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A new research and innovation conference in Sundsvall

Print 7 Nov November 2014
Mattias O'Nils from STC and Robert Norgren from Ragn-Sells met at the Business Innovation Day to discuss challenges.

A new two-day research and innovation conference has been placed in conjunction with the conference week Sundsvall 42. There will be a venue for research and industry that will make it easier for companies to get in touch with researchers and find new development opportunities.

It is the research center STC - Sensible Things that Communicate and FSCN - Fibre Science and Communication Network at Mid Sweden University together with innovation environments Fiber Optic Valley, BioBusiness Arena and Åkroken Business Incubator who organizes conference on October 13 to 14th.

The focus is on industrial renewal, where the goal is to create a meeting place where  innovation and growth is in the center. It is also to give boost to issues of the future in the region, industry, academia and the surrounding community.

- We are several regional actors that in various ways work with important issues within industrial renewal and it's very good that we now are collaborating on a joint conference to highlight these issues and get together to discuss important challenges and strategies of the future, says Mattias O 'Nils, a professor at Mid Sweden University.

The conference will include lectures form Annika Steiber, a researcher who studied why Google is one of the world's most innovative companies, and Andreas Gyllenhammar, a sustainability Manager at SWECO. In addition, researchers from STC and FSCN presents the latest research news in the field of sensor-based systems and services (STC) and fiber-based materials and manufacturing processes (FSCN). Both at a large exhibition and short presentations in which the focus is to highlight research findings.

- One hundred researchers from Mid Sweden University research center will participate at the conference. It is the first time we are making major investments and working together in this way. Our objective is that the conference will be repeated every year in Sundsvall, says Mattias O'Nils. It is also very pleasing that we can cooperate with Fiber Optic Valley and Åkroken Science Park in the conference. It provides good network both for researchers and for industry.

The conference called Science and Innovation Days, and it is also the start of Sundsvall 42 which begins Wednesday-Friday.

FSCN - Fibre Science and Communication Network provides knowledge that both improves forest industry profitability and create other applications and business opportunities based on forest produce.

STC - Sensible Things that Communicate develop sensor-based systems and services in electronics and computer science with a focus on industrial IT, mobile services, and environmental monitoring.


Mattias O´Nils, professor och forskningsledare vid STC, Mittuniversitetet, 070-695 76 68, e-post: mattias.onils@miun.se

Kaarlo Niskanen, professor och forskningsledare vid FSCN, Mittuniversitetet, 076-807 85 99, e-post: kaarlo.niskanen@miun.se

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