About Us

Mid Sweden University is a place where people can meet, be inspired and think in new ways. Here, you will find teachers, researchers and motivated students who are a great asset for the surrounding world.
Several of the study programmes and courses offered at Mid Sweden University are unique in Sweden and many of them have a great number of applicants. One of Mid Sweden University’s characteristics is our focus on e-learning and distance education, which makes higher education a possibility for more people.
Research and collaboration with trade and industry and different organizations are important parts of our activities, as it provides our students with an education close to reality and valuable placements. At the same time, companies and organizations are provided with the latest research and are able to recruit highly qualified personnel.
Research at Mid Sweden University keeps developing positively. It shows when you look at the international standard of more and more of our research environments, the increasing share of external funding and the fact that we take up more and more space as a partner in different innovation environments. Active work within our research profile areas is natural to us – Forest as a resource, Industrial IT, Health, Sports science and Sports technology, and Tourism and adventure. In addition, research activities in other areas are developing in a positive way.
With a wide range of study programmes and courses and exciting research, we can and want to be a resource for the surrounding world. An important part of our success is our systematic quality work to create an activity based on proximity, benefits and curiosity. Here, a flow of new knowledge and new talents is created, giving the society opportunities to develop and people the opportunity to grow.