Louise Logenius



Articles in journals

Logenius, L. , Agnemo, R. & Höglund, H. (2010). A study of the formation and elimination of chromophores in wood under mechanical pulping conditions using spectroscopy. Paperi ja puu - Paper and timber, vol. 92: 5, pp. 35-39.

Logenius, L. , Friman, L. & Agnemo, R. (2008). The influence of temperature and moisture on the optical properties of cellulose in the presence of metal chlorides and glucuronic acid. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 23: 1, pp. 72-80.

Logenius, L. , Friman, L. & Agnemo, R. (2008). The influence of temperature and moisture on the physical properties of cellulose in the presence of metal chlorides and glucuronic acid. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 23: 1, pp. 81-86.

Friman, L. , Logenius, L. , Agnemo, R. & Högberg, H. (2003). Comparison of metal profiles in thermomechanical pulping processes in which either hydrogen peroxide or dithionite bleaching is used. Paperi ja Puu/Paper and timber, vol. 85: 6, pp. 334-339.

Conference papers

Logenius, L. , Fjellström, H. & Engstrand, P. (2014). A sustainable analysis of sulphonic acid content in CTMP pulps. In International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2014. Espoo :

Engberg, B. , Logenius, L. & Engstrand, P. (2014). Mechanical properties of sulphonated wood in relation to wing refiner properties. In International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2014. Espoo :

Logenius, L. , Engberg, B. A. , Nelsson, E. & Engstrand, P. (2013). Mechanical testing methods for evaluation of the mechanical properties of sulphonated wood. .

Logenius, L. , Engberg, B. A. , Fjellström, H. & Engstrand, P. (2013). Mechanical Properties of Sulphonated Spruce Wood. . Åre, Sweden :

Logenius, L. , Engstrand, P. , Karlström, A. & Paulsson, M. (2011). Improved hydrogen peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps using carbon dioxide in combination with sodium and magnesium based alkali sources. In 16th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings, ISWFPC.. pp. 741--745.

Fjellström, H. , Engstrand, P. , Granfeldt, T. & Logenius, L. (2011). Predicting CTMP bleachability using wood shavings. In 16th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings, ISWFPC.. pp. 613--616.

Logenius, L. , Agnemo, R. & Höglund, H. (2007). High-Temperature Bleaching of Mechanical Pulps from Spruce. In Proceedings. Internationl mechanical pulping conference 6-9 May, 2007, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Logenius, L. , Angemo, R. & Höglund, H. (2006). High temperature Peroxide Bleaching of TMP from Spruce. In 5th Fundamental Mechanical Pulping Reasearch Seminar, 31 May- 1 June, 2006, Trondheim, Norway.

Logenius, L. , Friman, L. & Agnemo, R. (2005). The influence of high temperature on the ageing of cellulose impregnated with metal chlorides under dry and moist conditions.. In Proceedings, 13th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry, 16-19 May, Auckland, New Zealand.. pp. 243--249.

Logenius, L. , Agnemo, R. & Höglund, H. (2005). High temperature bleaching of mechanical pulps from spruce. In Proceedings, International Mechanical Pulping Conference, 7-9 June, 2005, Oslo, Norway.. pp. 80--84.

Logenius, L. , Höglund, H. & Agnemo, R. (2004). Impact of temperature profile on the brightness of spruce wood. In 4th Fundamental Mechanical Pulping Research Seminar, 7-8 June, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden.

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

Logenius, L. (2008). The influence of high temperature on the discoloration and degradation of carbohydrates and on hydrogen peroxide bleaching of spruce TMP. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2008 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 46)


Logenius, L. , Agnemo, R. & Höglund, H. High-Temperature Bleaching of Mechanical Pulps from Spruce