Doctoral and Licentiate Thesis

Enberg, Sofia; "Storage of Hydrogen Peroxide Bleached Mechanical Pulp; Reduction in Reflectance over the Visible Spectrum", Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis 2014
Wallin, E. (2014). The Scents of Nature: Identification and Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds Used in Insect Communication. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis 200)
Osong, Henshaw, Sinke; "Mechanical Pulp Based Nano-ligno-cellulose: Production, Characterisation and their Effect on Paper Properties", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2014)
Svanedal, Ida; "Fundamental Characterization and Technical Aspects of a Chelating Surfactant", Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis (2014
Åslund, Pär; "On failure mechanisms and strength predictions in corrugated board structures", Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis (2014)
He, J. (2014). Gasification-based Biorefinery for Mechanical Pulp Mills. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis 188)
Zasadowski, D. (2014). Selective Separation Of Wood Components In Internal Process Waters Originating From Mechanical Pulping. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis 184)
Göransson, K. (2014). Internal Tar/CH4 Reforming in Biomass Dual Fluidised Bed Gasifiers towards Fuel Synthesis. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis 187)
Andres, B. (2014). Paper-based Supercapacitors. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis 112)
Boija, Susanne; "On Metal Ion Chelates and Conditional Stability Constant Determination: Method Development and Selective Ion Flotation of Chelating Surfactants", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2014)
Walter, Karin; The use of Fenton Chemistry for Reducing the Refining Energy during TMP Production – The Effect of Free Ferrous and Free or Chelated Ferric Ions, Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis (2013)
Karlsson, Anette; " Improved Hydrogene Peroxid Bleaching for Mechanical Pulps through fundamental understanding of the influence of heat, iron, fines and Chemical treatment on chromophore content", Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis (2013)
Neuman, Magnus; "Applied problems and computational methods in radiative transfer", Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis (2013)
Lidenmark, Cecilia; Time induced spreading and Adhesion of Latex Polymers", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2013)
Johansson, Niclas; "Spectral Goniophotometry - Applications to Light Scattering in Paper", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2013)
Lusth, Helen; " Some aspects of energy dissiation during canter chipping", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2013)
Hummelgård, Christine; "Nanoscaled structures of chlorate producing electrodes", Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis 2012)
Wiklund, Hanna; "Lattice Boltzmann simulations of two-phased flow in fibre network systems"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis ISSN 1652-893X: 130; ISBN978-91-87103-23-0; (2012)
Dahlström, Christina; "Quantitative microscopy of coating uniformity"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis ISSN 1652-893X:129; ISBN978-91-87103-21-6; (2012)
Gustafsson Coppel, Ludovic; " Whiteness and Flourescence in Layered Paper and Board - perception and optical modelling", Mid Sweden University, Doctoral Thesis (2012)
Öhlund, Thomas; "Coated Surfaces for Inkjet-Printed Conductors"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis ISSN 1652-8948;84; ISBN 978-91-87103-22-3; (2012)
Zasadowski, Dariusz; "REMOVAL OF LIPOPHILIC EXTRACTIVES AND MANGANESE IONS FROM SPRUCE TMP WATER BY FLOTATION. Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis ISSN 1652-8948; 74); ISBN 978-91-87103-01-8; (2012)
Hägglund, Håkan; "Local optical variations in paper", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2012)
Jie, He; "Gasification-based Biorefinery for Mechanical Pulp Mills", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2012)
Olsen, Martin; " The mechanics in two nanosized systems - Size effect and threshold filed", Mid Sweden University, Licentiate Thesis (2012)
Andersson, Stefan; "Low consistency refining of mechanical pulp : process conditions and energy efficiency"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis ISSN 1652-8948; 70; ISBN 978-91-86694-60-9; (Nov 2011)
Gorski, Dmitri; "ATMP Process: Improved Energy Efficiency in TMP Refining Utilizing Selective Wood Disintegration and Targeted Application of Chemicals"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis ISSN 1652-893X:108; ISBN 978-91-86694-34-0 (May 2011)
