International Perspectives on Teacher Certification and SelectionMechanisms in Mexico City, 9 July 2009.


Fredriksson, Ulf (2009). "TeacherEvaluation in Sweden." Paper presented at OECDWorkshop : Towards a Teacher Evaluation Framework in Mexico: InternationalPractices, Criteria and Mechanisms,1 - 2 December 2009, Mexico City.


Snyder, Kristen (2009)." Living otherbecoming me: is it "lagom" yet?" R.A.W EventIII Forms of Writing Emotions and Memories: Dilemmas and Emancipatory Practices.


Hult, Agneta, Olofsson, Anders , Liljeström, Monica& Grape, Monika (2009). "Peer assessment/review i online- ochdistansutbildningar." Paper presenterat vid Pedagogisk bedömningfrån förskola till högskola: lokalt, nationellt och internationellt. Andraårliga FoU-konferensen 2009. Nationella forskarskolan i Pedagogisk bedömning.In Andra årliga FoU-konferensen 2009. Nationellaforskarskolan i Pedagogisk bedömning.


Hansson, Anneli (2009). "Three years fromthe top - The beginning of a professional, expanding learning journey?" Paperpresented at the European conference of Educational Research, 2009.


Orving, Karin (2009). "Flexible learningenvironment - A pedagogical model for student success." Paper presentedat the EDEN 2009 Annual Conference, Gdansk 10-13 June.


Orving, Karin (2009). "Flexible learningenvironment - A pedagogical model for student success." Paper presentedat the 22nd International Conference on TheFirst-Year-Experience", Montréal July 20-23,2009, Hosted byNational Resource Center, University of South Carolina.


Segerholm, Christina & Nilsson, Ingrid(2009). "Education researchers as policy makers - An exploration of a fewSwedish examples." Paper presented at the ECER-conference 28-30 September inWienna.



Fredriksson, Ulf & Gajek, Elżbieta(2009). Final report from the ELFE2 study visits in Denmark, Latvia, Poland,Slovenia, UK: analysis of practices and experiences in schools and TeacherEducation Institutions. Brussels : ETUCE.