Rosemarie Ankre
I am a geographer specializing in human geography. I have written a licentiate thesis "Understanding a visitor” within the discipline of spatial planning. My research focuses specifically on various kinds of conflicts related to land and water use, as well as tourism and outdoor recreation (with specifically the visitor in mind). To be able to better introduce tourism and outdoor recreation in the comprehensive plans, it is important to identify conflicts and how they may be addressed in the planning and management e.g. through zoning. Natural quiet and noise are of specific interest to analyze from a conflict perspective, and how these issues can be addressed in comprehensive planning and management.
Area of interest
- Nature-based tourism and outdoor recreation in the coastal and mountain areas
- Conflicts of land and water use
- Visitor attitudes
- Natural quiet, noise and soundscapes
- Zoning as a tool in planning and management
Current research
"Beyond Conflicts: Understanding Challenges and Opportunities in the Swedish Mountain Landscapes".
Teaching and tutoring
I teach in human geography and geography at MidSweden University.
Articles in journals Chapters in books Conference papers Licentiate theses, monographs Reports
Articles in journals
Ankre, R. & Wall Reinius, S. (2010). Methodological Perspectives: The Application of Self-Registration Cards in the Swedish Coasts and Mountains. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, vol. 10: 1, pp. 74-80.
Chapters in books
Ankre, R. & Nilsson, P. (2015). Remote yet Close: The Question of Accessibility in the Faroe Islands. In Archipelago Tourism : Policies and Practices. Ashgate (New Directions in Tourism Analysis). pp. 137-146.
Ankre, R. , Fredman, P. & Lindhagen, A. (2014). Att mäta friluftsliv. In Friluftsliv i Förändring : Studier från svenska upplevelselandskap. Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag. pp. 102-118.
Ankre, R. (2009). Planning for Silence With Knowledge of the Visitors: A Case Study of the Luleå Archipelago, Sweden. In Coastal Tourism Development. New York : Cognizant Communication Corporation.
Ankre, R. & Nilsson, P. (2006). The Luleå Archipelago, Sweden. In Extreme tourism : lessons from the world's cold water islands. Amsterdam : Elsevier (Advances in tourism research). pp. 145-147.
Bodén, B. & Ankre, R. (2005). Turism i skärgården. In Målkonflikter mellan natur, kultur och turism. Östersund : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) (Utredningsserien / European Tourism Research Institute). pp. 43-49.
Conference papers
Ankre, R. , Fredman, P. & Lindhagen, A. (2012). Visitor monitoring from a manager perspective - Experiences from Sweden. In 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas : Outdoor Recreation in Change - Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Stockholm, Sweden, August 21-24, 2012.. pp. 26--27.
Petersson Forsberg, L. , Ankre, R. & Emmelin, L. (2010). Outdoor recreation in Sweden - Can local land use planning deliver the areas needed?. In Recreation, tourismand nature in achanging world.. pp. 189--190.
Ankre, R. , Petersson Forsberg, L. & Emmelin, L. (2008). Silence – an article of short supply in outdoor recreation?Handling noise conflicts in Swedish planning. In Management for protection and sustainable development. The Fourth International Conference on Monitoring and Managemnt of Visitors Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas. : Montecatini Terme, Italy 14-19 October 2008 Proceedings. (-). pp. 399--403.
Nilsson, P. & Ankre, R. (2004). Extreme Tourism: Lessons from the World´s Cold Water Islands The case of the Lule Archipelago in Sweden. : ISLANDS OF THE WORLD VIII - an international conference held on Kinmen Island (Quemoy), Taiwan. .
Licentiate theses, monographs
Ankre, R. (2007). Understanding the visitor : A prerequisite for coastal zone planning. Lic. Karlskrona : Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2007 (Vetenskapliga bokserien / European Tourism Research Institute : 2007:19) (Blekinge Institute of Technology Licentiate Dissertation Series : 2007:09)
Wall-Reinius, S. , Olausson, F. , Ankre, R. , Dahlberg, A. , Lexhagen, M. , Lundberg, C. , Sandell, K. & Bodén, B. (2015). Undersökning bland besökare i södra Jämtlandsfjällen sommaren 2013. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute 2015:2)
Ankre, R. , Fredman, P. & Lindhagen, A. (2013). Att mäta friluftsliv – Erfarenheter från besöksräkningar och besökarstudier i Friluftsliv i Förändring. Resultat från ett forskningsprogram. Slutrapport.. Stockholm : Naturvårdsverket (Rapport / Forskningsprogrammet Friluftsliv i förändring 27)
Ankre, R. (2009). Zoning in a future coastal biosphere reserve : Planning for tourism and outdoor recreation in the Blekinge archipelago, Sweden. Östersund : ETOUR (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2009:1)
Ankre, R. & Emmelin, L. (2006). Zoning and opportunity Spectrum Planning in a Discontinuous Environment : Planning for Tourism and Outdoor Recreation in the Luleå Archipelago, Sweden. Östersund : ETOUR (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2006:2)
Ankre, R. (2005). Visitor Activities and Attitudes in Coastal Areas : A case study of the Luleå archipelago, Sweden. Östersund : ETOUR (Working paper - European Tourism Research Institute 2005:1)
Ankre, R. (2004). The importance of visitors : attitudes and activities : A study of Luleå archipelago. Turistdelegationen