Below you find files related to the research on ROI Video coding where the sequences Carphone, Close-up and Foreman has been used. The files contains the encoded sequences of the original sequences and after pre-filtering them withe spatio-temporal ROI-filter.
The original sequence Close-up (.yup) can be found here. (11.2 MB)
An example of the Close-up sequence is also given below, encoded with 70 kps.
- carphone_org_25fps_30kbps.264
- carphone_SPTP_sigma1.5_25fps_30kbps.264
- closeup_example_25fps_70kbps.264
- closeup_org_25fps_40kbps.264
- closeup_SPTP_sigma1.5_25fps_40kps.264
- foreman_org_25fps_30kbps.264
- foreman_SPTP_sigma5_25fps_30kbps.264