

The InterakTiV project (2008-2010) was funded by VINNOVA and developed:

  1. a technical infrastructure for multi-distribution of TV-based services
  2. software-based tools for integration of interactive services in multi-distribution via various TV-media.
  3. support for seamless distribution of interactive services via various media.


ITVarena and partners (MiUn, Acreo, FOV, KTH, etc., ...) will conduct research on the support of various forms of user interaction and user experience in the new medium. The methodology includes the verification of research results through experiments in the field tests of the combined IT infrastructure with wireline and wireless access of KTH, ITVarena, Fiberoptic Valley, and Mid Sweden University, DVB-infrastructure of ITVarena, expanded with mobile access using DVB-H and MBMS via 3G and 3.5 G (HSDPA). The test bed is unique in that it offers the possibility to examine the support required for communication through various channels and access networks.

The InterakTiV project cooperates closely with the MediaSense project regarding seamless multimedia mobility and verification of interactive multimedia services via heterogeneous wireless infrastructure with ITV Arena.


Prof. Theo Kanter