Ingrid Zakrisson
Articles in journals Chapters in books Conference papers Reports
Articles in journals
Löfstrand, P. & Zakrisson, I. (2014). Competitive Versus Non-Competitive Goals in Group Decision-Making. Small Group Research, vol. 45: 4, pp. 451-464.
Zakrisson, I. & Zillinger, M. (2012). Emotions in motion : Tourists' experiences in time and space. Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 15: 6, pp. 505-523.
Zakrisson, I. , Anderzén, M. , Lenell, F. & Sandelin, H. (2012). Ambivalent sexism: A tool for understanding and improving gender relations in organizations. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 53: 1, pp. 64-70.
Svensson, B. , Pettersson, R. & Zakrisson, I. (2011). Tracking tourists : Mobility, experiences and the supply-demand gap in a Swedish mountain resort. Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, vol. 3: 2, pp. 1-19.
Zakrisson, I. & Löfstrand, P. (2010). Vem får vara med och vem bestämmer? : Om exklusion och inklusion i idrottsföreningars beslutsfattande. Svensk Idrottsforskning, : 2, pp. 40-43.
Zakrisson, I. (2008). Gender differences in Social Dominance Orientation: Gender invariance may be situation invariance. Sex Roles, vol. 59: 3-4, pp. 254-263.
Jonsson, G. & Zakrisson, I. (2005). Organizational dilemmas in voluntary associations.. International Journal of Public Administration, vol. 28: 9/10, pp. 849-856.
Zakrisson, I. (2005). Construction of a short version of the Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) scale. Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 39: 5, pp. 863-872.
Ekehammar, B. , Akrami, N. , Gylje, M. & Zakrisson, I. (2004). What matters most to prejudice : Big Five Personality, Social Dominance Orientation, or Right-Wing Authoritarianism?. European Journal of Personality, vol. 18: 6, pp. 463-482.
Chapters in books
Jonsson, G. , Roempke, S. & Zakrisson, I. (2003). Att undvika oligarki i teori och praktik.. In Kooperation,ideellt arbete & lokal ekonomisk utveckling. Stockholm : Fören. Kooperativa studier (Kooperativ årsbok). pp. 43-72.
Zakrisson, I. (2001). Finns det skillnader i medborgarkultur i Sverige? . In Kooperation, socialt kapital och medborgerliga insatser. Stockholm : Fören. Kooperativa studier (Kooperativ årsbok). pp. 143-171.
Conference papers
Zakrisson, I. (2007). Kön och makt : Relationen mellan sociala strukturer, kön och identitet. In Genusmaraton 2007 : Mittsveriges genusforskare på frammarsch. Östersund : (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 63--68.
Löfstrand, P. , Zakrisson, I. , Zipsanse, H. & Bäckström, M. (2006). Does role-playing the situation of a refugee affect racism : Paper presented at International Society fo Political Psychology conference, Barcelona, July 2006.. .
Zakrisson, I. (2005). Engagement in voluntary associations and socio-political attitudes and behavior: A tentative test of the causal direction : Paper presented at ISSID conference, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, July 18-22.. .
Zakrisson, I. (2004). Sex differences in Social Dominance Orientation: Is male dominance inevitable? : ISPP 27th annual meeting, Lund, Sweden, 14-18 July, 2004. .
Jonsson, G. & Zakrisson, I. (2003). Organizational dilemmas in voluntary associations. : Paper presented at the EGPA annual conference in Lisbon, Portugal, September 3-6, 2003.. .
Jonsson, G. , Roempke, S. & Zakrisson, I. (2002). The political language - a threat to the democratic organization? : Paper presented at the ISPP 25th conference in Berlin, Germany, July 16-19, 2002.. .
Zakrisson, I. & Löfstrand, P. (2002). Tolerance, SDO, RWA, and perceived upbringing in Sweden : Paper presented at the ISPP 25th conference in Berlin, Germany, July 16-19, 2002.. .
Jonsson, G. , Roempke, S. & Zakrisson, I. (2002). Democratic dilemmas in voluntary organizations. : Paper presented at the 9th International Social Justice Conference, Skövde, June 17-20, 2002.. .
Zakrisson, I. (2010). Big Five Inventory (BFI) : Utprövning för svenska förhållanden. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (Social Science Reports from Mid Sweden University 3)
Zakrisson, I. , Skoglund, W. , Jonsson, G. & Löfstrand, P. (2008). Idrottens roll i lokal samhällsutveckling : bortom Real Madrid och storstädernas mångfald. Östersund : JiLU