A warm welcome to the course Environmental Science BA (B), Ecosystem Services, 15 Credits and as a student at Mid Sweden University.
The introduction days for autumn semester 2015 starts wednesday august 26. You will find more information about introduction activities, accommodation, check list and more on our website, www.miun.se/admitted.
Welcome to the course Ecosystem services
The subject Ecosystem services is really a topic of great interest in most countries at the moment . We look forward to cooperate with you during this course.
Course plan:
Environmental Science BA (B), Ecosystem Services, 15 Credits
Application code:
Course period:
2015-08-31 - 2016-01-15
The course starts Wednesday September 2 at 8.15. Campus students, please check schedule for which room we will use.
Four weeks before the beginning of the course you will get access to your schedule www.miun.se/schemasok. Please note that the timetable may be updated until the beginning of the course and even after that if something unforeseen happens.
Getting started
Remember to reply to your notification of selection in order to keep your place on the course. Please note that this letter is not your admissions decision.
Before you can begin your studies, there are three things you need to do
1. Get a login for the student portal (Swedish: Studentportalen)
You will receive your User ID upon arrival at Mid Sweden University.
This is your most important tool during your studies at Mid Sweden University. Here, you will find information about courses, study material etc. This is also where you register for each course. All of this can be found at www.miun.se/admitted.
Please note:
If you have studied at Mid Sweden University before, you will keep the same student login and user id.
2. Read through the current course syllabus
In the course syllabus, there is information about the course literature and other important things about the course.
3. Register for the course
You must register for all of the courses you want to take during the semester. Upon arrival on campus, you will receive your User ID, which allows you to log into the Student portal where you click on the link “Study information”, and then “Register for course”. You can register no earlier than two working days before the beginning of the course. It is important that you register for each course. Detailed information will be given during the Introduction days.
The course is mainly based on group works and assignments. To get as most knowledge as possible you shall be prepared to work together with your class mates in preparing assignments, do presentations and conduct field studies. You have to spend at least 400 hours in total for the different tasks within the course. It’s important that you keep the speed up in reading and following the discussion so plan to spend at least 20 hours a week the entire course period from August 31 to January 17.
To help you in your learning process we will arrange lectures, exercises, projects/assignments, field trips and labs. Among these, projects/assignments, field trips and labs are mandatory parts of the course (as is of course the final exam) and part of the examination. During the whole course you will work together in different groups with different assignments. It is very important that you take responsibility for your studies since your classmates results also depend on you.
Week 40 will (September 28-October 2) be a mandatory scheduled week at campus Östersund for both campus students as well as distance students.
All information will be provided in advance on the course platform on the student portal. Be sure that you read the instructions and check the course platform regularly. Information how you reach the platform will be sent to you at latest in August.
If you do not want to attend this course you have been admitted to, please send an e-mail to aterbud@miun.se and state your name, date of birth and application code.
Contact us
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail contact@miun.se or phone, +46 (0)10-142 80 00 Monday through friday, 10.00-12.00.
Mid Sweden University
Paul Van den brink