Call for papers


Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty Research Network 22 (ESA)
Mid-term conference

Risk, Uncertainty and Transition

University of Stuttgart, Germany, 8-10 April 2015

The European Sociological Association’s (ESA) Risk and Uncertainty network plays a major role in the ESA’s general conferences, held every four years. In between these events we also convene ‘mid-term’ events of our own, with the next one to be held at the University of Stuttgart.

We aim to stimulate sociological and interdisciplinary research and debate into how risk and uncertainty are perceived, constructed, managed and/or neglected by social actors – individuals and organisations – as well as the impact of these responses in society. Modern sociological theory describes the modernisation process as a transition from stable, calculable and predictable societies, so-called modern, industrial societies, to a new type of society where stable structures are replaced by fluid arrangements. The term ‘risk’ is increasingly supported by a focus on uncertainty. Following Beck, a risk and uncertainty perspective allows insights into contemporary society and has become one of its defining features. When individuals, organizations and societies are planning for the future, they are fundamentally exposed to complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity.

Although the event will have a more specific focus on the theme of transition, this is an open call for papers, which explore aspects of risk and uncertainty across a broad range of sociological and interdisciplinary perspectives. Papers will be grouped into themes after acceptance around topics such as: sense-making of risk; health risks; environmental risks, technological risks, risks of energy supply, risk governance; risk and crime; professional approaches to risk; biographical risks; risk and emotions; trust; risk management and uncertainty; inequality and risk; risk, resilience and everyday life; and social theories of risk. Other risk related issues are welcome.

Our previous mid-term conferences have been very successful and we hope you’ll join us in Germany for stimulating discussion and reflection on the latest European risk research.


Abstracts, 300-350 words plus full name, institution, and the author(s) contacts, should be sent by December 20th, 2014 to the following e-mail address:  

Notification of acceptance will be announced by February 15th 2015.


Research Network co-ordinators
Anna Olofsson 
Adam Burgess

Local organizers
(in case of inquiries of the local organization)
Juergen Hampel