On Wednesday, December 21th, the research group in Informatics at Campus Östersund had a Book lip on Professor Stig C Holmberg. Stig is now retired and the book has been preceded by a lot of "hush-hush" so Viveca Asproth, who is the editor of the book, had her hands full until the last minute.
The book, or as this kind og bokks often are called –festschrift – after the German model, is called "Challenges for the Future in an ICT Context". It consists of 12 contributions from colleagues and researchers - both in Sweden and internationally. Thr Book lip was held in the "Q House" where we celibrated with sparkling cider, coffe and cake. i
To get hold of the book, get in touch with any of the librarys of Mid Sweden University in Östersund, Sundsvall or Härnösand, or to Viveca Asproth.
/ Christina Amcoff Nyström