Helen Lusth



Articles in journals

Lusth, H. , Gradin, P. A. & Hellström, L. M. (2013). A theoretical model for the prediction of energy consumption during the chipper canter process. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 28: 2, pp. 211-215.

Lusth, H. , Gradin, P. A. & Hellström, L. M. (2012). The dependency of energy consumption on cutting angles in the canter chipping process. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27: 5, pp. 886-889.

Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries

Lusth, H. (2013). Some aspects on the energy dissipation during canter chipping. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2013 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 97)