On March 4th Jan Thim and Johan Sidén both held their trial lecture for appointment as an Associate Professor.
First up was Jan Thim with his lecture "Innovationsforskning: akademisk stötesten eller drivande forskningsmotor? Erfarenheter från OnTop". He handled the topic of innovation from a research perspective, looking at the issue of combining the research mission and at the same time be an innovator. Is the time enough? Jan gave examples from his journey with OnTop, a research innovation which became both a product and a company.
Later Johan Sidén talked about "Funktionella ytor för identifiering och positionering av taggade objekt – Lösningar av Maxwells ekvationer med digital teknik". He showed how large areas can detect ID-tagged objects placed on them and tell you where on such a surface each tagged objects is. Johans field in research is in printed electronics (RFID), which is a kind of electronic tagging instead of barcode, machine vision systems, wireless sensor networks and fiber optic sensors.