Viveca Asproth



Articles in journals

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Nyström, C. (2014). Soft Early Warning for Regional Security. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, vol. 30, pp. 191-198.

Asproth, V. & Ring, A. (2014). Simulation of Accessibility in Crisis Management. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, vol. 30, pp. 93-103.

Asproth, V. , Ekker, K. , Holmberg, S. & Håkansson, A. (2014). NLS:A Reflection Support System for Increased Inter-Regional Security. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, vol. 7: 2, pp. 62-84.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. C. & Håkansson, A. (2013). NLS: The NetAgoraLearning System. Advances in Simulation-Based Decision Support & Business Intelligence, vol. 3, pp. 11-15.

Nyström, C. & Asproth, V. (2013). Virtual Teams - Support for Technical Communication. Journal of Organizational Transformation and Social Change, vol. 10: 1, pp. 87-103.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. , Löfstedt, U. , Öberg, L. & Dubois, D. (2013). Anticipatory Modeling andSimulation for Inter RegionalSecurity. Systems. connecting matter, life, culture and technology, vol. 1: 1, pp. 21-35.

Asproth, V. , Nyström, C. A. , Olsson, H. & Öberg, L. (2011). Using Team Syntegrity in a Triple Loop Learning Model for Course Development. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, vol. 8, pp. 1-11.

Asproth, V. (2011). The Viable Systems Model and Inter-organizations. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, vol. 8: 1, pp. 73-81.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. C. & Löfstedt, U. (2010). Simulated Decision Learning in a Multiactor Setting. Organizacija, vol. 43: 3, pp. 136-145.

Asproth, V. (2009). Organizational learning for viable inter-organizations. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, vol. 20, pp. 95-105.

Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2008). Communication and Information Exchange among SMEs and their local environment. Journal of Organizational Transformation and Social Change, vol. 5: 2, pp. 175

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2007). Complexity challenges of critical situations caused by flooding. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, vol. 9: 1-2, pp. 34-39.

Asproth, V. (2007). Integrated information systems - a challenge for long-term digital preservation. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management,

Asproth, V. (2007). Visualization of data quality in decision-support systems. International journal of applied systematic studies (IJASS), vol. 1: 3, pp. 280-289.

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2006). Simulation and anticipation in critical situations caused by flooding. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, vol. 19, pp. 28-36.

Asproth, V. (2006). Inter-organizational management and decision-making. The Systemist, vol. 28: 2, pp. 4-12.

Asproth, V. (2005). Information Technology Challenges for the Long-term Preservation of Electronic Information. International Journal of Public Information Systems, vol. 1: 1, pp. 27-37.

Asproth, V. , Håkansson, A. & Revay, P. (2005). Visualization and simulation of critical situations caused by flooding. Cadastre Journal RevCad, : 5, pp. 329-336.

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2002). New approaches to soft anticipatory design for spatial decision support systems. International Jounal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, vol. 13, pp. 170-181.

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2001). Multi-actor dimensions and cross system levels considerations in spatial decision support. Management, economy, social and socio-technical systems modelling, simulation, optimisation and control in engineering computer logical models and web-internet applied systems: Partial Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference CASYS 2000 on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium, August 7-12, 2000, , pp. 32-45.

Chapters in books

Asproth, V. (2011). Critical Information and its implications. In Challenges for the future in an ICT context. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University. pp. 187-194.

Asproth, V. , Borglund, E. A. , Samuelsson, G. & Öberg, L. (2010). E-tjänstens framtida historia : Informationsbevarande, ett bortglömt ansvarsområde?. In Förvaltning och medborgarskap i förändring. Lund : Studentlitteratur. pp. 167-184.

