Guest lectures 2008-2014
Here you will find a list of some of the guest lecturer at STC:
Prof. Janne Heikkilä, University of Oulu, Finland.
Title: Computer vision research at the University of Oulu
Lecturer: Prof. Janne Heikkilä, University of Oulu, Finland.
Date: Tuesday 3rd of June 2014
Time: 17.30-18.15
Place: Room L408, Campus Sundsvall
This talk provides an overview of the research activities in the Center for Machine Vision Research. Topics to be addressed include Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and its applications, blur insensitive image and texture descriptors, image-based 3D modeling, computational photography, and biomedical image analysis.
Janne Heikkilä received his Doctor of Science in Technology degree in Information Engineering from the University of Oulu in 1998. Currently, he is a Professor of Information Technology in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Associate Director of the Center for Machine Vision Research (CMV), and the Head of the Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Oulu. He has served on committees of several international conferences and as a reviewer in many scientific journals. He is an Associate Editor of IET Computer Vision and Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, a Member of the Governing Board of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), and a Senior Member of the IEEE. During 2006-2009 he was the President of the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland. He has been the principal investigator in numerous research projects funded by Academy of Finland, National Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes) and industry. His research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, digital image and video processing, and statistical signal processing. He has been the principal supervisor of 6 completed doctoral dissertations and he has contributed to more than 140 peer reviewed international scientific articles.
Prof. Reinhard Koch Christian, Albrechts University Kiel, Germany.
Title: Model-based analysis of dynamic scenes from range-color video
Lecturer: Prof. Reinhard Koch Christian, Albrechts University Kiel, Germany.
Date: Wednesday 4th of June 2014
Time: 15.15-16.00
Place: Room M108, Campus Sundsvall
Tracking of deformable objects from video is a challenge due to the large dimensionality of the problem, when the deformation modes are unknown. Examples are tracking of cloth, elastic materials, or thin surfaces under external forces in realtime for interactive purposes. In this talk, I will discuss our approach of handling such scenes by observing the deformation in 3D videos stream consisting of depth and color, like for example the Kinect sensor device. The key is a very fast model-based analysis-by-synthesis approach that models the observed object and its deformations in realtime, and synthesises the expected observation into a virtual camera. Based on the observed difference between synthesized and real video, a stochastic global optimisation adapts model geometry, position, and deformation modes in a feedback loop, and allows for interactive manipulation of the scene.
Reinhard Koch holds a PhD (Dr.-Ing., 1996) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hannover, Germany. From 1996 - 99 he lead the 3D modeling team at the KU Leuven, Belgium, in the vision group of prof. Luc van Gool. Since 1999 he is professor and head of the Multimedia Information Processing group at the Department of Computer Science of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. The research interests are 3D modeling from video, images, and depth sensors, fast camera calibration and tracking algorithms, depth-based 3D-TV and the confluence of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision in the field of Mixed and Augmented Reality.
Industry-employed doctoral student Patrik Jonsson
Title: "Surface condition imaging using spectral analysis and computer models"
Lecturer: Industry-employed student Patrik Jonsson, COMBITECH
Date: May 19th 2014
Time: 13:15-15:00
Room: L212
Biography Partik Jonsson
The Industry-employed Ph.D student Patrik Jonssons research is about improving road safety by finding new sensors, computer models and systems that deliver increased knowledge of the winter road. Gaining greater awareness of current and future conditions allowing to improve snow and ice and warn road users during sudden changes in any road conditions. The research is a collaboration between COMBITECH Vägverket and Mid Sweden University.
Doctor Kirk Martinez
Title: "Glacsweb: a sensor network for glaciers"
Lecturer: Doctor Kirk Martinez, University of Southhampton (UK)
Date: October 2nd 2013
Time: 10.00
Room: O111, Campus Sundsvall
Biography Kirk Martinez
Kirk Martinez is a Reader in Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton UK. He gained a BSc in Physics from the University of Reading and a PhD in Image Processing in the department of Electronic Systems Engineering at the University of Essex. His current research is on Environmental Sensor Networks which are Wireless sensor networks, for studying/monitoring the environment, particularly in relation to glaciers and climate change – Glacsweb project.
Watch the whole lecture with Kirk Martinez here >>>
Associate Professor Klas Nordberg
Title: "Motion segmentation in video sequences".
Lecturer: Associate Professor Klas Nordberg, Linköping University (Sweden).
Date:June 10th 2013.
Time: 16.00
Room:L408, Campus Sundsvall.
