Anna Gudmundsson
Bachelor in Business Administration.
Area of interest
Research interests are seasonality and job satisfaction and work motivation among employees in the tourism sector.
Teaching and tutoring
Teaching includes courses in Tourism Studies, Business Administration, Human Geography at Mid Sweden University. I have also been teaching at the School of Economics and Commercial Law at Gothenburg University.
Articles in journals Conference papers Reports
Articles in journals
Lundberg, C. , Gudmundson, A. & Andersson, T. (2009). Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Work Motivation Tested Empirically on Seasonal Workers in Hospitality and Tourism. Tourism management, vol. 30: 6, pp. 890-899.
Conference papers
Gudmundsson, A. , Lundberg, C. & Andersson, T. (2001). Work motivation of seasonal employees - A study of a Swedish ski-resort. In North - South : contrasts and connections in global tourism : : proceedings of 7th ATLAS International Conference. [Savonlinna] : (Discussion and working papers series / Finnish University Network for Tourism Studies). pp. 398-
Gudmundson, A. & Lexhagen, M. (2003). Intäktsstyrning och prissättning på säsongsberoende hotell. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2003:1) (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute )
Gudmundson, A. & Lexhagen, M. (2003). Relationsmarknadsföring och teknologi i tjänsteföretag : Intern marknadsföring en förutättning?. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2003:4)
Gudmundson, A. & Lundberg, C. (2001). "State-of-the-Art" inom Relationsmarknadsföring : Ett marknadsföringsperspektiv om relationernas betydelse. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2001:5)
Gudmundson, A. & Lundberg, C. (2001). The Lives and Attitudes of Employees in Tourism : A study of seasonal workers in a Swedish ski-resort. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2001:6)
Gudmundsson, A. & Lundberg, C. (2001). Internal marketing : A way of improving service quality. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2001:7)
Lundberg, C. , Fredman, P. , Junger, E. , Gudmundsson, A. & Emmelin, L. (2000). Tyskar i fjällen : Resultat från en fältundersökning i Femundsmarka, Rogen och Långfjället. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2000:3)
Gudmundson, A. , Lundberg, C. & Andersson, T. (2000). The Nature of Work Motivation : Herzberg´s Two-Factor Theory Applied to Seasonal Workers in a Swedish Ski-Resort. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2000:10)
Vuorio, T. , Emmelin, L. , Göransson, S. & Gudmundsson, A. (2000). Besöksmönstret i Södra Jämtlandsfjällen sommaren 1999. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2000:7)