Collections (editor)

Asproth, V. (ed.) (2011). Challenges for the Future in an ICT Context : ...for Stig. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University

Conference papers

Nyström, C. A. , Asproth, V. , Persson Slumpi, T. & Olsson, H. (2014). Boundless collaboration : Distributed concurrent design in an inter-regional collaboration between emergency authorities. In Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference. (Design DS77:). pp. 1621--1630.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Löfstedt, U. (2014). SYNCOM, A Tool for Competence Management. In Proceedingsof the e-Skills for Knowledge Production and Innovation Conference 2014. Cape Town : . pp. 39--48.

Asproth, V. , Borglund, E. & Öberg, L. (2013). Training exercises for crisis management training in intra-organizational settings. In ISCRAM 2013 Conference Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.. pp. 105--109.

Asproth, V. , Ekker, K. & Holmberg, S. C. (2013). Debriefing with R-statistics and support for System Dynamics Modeling of Inter Regional Security. In Proceedings of IADIS International Conference  e-Society 2013.

Asproth, V. , Löfstedt, U. , Öberg, L. , Holmberg, S. C. & Dubois, D. M. (2012). Anticipatory Modeling and Simulation for Inter-Regional Security. In The 21st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research.

Asproth, V. (2012). Training for Emergency Situations. .

Asproth, V. , Amcoff Nyström, C. , Olsson, H. & Persson Slumpi, T. (2012). Distributed concurrent design in system development projects. In IRIS 35/SCIS2012 – DESIGNING THE INTERACTIVE SOCIETY.

Nyström, C. , Olsson, H. & Asproth, V. (2012). Assumptions for Distributed Concurrent Design and Decision Making. In Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN. Dubrovnik, Croatia : . pp. 543--550.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. C. & Håkansson, A. (2012). SimReg : System Dynamics Simulation of Interregional Risk Management. In ESM'2012 The 2012 European Simulation and Modelling Conference : Modelling and Simulation 2012. Essen : . pp. 185--191.

Asproth, V. , Nyström, C. A. , Olsson, H. & Öberg, L. (2011). Using Team Syntegrity in a Triple Loop Learning Model for Course Development. In InSite 2011 : Proceedings and Conference Book. Informing Science and IT Education 2011 Joint Conference.

Truex, D. , Olssson, L. , Lindblad-Gidlund, K. , Sefyrin, J. , Larsson, A. , Nilsson, O. , Anderson, K. , Borglund, E. & et al. (2011). Position Statement : Sustainable Information and Information Systems (SIIS). In Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems : Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of ITManaging the Transfer and Diffusion of IT, IFIP. Hamburg Germany : (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology). pp. 306--309.

Asproth, V. , Ring, A. & Borglund, E. (2011). Accessibility in Crisis Management. In European Sociological Association Research Network 22 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty RISK, UNCERTAINTY AND POLICY Midterm Conference 2011 : Abstract book.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Nyström, C. (2011). Soft Early Warning for Regional Security. In Casys'11 : Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems. Liége :

Asproth, V. & Ring, A. (2011). Simulation of accessibility in Crisis Management. In CASYS'11 : Tenth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems. Liége :

Asproth, V. (2010). Team syntegrity as a complementary method for requirements analysis. In The International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Nyström, C. (2010). Soft Early Warning for Regional Security. In 24th European Conference on Operational Research.

Dubois, D. , Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Öberg, L. (2010). Simulation Based Decision Processes for Territorial Security. .

Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2010). Preparing for Emergency Situations. In COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS. (AIP Conference Proceedings). pp. 179--188.

Asproth, V. , Löfstedt, U. , Nyström, C. A. & Öberg, L. (2009). Teknikinformationscentrum : Samverkan mellan akademi och företag för forskning och utbildning. In HSS09 : Högskolor och samhälle i samverkan.

Asproth, V. , Nyström, C. A. & Löfstedt, U. (2009). Future Competence Development within Technical Communication : Mapping of competence level and need of competence Development. In 9th European colloquium for user-friendly product information: Documentation Projects - Trends & Methods.

