
Print 11 Jun June 2012

We provide access to wireless networks (WLAN / WiFi) via common infrastructure at our campus. We advertise the networks eduroam and Extern. (The former networks Student and Personal, are shut down and replaced entirely by eduroam.)

Eduroam is a worldwide network service developed for the international research and education community. It gives students, researchers and other personnel access to the Internet both in MIUN's premises and at other universities who are also members. The idea behind the eduroam is that universities have agreed about the principle - your users can use our network when they are with us, and our users can use your network when they are with you.

To connect to eduroam, you need a user account from MIUN or any other connected organization, and a computer or mobile device with wireless networking support. IP addresses are assigned automatically via DHCP.

Userguides and Windows Installer 

"Windows Installerautomatically makes the required settings on a computer running Microsoft Windows.

NOTE   Username = Your regular e-mail address

MIUN-Student [user-id]
MIUN-Staff first
Or e-mail account from other university within eduroam.

For further information about eduroam and to see other eduroam-members, please visit eduroam Swedish website or  international website

eduroam settings:

SSID (network name) eduroam
Network Authentication WPA2-Enterprise
Encryptation AES
Authentication MSCHAPv2
TCP/IP Settings DHCP

Please contact Helpdesk for further questions.