Neuman, Magnus; "Angle Resolved Light Scattering in Turbid Media: Analysis and Applications"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis 1652-8948:56; ISBN 978-91-86694-22-7 (Feb 2011)
Karlsson, Anette; "High Consistency Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Norway Spruce Mechanical Pulps"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis ISSN 1652-8948:49; ISBN 978-91-86694-07-4 (Dec 2010)
Gustafsson-Coppel, Ludovic; "Whiteness and Fluorescence in Paper - Perception and Optical Modelling"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis 1652-8948;47; ISBN 978-91-86073-97-8 (Nov 2010)
Muhic, Dino; "Improved Energy Efficiency in Double Disc Chip Refining"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis ISSN 1652-893X:46; ISBN 978-91-86073-94-7 (okt 2010)
Halvarsson, Sören; "Manufacture of straw MDF and fibreboards"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X;92; ISBN 978-91-86073-86-2 (Sept 2010)
Hellström, Lisbeth; “On the Wood Chipping Process – a Study on Basic Mechanisms in Order to Optimize Chip Properties for Pulping”; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:83; ISBN 978-91-86073-72-5 (May 2010)
Andersson, Kerstin; “Lignin in Wastewater Generated by Mechanical Pulping, Chemical Characterisation in Removal by Adsorption”; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:44; ISBN 978-91-86073-77-0 (May 2010)
Holmvall, Martin; "Nip Mechanics, Hydrodynamics and Print Quality in Flexo Post-Printing"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis ISSN 1652-89X:85; ISBN 978-91-86073-74-9 (2010)
Nordin, Lisa; Measurement and prediction of dewatering characteristics for mechanical pulpsusing optical fibre analysis”; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis; ISSN 1652-8948: 38; ISBN 978-91-86073-45-9 (2009)
Walter, Karin; “Influence of acid hydrogen peroxide treatment on refining energy and TMP properties”; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:37; ISBN 978-91-86073-40-4 (2009)
Lindström, Stefan; “Modelling and simulation of paper structure development”; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:60; ISBN 978-91-86073-10-7 (2008)
Berg, Jan-Erik; “Wood and fibre mechanics related to the thermomechanical pulping process”; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:63; ISBN 978-91-86073-15-2 (2008)
Norgren, Sven; “Effects of Reject Refining at High Temperature on TMP Fibre Properties”; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:64; ISBN 978-91-86073-17-6 (2008)
Hellström, Lisbeth; “Fracture processes in wood chipping”; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:32; ISBN 978-91-86073-02-2 (2008)
Reyier, Sofia; “Bonding Ability Distribution of Fibers in Mechanical Pulp Furnishes”; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:31; ISBN 978-91-85317-90-5 (2008)
Fjellström, Helena; "Inhibition of Light-Induced Colour Reversion of Wood-Containing Papers by Means of Coating"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:44; ISBN 978-91-85317-84-4 (2008)
Logenius, Louise; "The Influence of High Temperature on the Discoloration and Degradation of Carbohydrates and on Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Spruce TMP"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:46; ISBN 978-91-85317-86-8 (2008)
Edström, Per; "Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Tools for Simulation and Design of Light Scattering in Paper and Print"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:22, ISBN 978-91-85317-50-9 (2007)
Olsson, Torbjörn; "Antenna Robustness Modelling"; Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:19; ISBN 978-91-85317-46-2 (2007)
Pettersson, Gunilla; "Influence of Polymeric Multilayer Treatment on Out-of Plane Properties of CTMP-Based Paperboard"; Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:40; ISBN 978-91-85317-78-3 (2007)
Riabacke, Ari, "Development of Elicitation Methods for Managerial Decision Support"; Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:24; ISBN 978-91-85317-53-0 (2007)
Sidén, Johan; "On the Design Characterization and Optimization of RFID Tag Antennas"; Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:28; ISBN 978-91-85317-58-5 (2007)
Sjöberg, Jessica; "High Consistency Mechanical Treatment of Kraft Pulps under Steam Pressurised Conditions - Effects on Fibre and Sheet Properties"; Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:29; ISBN 978-91-85317-60-8 (2007)
Svensson, Birgitta; "Frictional Studies and High Strain Rate Testing of Wood under Refining Conditions"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:31; ISBN 978-91-85317-64-6 (2007)