Asproth, V. , Löfstedt, U. , Nyström, C. A. & Öberg, L. (2009). Viable design for Technical Communication Systems in future contexts. In IRIS32, Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia.

Asproth, V. & Holmberg, S. (2009). Simulated decision learning in a multiactor setting. In 23rd European Conference on Operational Research.. pp. 214--214.

Asproth, V. , Håkansson, A. & Révay, P. (2008). A Model for Management of Critical Situations Caused by Flooding. In Proceedings of the The Seventh International Symposium on Tools and Methods for Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2008) : Vol. 2.. pp. 1137--1145.

Asproth, V. (2008). A Systemic Framework for Management in Inter-organizations. In Stafford Spirit Seminar.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Öberg, L. (2008). Product Information, a new IS Research Area. In IRIS 31.

Asproth, V. (2007). Long term preservation of electronic information : a study of seven Swedish governmental organizations. In Advances in Information Systems Development, Vol 1 - NEW METHODS AND PRACTICE FOR THE NETWORKED SOCIETY. New York : . pp. 341--348.

Asproth, V. (2007). The Viable Systems Model and Inter-organizations. In Metaphorum 2007 Conference : March 9th and 10th 2007, University of St Gallen, Switzerland.

Asproth, V. , Håkonsson, A. & Revay, P. (2007). Interorganizational Management of critical situations caused by flooding. In Proceedings. MicroCAD 2007 International Scientific Conference, University of Miskolce, Hungary.

Asproth, V. (2007). Inter-organizational learning for viable inter-organizations. In Eighth International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS'07), Liège, Belgium, August 6-11, 2007.

von Friedrichs Grängsjö, Y. , Dalborg, C. , Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2007). Arena för hållbar innovativ småföretagsutveckling : Samverkande i handling mellan akademi, företag och offentlig sektor. In HSS07 : Högskolor och Samhälle i Samverkan.

Asproth, V. (2007). Long Term Preservation of Electronic Information. In Sustaining Our Social and Natural Capital : Proceedings of the 12th Annual ANZSYS Conference, 3-6 December, 2006, Carrington Hotel, Katoomba, NSW Australia. Mansfield, Mass. : . pp. 521--526.

Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2007). Communication and Information Exchange among SMEs and their local environment . In IRIS 30 : Proceedings of 30th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia August 11-14, 2007 Tampere Finland. Tampere :


Asproth, V. , Håkansson, A. & Revay, P. (2006). Visualization of Critical Factors in a Decision Support System for Management of Flooding. In MicroCAD '06.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. C. & Håkansson, A. (2006). Multi modal anticipation in fuzzy space. In Computing Anticapatory Systems. New York : (AIP Conference Proceedings). pp. 442--452.

Asproth, V. (2006). Long term preservation of electronic information : an anticipative approach. In EURO XXI : 21 st European Conference on Operational Research, 2-5 July, Reykjavik, Iceland..

Asproth, V. (2006). Long term preservation of electronic information. In Sustaining Our Social and Natural Capital : Proceedings of the 12th ANZSYS conference.. pp. 450--455.

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2006). Management of critical situations caused by flooding.. In EURO XXI : 21 st European Conference on Operational Research, 2-5 July, Reykjavik, Iceland..

Asproth, V. (2006). Inter-organizational management and decision-making : UKSS 2006. .

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2005). Complexity Challenges of critical situations caused by flooding. In System thinking and complexity science : proceedings of the 11th ANZSYS/Managing the Complex V Conference (held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 5th-7th December, 2005).

Asproth, V. , Håkansson, A. & Revay, P. (2005). Visualization and simulation of critical situations caused by flooding : GeoCAD´05 i Alba Iulia, Rumänien. .

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2005). Simulation and anticipation in critical situations caused by flooding. In CASYS´05, Liege, 2005. Liége : . pp. 28--36.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Håkansson, A. (2005). Complexity Challenges of Regional Planning and Design : Paper presented at the 11th Annual ANZSYS Conference/Managing the Complex, Christchurch, December 5 - 7, 2005.. .

