Nils Ekelund

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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Gylle, A. M. , Nygård, C. A. , Svan, C. I. , Pocock, T. & Ekelund, N. G. A. (2013). Photosynthesis in relation to D1, PsaA and Rubisco in marine and brackish water ecotypes of Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus radicans (Phaeophyceae). Hydrobiologia, vol. 700: 1, ss. 109-119.

Ekelund, N. (2012). Växter som kan simma. Havsutsikt, vol. 1: 1, ss. 8-9.

Svahn, C. , Gylle, M. & Ekelund, N. G. A. (2012). Photosynthetic activity in marine and brackish water strains of Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus radicans (Phaeophyceae) at different light qualities. Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 88: 6, ss. 1455-1460.

Gylle, A. M. , Rantamäki, S. , Ekelund, N. G. & Tyystjärvi, E. (2011). Fluorescence emission spectra of marine and brackish-water ecotypes of Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus radicans (Phaeophyceae) reveal differences in light-harvesting apparatus : emission spectra in Fucus. Journal of Phycology, vol. 47: 1, ss. 98-105.

Ekelund, N. (2010). Ecological and environmental knowledge of aquatic ecosystems. PS public service review, , ss. 502-502.

Gylle, A. M. , Nygård, C. A. & Ekelund, N. G. (2009). Desiccation and salinity effects on marine and brackhish Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae).. Phycologia, vol. 48: 3, ss. 156-164.

Gylle, M. , Isaksson, D. & Ekelund, N. (2009). Research note: Ecotype differentiation in qualitative content of water soluble organic compounds between marine and brackish Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae). Phycological Research, vol. 57: 2, ss. 127-130.

Ekelund, N. (2008). Effekter av ozon- och klimatförändringar på växter och djur. Fauna och flora , vol. 103: 2, ss. 10-16.

Ekelund, N. G. A. , Nygård, C. A. , Nordström, R. & Gylle, M. (2008). In situ study of relative electron transport rates (ETR) in the marine macroalga Fucus vesiculosus from the Baltic Sea at different depths and times of the year.. Journal of Applied Phycology, vol. 20: 5, ss. 751-756.

Aronsson, K. A. & Ekelund, N. (2008). Limnological effects on a first order stream after Wood Ash Application to a boreal forest catchment in Bispgården, Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 255: 1, ss. 245-253.

Ekelund, N. & Aronsson, A. (2007). Changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence in Euglena gracilis and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii after exposure to wood-ash.. Environmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 59: 1, ss. 92-98.

Pettersson, M. & Ekelund, N. G. (2006). Effects of the herbicides roundup and avans on Euglena gracilis. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 50: 2, ss. 175-181.

Björn, L. O. & Ekelund, N. (2006). Koraller och deras fotosyntetiska endosymbionter, zooxantellerna.. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, vol. 100: 4, ss. 263-270.

Björn, L. & Ekelund, N. (2006). Koraller och zooxantheller : ett marint partnerskap. Svensk botanisk tidskrift, vol. 100: 4, ss. 263-270.

Nygård, C. & Ekelund, N. (2006). Photosynthesis and UV-B tolerance of the marine alga Fucus vesiculosus at different sea water salinities.. Journal of Applied Phycology, vol. 18: 3-5, ss. 461-467.

Aronsson, K. A. & Ekelund, N. (2006). Effects on growth, photosynthesis and pigments of the freshwater moss Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. after exposure to wood ash solution. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 372: 1, ss. 236-246.

Björn, L. O. & Ekelund, N. (2005). Dinoflagellater : Hopplock från livets smörgåsbord. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, vol. 99: 1, ss. 7-16.

Aronsson, K. A. & Ekelund, N. (2005). Respiration measurements can assess the fitness of Gammarus pulex (L.) after exposure to different contaminants : experiments with wood ash, cadmium and aluminum. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, vol. 164: 4, ss. 479-491.

Aronsson, K. A. & Ekelund, N. (2005). Effects on Motile Factors and Cell Growth of Euglena gracilis After Exposure to Wood Ash Solution : Assessment of Toxicity, Nutrient Availability and pH-Dependency. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 162: 1-4, ss. 353-368.