Holmvall, Martin; "Striping on Flexo Post-Printed Corrugated Board"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:26; ISBN 978-91-85317-63-9 (2007)
Klinga, Niklas; "The Influence of Fibre Characteristics on Bulk and Strength Properties of TMP and CTMP from Spruce"; Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:23; ISBN 978-91-85317-52-3 (2007)
Lindström, Stefan B.; "Simulations of the Dynamics of Fibre Suspension Flows"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:25; ISBN 978-91-85317-62-2 (2007)
Sikter, David; "Quality Control of a Newsprint TMP Refining Process based on Refining Zone Temperature Measurements", Licentiate thesis Chalmers University of Technology 2007; Technical Report No R019/2007; ISSN 1403-266X (2007)
Gärdlund, Linda; "Polyelectrolyte Complexes - Their Characterisation and Use for Modification of Wood Fibre Surface"; Doctoral thesis in Fibre and Polymer Technology 2006; TRITA-FPT Report 2006:42; ISSN 1652-2443; ISRN KTH/FPT/R-2006/42-SE (2006)
Kulachenko, Artem; “Mechanics of Paper Webs in Printing Press Applications”; LTJ Doctoral Thesis; ISSN 1104-6813; TRITA HFL-0404; ISRN KTH/HFL/R-06/03-SE (2006)
Torgnysdotter, Annsofie; "Fibre/Fibre Joints: Their Characterization and Influence on Different Paper Strength Properties"; KTH Doctoral thesis in Fibre Technology 2006; TRITA FPT-Report 2006:29; ISSN 1652-2443; ISRN/KTH/FPT/R-2006/29-SE (2006)
Fjellström, Helena; "The Photostabilising Effect of Coating Layers on CTMP-based Papers"; Mid Sweden Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-8948:13; ISBN 91-85317-25-X (2006)
Ding, Xiasong; "Bilinear Optimization in Computational Decision Analysis"; Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:2; ISBN 91-85317-09-8 (2005)
Feng, Tao; "Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Parameter Estimation Problems in Partial Differential Equations"; Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis, ISSN 1652-893X:4; ISBN 91-85317-12-8 (2005)
Sahlin, Marléne; "Informationsbärare i organisationer - Informationshantering med pappersdokument och e-dokument"; Licentiate thesis Uppsala University; ISSN 1103-8462 (2005)
Forsström, Jennie; "Fundamental Aspects on the Re-use of Wood Based Fibres - Porous Structure of Fibres and Ink Detachment"; Doctoral thesis KTH 2004; TRITA FPT-Report 2004:37; ISSN 1652-2443; ISRN/KTH/FPT/R-2004/37-SE (2004)
Backlund, Hans-Olof; "Measurement of Shear Force, Temperature Profiles and Fibre Development in Mill-Scale TMP Refiners"; Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-1064:3; ISBN 91-87908-81-6 (2004)
Ding, Xiaosong; "Fast Local Optimization in Decision Analytic Software"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-1064:2; ISBN 91-87908-79-4 (2004)
Edström, Per; "Mathematical Modelling of Light Scattering in Paper and Print"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis, ISSN 1652-1064:6; ISBN 91-87908-87-5 (2004)
Friman, Linda; "The Influence of Iron and Some Other Metals on the Optical Properties of Thermomechanical Pulps"; Licentiate thesis KTH 2004; TRITA-FPT-Report 2004:3; ISSN 1652-2443; ISRN KTH/FPT/R-2004/4 SE (2004)
Kulachenko, Artem; "Printing Press Paper Web Mechanics"; KTH Licentiate thesis no 87.2004; TRITA, HFL-0349 (2004)
Olsson, Torbjörn; "Modelling of Antenna Robustness"; Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-1064:5; ISBN 91-87908-85-9 (2004)
Sidén, Johan; "Characterization and Design of Printed RFID Solutions"; Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-1064:11; ISBN 91-87908-92-1 (2004)
Olsson, Leif; "Optimisation of Forest Road Investments and the Roundwood Supply Chain"; Doctoral thesis SLU; ISSN 1401-6230; ISBN 91-576-6544-3 (2004)
Fält, Susanna; "Model Studies of Cellulose Fibers and Films and Their Relation to paper Strength"; Licentiate thesis KTH; TRITA-PMT Report 2003:3; ISSN 1104-7003; ISRN KTH/PMT/R-03/3-SE; (2003)
Lidén, Joar; "Quality Control of Single Stage Double Disc Chip Refining"; Mid Sweden University Licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-1064:1; ISBN 91-87908-77-8 (2003)
Riabacke, Ari; "Computer Based Prescriptive Decision Support"; Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-1064:0; FSCN-rapport ISSN 99-3463340-X; R-02-33 (2002)
Widehammar, Svante; "A Method for Dispersive Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Analysis Applied to High Strain Rate Testing of Spruce Wood"; Doctoral thesis Uppsala University; ISSN 1104-232X; ISBN 91-554-5461-5 (2002)
Norgren, Magnus; "On the Physical Chemistry of Kraft Lignin"; Doctoral thesis Lund University; ISBN 91-7874-157-2; (2001)