Research projects

Most of the research projects at FSCN have industrial partners and many of them have external funding together with faculty funding. A lot of them are also a part of our KK Research Environment at Mid Sweden University.
Research projects at FSCN
AHYP - Advanced HYP for paperboard
One way to increase the export value for the Swedish forest industry of wood based paperboard by means of sustainable development, is to use more of fibre materials produced at high yield (>90%) as in chemi-mechanical pulping (CTMP) processes.
Bio2Fuels 2030
Read more about our research project Bio2Fuels 2030 in Swedish below. The research project is funded by EU regional development fund.
At Mid Sweden University there are several research projects on fibre and energy. Despite the dismal outlook expressed by some in the printing paper industry, we see great potential for the future in the production and process know-how of the forest industry. Coating could be a way to develop new paper products, such as solar cells and interactive wallpapers.
The project "Plasticized cellulose composites for packaging applications" (Compac) has the goal to manufacture plasticized cellulosic materials in pilot scale and identify possible applications of it.
e2mp - Energy Efficient Mechanical Pulping
E2Mpi is a mechanical pulping initiative by Holmen, Norske Skog, SCA, Stora Enso and the Swedish Energy Agency regarding reduction of energy efficiency. Administrated by FSCN, Mid Sweden University.
Fibre Network Design: Applications to Hygiene Products
In this project we consider fibre network as a micro-mechanical and microfluidics system, and investigate the non-uniform deformation of fibre network and the transport of complex fluids (body fluids) within the network. Such a problem is currently the core issues related to the new product development of hygiene products.

FORIC - Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College
FORIC (Forest as a resource industrial research college) is our new industrial research school. Program director is professor Per Engstrand. FORIC is financed by the KK Foundation and a part of our KK research environment at Mid Sweden University.
At Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall there are currently several research projects on fibre and energy. We see great potential for the future in the production and process know-how of the forest industry. Coating is a promising method to develop efficient systems for energy storage in paper-based supercapacitors.

We have many projects in the area for Advanced Paper Materials. We have given them the name KM2 together. KM2 means squarekilometres of areas that can be used for printing functionalities. Below you can se our projects in the area right now.
Light-weight Structural Composites from Fibre-based Materials
The project Light-weight Structural Composites from Fibre-based Materials - Reliability-based Design, is a project within the KK Research Enviroment at Mid Sweden University.
Our research project Lignofuel is a pre study funded by EU regional development fund. Read more about the project in Swedish below.
Litium batteries
The Swedish Energy Agency is funding a five-year research project to develop cost efficient lithium ion batteries for vehicle applications. The research project is led by the Mid SwedenUniversity in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Two regional companies, Vesta Si Europe in Ljungaverk and Superior Graphite in Sundsvall are also participating in the project.
Miljöhorisont 2020
We present our research project Miljöhorisont in Swedish below.

Modifying the Wood Chipping Process
Increasing the energy efficiency in mechanical pulping by modifying the wood chipping process is the goal for this project.
More efficient ways to build batteries and other devices to save energy is the goal of the new research project MODULIT. Inexpensive and efficient energy storage is a prerequisite for the development of power-driven vehicles and for an efficient use of renewable electrical energy like wind power and solar energy.
Morphology studies on future biocomposite
The paper industry is facing major challenges due a declining market. Meanwhile, the electricity industry has other problems such as price and raw materials. Therefore, it would be a "win-win" situation for both industries utilizing fiber-based materials to create new advanced products with electrical functionality, such as supercapacitors for energy storage and solar cells.
Paper Solar Cells
This project is a part of our KK Research Environment at Mid Sweden University. Low cost solar cells are needed. Manufacturing processes of today are mainly based on costly vacuum methods making the solar electricity to the most expensive one. Roll-to-roll processing is potentially more efficient as manufacturing method for solar cells.
Smart street lights
This research project is a prestudy funded by EU regional development Fund. Read more about the project in Swedish below.
Utveckling av industriellt gångbar tillverkningsmetod för tungmetallsbindande tensider
Our pre study "Utveckling av industriellt gångbar tillverkningsmetod för tungmetallsbindande tensider" is financed by EU regional development Fund. Read more about the research project in Swedish below.

Wood and Fibre Mechanics
The Wood and Fibre Mechanics research group is examining the wood chipping process and the possibility of tailoring this process to reduce energy consumption during subsequent refining.