PhD Projects

Outdoor recreation and environmentalism
Daniel Wolf-Watz thesis deals with social and spatial perspectives on the relationship between outdoor recreation (including nature based tourism) and environmentalism. The research is part of the program Outdoor recreation in change.
For more information, contact Daniel Wolf-Watz.
Knowing the visitor in planning – conflicts and zoning in Swedish coastal areas
Rosemarie Ankres thesis includes two case studies, Blekinge and Luleå archipelagos, where I have conducted several questionnaire surveys and interviews. Because of the sensitive nature and culture areas, the Swedish archipelagos become arenas for a variety of different stakeholders, whose needs, interests and experiences in some cases go in different directions. This may cause conflicts of, for example, conservation, accessibility, usage, development and management of the coastal landscapes. Noise is especially investigated in my work. To be able to introduce tourism and outdoor life better in the Swedish comprehensive plans, it is important to be able to identify but also handle these conflicts. Zoning is thereby analyzed as a potential management tool in Swedish coastal areas.
For more information, contact Rosemarie Ankre.
A value co-creation perspective on the customer-based brand equity model for tourism destinations
For more information contact Tatiana Chekalina.
The marketing performance chain in tourism organizations: User-generated content as information source for decision making in customer relationship management (CRM)
For more information, contact Thomas Pinthal.
Event experiences and Event design
Anders Nordvall's Phd project is within the area of event experiences and event design. The focus for the work is social experiences and surprises, and how events can be designed for these experiential dimensions.
For more information, contact Anders Nordvall.