
Print 2 Dec December 2013

Sundsvall is located about 400 kilometres north of Stockholm and with its approximately 94 000 inhabitants, it is one of the biggest cities in Northern Sweden.

The main educational focus at Campus Sundsvall lies within the Natural Sciences, Technology, and Media, but it is also possible to study within the areas of Social Sciences and Health Sciences.

The region of Sundsvall is today Northern Sweden’s largest job market, and in this milieu, the university of course has a distinct place and function.

Sundsvall is a well-reputed student city, in which the trade and industry, the municipality, and the university prioritise the students. No less than four times since the year 2000, Sundsvall has been elected the most student friendly municipality in Sweden. The city offers a great array of culture, entertainment, and shopping.

In Sundsvall you will find a great number of athletic clubs and several fitness facilities, 300 km of tended skiing tracks, and five slalom slopes. Here you also find sun safe playas and a public swimming bath, which is a close neighbour to the university. The city centre of Sundsvall, with its many cafés, is usually called “the stone city,” because it is characterised by its beautiful late 19th century stone houses in Renaissance style. Shopping is a sheer pleasure in this fine-looking environment with its 200 shops, many of which offer a student discount. In addition to this, there is also the shopping metropolis “Birsta.”

Sports, music and business

The prized building “Kulturmagasinet” harbours a library and a museum with ever changing exhibitions and events. The sports ground “Norrporten arena,” which is situated in the middle of the city, offers football and other big events. In Sundsvall, we have elite teams in football, ice-hockey, and basket ball. In addition, we also have world class swimmers. For adventurous people there are among other things opportunities for parachute jumping, diving, mountain climbing, and shooting the rapids. Sundsvall is also known for its rich musical life, exemplified by the city festivity “Gatufesten,” the rock club “Pipeline,” and a great variety of choirs, among which you will find the students’ own choir “Gungner.” The trade and industry cover a number of different lines of business. It is especially prominent within the fields of wood-pulp, fibre technology, digital services, and banking and insurance. Sundsvall is also Norrland’s largest and most important trade and service centre. The city is situated by the coast and it is framed by steep mountains both in the south and in the north.

Campus Sundsvall

Campus Sundsvall is situated a short walk from the centre of the city. It has lovely scenery, with leafy groups of trees and a beautiful promenade along the river “Selångeersån.” “Åkroken”—the heart of campus—is built as a city within the city, with alleys and squares, bridges and landing-stages. The striking stone houses reflect the old stone city of Sundsvall and its harbour storehouses, and thereby it preserves a piece of history. In 2005, “Åkroken” won the Charter Award, which is one of the world’s most prestigious town architecture prizes, and that field’s equivalent of cinema’s Oscar Award. In “Mälthuset,” which is the high round house on campus, you will find the library, a restaurant, the reception, and “Fälldinsalen”—the largest lecture hall on campus. 

Student life in Sundsvall

You find the students’ union office on campus. There you will also find the chairman of the students’ union, the vice chairman, a manager, and the students’ union counselling, who will be able to answer most of your practical questions. In the middle of the centre of the city, you find the beautiful students’ union building, which partly is listed and protected as a historical monument. Here you will have the opportunity to participate in activities such as big discos, pub evenings, student competitions, and a whole range of other activities. There are several students’ associations to enrol in for those who want to practice sports, work with the students’ union’s magazine, sing in a choir, act in a play, or participate in the Christian student association. Welcome to the most student friendly municipality in Sweden!