Kajsa Falasca

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Jag är doktorand i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap och forskar i projektet "Finanskrisen, förtroendet och förväntningarna" vilket är en studie av samspelet mellan makthavare, myndigheter, medier och medborgare.

Mitt forskningsintresse ligger i den politiska kommunikationens utveckling i den moderna demokratin med fokus på strategisk politisk kommunikation.


Jag är just nu kursansvarig för kurserna:

Politisk kommunikation - JO020G
Strategisk politisk kommunikation - MK050G


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Falasca, K. (2014). Framing the Financial Crisis : An unexpected interaction between the government and the press. OBS - Observatorio, vol. 8: 1, ss. 1-21.

Shehata, A. & Falasca, K. (2014). Priming effects during the financial crisis : accessibility and applicability mechanisms behind government approval. European Political Science Review, vol. 6: 4, ss. 597-520.

Falasca, K. (2014). Political news journalism : Mediatization across three news reporting contexts. European Journal of Communication, vol. 29: 5, ss. 583-597.

Strömbäck, J. , Grandien, C. & Falasca Larsson, K. (2013). Do Campaign Strategies and Tactics Matter? : Exploring Party Elite Perceptions of What Matters When Explaining Election Outcomes. Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 13: 1, ss. 41-52.

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Falasca, K. & Nord, L. (2013). Structures, Strategies and Spin : Government Communication in Sweden. I Government Communication : Cases and Challenges. Bloomsbury Academic. S. 27-44.


Falasca, K. (2014). Political news journalism : Media interventionism across three news reporting contexts. .

Falasca, K. & Nord, L. (2014). Challenges for Government communication in Sweden. .

Falasca, K. (2013). Framing the Financial Crisis : An unexpected interaction between the government and the press. .

Falasca, K. & Shehata, A. (2013). Priming Effects During the Financial Crisis : Accessibility and applicability mechanisms behind government approval. .

Falasca, K. (2012). Framing the financial crisis : An analysis of political actors and journalists influence over news media content and the frame building process. .