Ekelund, N. & Aronsson, A. (2004). Flagellaten Euglena gracilis rörelseförmåga kan avslöja graden av giftighet (kadmium) i vatten med hjälp av metoden ECOTOX. (Orientation of the flagellate Euglena gracilis can identify the toxicity (cadmium) of water using the automatic biotest ECOTOX).. Vatten, vol. 60: 2, ss. 77-84.

Aronsson, A. & Ekelund, N. (2004). Biological effects of Wood Ash Application.. Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 33: 5, ss. 1595-1605.

Figueroa, F. , Nygård, C. , Ekelund, N. & Gomez, I. (2003). Photobiological characteristics and photosynthetic UV responses in two Ulva species (Chlorophyta) from southern Spain.. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, vol. 72: 1-3, ss. 35-44.

Danilov, R. A. & Ekelund, N. (2002). Periphyton communities on natural substrata in eu-, meso- and oligotrophic lakes at higher latitude. Biologia (Bratislava), vol. 57: 4, ss. 433-436.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2002). Effects of short-term and long-term aluminium stress on photosynthesis, respiration and reproductive capacity in a unicellular green flagellate (Euglena gracilis).. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, vol. 30: 4, ss. 190-196.

Gylle, M. , Nygård, C. & Ekelund, N. G. A. (2002). Impacts of UV-radiation on photosynthesis of Fucus vesiculosus at low temperature and different salinities. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie, vol. 28, ss. 242-245.

Danilov, R. A. & Ekelund, N. G. A. (2001). Phytoplankton communities at different depths in two eutrophic and two oligotrophic temperate lakes at higher latitude during the period of ice cover. Acta Protozoologica, vol. 40, ss. 197-201.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2001). Using the green flagellate Euglena gracilis Klebs as physiological dosimeter: is a long-term bioassay more significant than a short-term one?. Turkish journal of botany, vol. 25, ss. 43-44.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2001). Comparison of usefulness of three types of artificial substrata (glass, wood and plastic) when studying settlement patterns of periphyton in lakes of different trophic status.. Journal of Microbiological Methods, vol. 45, ss. 167-170.

Ekelund, N. & Danilov, R. (2001). Comparative studies on the usefulness of seven ecological indices for the marine coastal monitoring close to the shore on the swedish east coast. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, vol. 66, ss. 265-279.

Ekelund, N. (2001). Växters fotosyntes vid förändrade miljöförhållanden. Fauna och flora , vol. 96: 1, ss. 15-24.

Ekelund, N. & Danilov, R. (2001). The influence of selenium on photosynthesis and light-enhanced dark respiration (LEDR) in the flagellate Euglena gracilis after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.. Aquatic Sciences, vol. 63: 4, ss. 457-465.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2001). Effects of Cu2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and pentachlorophenol on photosynthesis and motility in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in short-term exposure experiments.. BMC Ecology, vol. 1: 1

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2001). Effects of pH on the growth rate, motility and photosynthesis in Euglena gracilis. Folia Microbiologica, vol. 46: 6, ss. 549-554.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2001). Effects of solar radiation, humic substances and nutrients on phytoplankton biomass in Lake Solumsjö, Sweden.. Hydrobiologia, vol. 444: 1-3, ss. 203-212.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2001). Responses of photosynthetic efficiency, cell shape and motility in Euglena gracilis (Euglenophyceae) to short-term exposure to heavy metals and pentachlorophenol.. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 132: 1-2, ss. 61-73.

Danilov, R. A. & Ekelund, N. (2001). Applicability of growth rate, cell shape and motility of Euglena gracilis as physiological parameters for bioassessment at lower concentrations of toxic substances: an experimental approach.. Environmental Toxicology, vol. 16: 1, ss. 78-83.

Ekelund, N. G. A. (2000). Interactions between photosynthesis and 'light-enhanced dark respiration' (LEDR) in the flagellate Euglena gracilis after irradiation with ultraviolet radiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, vol. 55: 1, ss. 63-69.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2000). Effects of increasing doses of UV-B radiation on photosynthesis and motility in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Folia microbiologica (Prague), vol. 45: 1, ss. 41-44.

Ekelund, N. & Danilov, R. (2000). Effects of copper on growth rate, cell shape, motility and photosynthesis in the green flagellate Euglena gracilis in a long-term experiment. Biologia (Bratislava), vol. 55: 4, ss. 413-418.