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. C. & Håkansson, A. (2004). Creative Anticipatory Spatial Modelling for Intra Regional Simulation. In COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS. Mellville, N.Y : (AIP conference proceedings). pp. 533--543.

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2004). A decision support procedure in physical planning based on fuzzy logic modelling. In NAFIPS 2004 : 2004 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. Piscataway, NJ : . pp. 163--168.

Palmius, J. , Egonsdotter, G. & Asproth, V. (2004). Simulations of Highly Complex Social Systems as a Tool for Designing Information Systems. In Anticipatory systems and cybernetics. Soft computing and computional intelligence. Computer Science and simulation models. : Partial proceedings of the sixth international conference CASYS´03 on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liége, Belgium, August 11-16, 2003. Liege : (International journal of computing anticipatory systems). pp. 286--298.

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (2003). Visualization of Data Quality and Uncertainty in Decision Support Systems. In ISSS 2003 : 47th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems July 7th - 11th, 2003 Iraklion, Crete, Greece.

Asproth, V. (2003). Transforming Tourist Systems by Systemic Artefacts. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. C. & Håkansson, A. (2002). Soft Spatial Decision Support. In FUZZ-IEEE'02 : Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems : May 12-17, 2002, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. Piscataway, New Jersey : . pp. 1274--1279.

Asproth, V. , Håkonsson, A. & Revay, P. (2002). Multi-actor dimensions - Problems to handle in spatial decision support MicroCad. In International Computer Science meeting 2002, Miscolc, Ungern.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Håkansson, A. (2001). Decision support functions embedded in GIS. In Nordic GIS Conference in Helsinki, 8-10 october 2001.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. C. & Håkansson, A. (2001). Applying Anticipatory Computing in System Dynamics. In Computing anticipatory systems : CASYS 2000, fourth international conference, Liège, Belgium, 7-12 August 2000. Melville, N.Y : (AIP conference proceedings). pp. 578--589.

Asproth, V. (2000). The CSL-tool : A Prototype for Handling Cross System Considerations in Spatial Decision making. In Proceedings of the World Congress of the Systems Sciences in conjunction with 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Ryerson Polytechnical University, Toronto. Toronto :

Asproth, V. & Håkansson, A. (1999). The OWA-Procedure : A Fuzzy Approach in Supporting Localization Decisions. In NOAK'99.

Asproth, V. , Holmberg, S. & Håkansson, A. (1999). Decision Support for Spatial Planning and Management of Human Settlements. In Advances in support systems research Vol V : Decision support methodology for human systems management and its applications in economics and commerce. Winsor, Ontario, Canada : . pp. 30--39.


Asproth, V. , Borglund, E. , Danielsson, E. , Ekker, K. , Holand, S. I. , Holmberg, S. C. , Öberg, L. , Nygård, S. A. & et al. (2014). Rapport från GSS : Gränsöverskridande samarbete för säkerhet. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet

Asproth, V. , Löfstedt, U. & Nyström, C. (2009). Utbildningsresurser för Teknikinformatörer. Mittuniversitetet : Mittuniversitetet (TIC-rapporter 4a)

von Friedrichs Grängsjö, Y. , Dalborg, C. , Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2007). Arena för hållbar innovativ småföretagsutveckling-Samverkande i handling mellan akademi, företag och offentlig sektor. Jönköping : Högskolan i Jönköping (Science, university and society 2007:5)

von Friedrich Grängsjö, Y. , Dalborg, C. , Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2007). Forskningsprojektet Arena för hållbar innovativ småföretagsutveckling : Samverkande i handling mellan akademi, företag och offentlig sektor. Mittuniversitetet

Sundqvist, A. & Asproth, V. (2006). Utveckling av arkiv- och informationsvetenskap. : Slutrapport.. Mittuniversitetet