Surface and Colloid Engineering

The need for water in our everyday life is crucial, although the access to clean water cannot be taken for granted in most parts of the world. However, as well as wood, fresh water of exceptionally high quality is one of Sweden’s greatest natural resources, and should not be wasted. The research area was earlier called Water Chemistry.
We use a lot of water when producing pulp and paper. The fresh water usage of a mechanical pulp-based paper mill is about 15-20 cubic meters per ton produced paper. During mechanical pulping metals and wood substances are released into the water and can create problems along the processing in the mill.
The group of people conducting the cross-disciplinary research within the Surface and colloid engineering group is dedicated to solve problems and seek opportunities related to water chemistry and technology. We have developed promising techniques for sustainable sequestering of process interfering metals, based on in-house designed recoverable complexing agents. The concept is generic and can be used in many different areas where metals are disturbing, hazardous or valuable. Applied in pulp and papermaking, the strategy is not only to remove the complexing agents and the metals that are interfering in the bleaching operation, but also to clean the process water from dissolved and colloidal materials by flotation. With this approach reduction of the fresh water usage, lowered energy consumption and better runnability are foreseen. Moreover, new possibilities for the exploitation of material side-streams are expected. The latter is also subjected to research within in the theme.
Finally, to quote one of our time’s greatest philosophers and natural science writers, Dr. Loren Eiseley; If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.
Current projects
- "Utveckling av industriellt gångbar tillverkningsmetod för tungmetallsbindande tensider",
- Morphology studies on future biocomposite
- Uniclean 2.0
- FORE - Forest as a Resource,
- Biopolyvision