Besides other visual cues, such as color or texture, segmentation of objects in a video sequence can be made based on motion. A common assumption used in this case is that any object in the scene move in 3D space in accordance to a rigid transformation, and that distinct objects move in accordance with distinct rigid transformations. Assuming that a set of image points have been tracked along the images of a video sequence, each such point follows that projected motion trajectory of a specific objects, and the segmentation task implies grouping points that belong to the same object, i.e., are moving in accordance with the same rigid transformation. The talk presents some of the standard methods for dealing with this segmentation problem, together with a specific approach developed at Linköping University.
Biography Klas Nordberg
Klas Nordberg has obtained the Master of Science in Computer Science in 1988, PhD in Image Processing in 1995 and the Docent degree in Computer Vision in 2012. He has held a position as Research assistant at Linköping University 1995-1998, and he is employed as Senior Lecturer at the same university since 1998. His research interests are in Motion segmentation, Geometry, Computer Vison for Autonomous Vehicles, and Feature Extraction in Images and 3D Data.
Associate professor Markus H. Flierl
Title:"Advances on Processing and Coding of Immersive Visual Media"
Lecturer:Associate professor Markus H. Flierl.
Date: Wednesday June 5 th 2013.
Time: 14:00
Room: L408
Biography Markus H Flierl
Markus Flierl received the PhD and Master degrees in Electrical Engineering from at Friedrich Alexander University, Germany in 2003 and 1997, respectively. He has been a senior researcher at the Signal Processing Institute at EPFL, Switzerland, under the lead of Prof. Murat Kunt and Prof. Pierre Vandergheynst. He has been a visiting assistant professor at Stanford University 2005-2008 hosted by Prof. Bernd Girod. Markus Flierl is the head of the research group Visual Communications at the Sound and Image Processing Laboratory at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm since 2008.
Professor Hans-Jürgen Zepernic
Title: "Quality of Mobile Multimedia Experience".
Lecturer:Professor Hans-Jürgen Zepernic, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola.
Date: May 16 th 2013.
Time: 15:30
Room: R320 Campus Sundsvall.
The rapid evolution of wireless networks is driven by the growth of wireless packet data applications such as interactive mobile multimedia applications, wireless streaming services, and video-on-demand. The largely heterogeneous network structures, severe channel impairments, and complex traffic patterns make the wireless networks much more unpredictable compared to their wired counterparts. One of the major challenges with the roll-out of these services is therefore the design of wireless networks that fulfill the stringent quality of service requirements of mobile multimedia applications. In this presentation, perceptual image and video quality metrics for real-time quality assessment of mobile multimedia experience are discussed. This includes a classification of quality assessment methods, comparison of psychophysical versus engineering approaches, perceptual image and video quality assessment, and some example applications.
Hans-Jürgen Zepernick received the Dipl.-Ing. degree from the University of Siegen in 1987 and the Dr.-Ing. degree from the University of Hagen in 1994. From 1987 to 1989, he was with Siemens AG, Munich, Germany. He is currently a Professor of radio communications at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden. Prior to this appointment, he held the positions of Professor of wireless communications at Curtin University of Technology; Deputy Director of the Australian Telecommunications Research Institute; and Associate Director of the Australian Telecommunications Cooperative Research Centre. His research interests include cooperative communications, cognitive radio networks, mobile multimedia, and perceptual quality assessment.
Adjunct professor Kjell Brunnström from Acreo holds a presentation
Title: "Different aspects influencing 3D Quality of Experience"
Lecturer: Adj. Prof. Kjell Brunnström Mid Sweden University and Acreo
Date: Friday 19th April
Time: 13.15-14.00
Room: L111
2011 and older
Title: "Ensemble based optimization and tuning algorithms" Listen
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Bartz-Beielstein
Date: October 14
Time: 15.00-17.00
Place: Campus Östersund, room Q340
Title: "Scheduling of Concurrent Reactive Objects for Embedded Real-Time Systems" Listen
Lecturer: Professor Per Lindgren from Luleå Technical University.
Date: June 9th 2011
Time: 14.30
Place: O102
Title: "Wireless Communication in Industrial and Factory Environments"
Lecturer: Dr. José Chilo at University of Gävle.
Date: March 18 th 2011
Time: 13:00
Place: R320
Title: "Variations around Presence Service: Interoperability, Virtualization, and End-user Application".
Lecturer:Assoc. Prof. Roch Glitho
Date:March 2
Title one:Lecture on Calibration Listen
Title two:Research presentation: "Measurement of the Condition of Industrial Washer Liquids"
ListenLecturer: Prof. Jörg Hoffmann, Univ. of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
Date: May 2009
Title one:Lecture on Calibration
Title two :Lab on calibration
Title three: Research presentation: "Measurement of the Condition of Industrial Washer Liquids"
Lecturer: Professor Jörg Hoffmann, Univ. of Applied Sciences Osnabrück.
Date: May 2009