Visual Sensor Systems

Studys design of embedded electronics systems and with a focus on applications where computing electronics, imaging detectors and image analysis is combined.
We study design of embedded electronics systems and with a focus on applications where computing electronics, imaging detectors and image analysis is combined. These embedded visual sensor systems are sometimes mechanically integrated with products that we often use in our daily life.
Vision based safety systems in modern cars is one good example. 3-dimensional inspection of logs in forest machinery or detection of particles in hydraulic oil is another example of industrial usage. Battery powered systems having long expected time of operation or high speed real-time systems requires careful optimization. Requirements on design metrics such as cost, speed, latency, power, size and even long lifetime maintainability becomes challenging for the designer. We are seeking deeper knowledge on how to optimize embedded systems for mentioned metrics. We are seeking better knowledge about applications for visual sensor systems and their usage.
Research within Visual Sensor Systems