Ekelund, N. & Danilov, R. (2000). Effects of autumnal stratification on phytoplankton communities in Lake Solumsjö, Sweden: Application of diversity indices and multivariate methods. Biologia (Bratislava), vol. 55: 4, ss. 357-362.

Ekelund, N. & Danilov, R. (2000). Influence of chlorophyll concentrations on the reliability of measurements with an oxygen electrode when studying photosynthetic efficiency in bioassays using microalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology, vol. 12: 1, ss. 63-67.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2000). Autumn phytoplankton assemblages in temperate lakes of different eutrophication level in the middle part of Sweden. Nordic Journal of Botany, vol. 20: 2, ss. 225-232.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2000). Effects of different levels of UV-B radiation on marine epilithic communities: a short-term microcosm study. Scientia Marina, vol. 64: 4, ss. 363-368.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2000). Summer phytoplankton dynamics close to the shore in three brackish water bays on the East coast of Sweden (Gulf of Bothnia). Thaiszia – J. Botany, Kosice, vol. 9, ss. 131-142.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (2000). The use of epiphyton and epilithon data as a base for calculating ecological indices in monitoring of eutrophication in lakes in central Sweden. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 248, ss. 63-70.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (1999). The efficiency of seven diversity and one similarity indices based on phytoplankton data for assessing the level of eutrophication in lakes in central Sweden. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 234, ss. 15-23.

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (1999). Influence of waste water from the paper industry and UV-B radiation on the photosynthetic efficiency of Euglena gracilis. Journal of Applied Phycology, vol. 11, ss. 157-163.

Nygård, C. & Ekelund, N. (1999). Effects of lead (PbCl2) on photosynthesis and respiration of the bladderwrack, Fucus vesiculosus, in relation to different salinities.. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 116: 3-4, ss. 549-565.

Ekelund, N. (1998). Till sjöelefanter i mittoceanen. Senior posten, : 4

Ekelund, N. (1998). ”Hej då, sjöelefanter och pingviner – hoppas vi ses igen.”. Senior posten, : 5

Ekelund, N. (1996). Effects of protein synthesis inhibitors on photoinhibition by UV–B (280-320 nm) radiation in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Scienta Marina, vol. 60: 1, ss. 95-100.

Ekelund, N. & Nielsen, T. (1995). Influence of solar ultraviolet radiation on carbon fixation, oxygen evolution and motility of marine phytoplankton. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 18, ss. 281-288.

Petersen-Mahrt, S. , Ekelund, N. & Widell, S. (1995). Effects of UV-B radiation and nitrogen starvation on enzyme activities in isolated plasma membranes of Euglena gracilis. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 95, ss. 515-522.

Nielsen, T. , Björn, L. O. & Ekelund, N. (1995). Impact of natural and artificial ultraviolet-B radiation on motility and growth rate of marine dinoflagellates. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, vol. 27, ss. 73-79.

Petersen-Mahrt, S. , Ekelund, N. & Widell, S. (1994). Influence of UV-B radiation and nitrogen starvation on daily rhythms of phototaxis and cell shape in Euglena gracilis. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 92: 3, ss. 501-505.

Ekelund, N. (1994). Influence of UV-B radiation on light-response curves, absorption spectra and motility of four phytoplankton species. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 91, ss. 696-702.

Nielsen, T. & Ekelund, N. (1993). The effect of UV-B radiation and humic substances on growth and motility of the marine dinoflagellate Gyrodinium aureolum. Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 38, ss. 1570-1575.

Ekelund, N. (1993). The effect of UV-B radiation and humic substances on growth and motility of the flagellate, Euglena gracilis.. Journal of Plankton Research, vol. 15, ss. 715-722.

Ekelund, N. (1992). Studies on the effects of UV-B radiation on phytoplankton of Sub-Antarctic lakes and ponds. Polar Biology, vol. 12, ss. 533-537.

Ekelund, N. (1992). Report on fieldwork at Husvik, South Georgia: October - December 1990. "Studies on the effects of ultraviolet radiation on phytoplankton of Sub-Antarctic lakes and ponds. Swedish Antarctic Research Programme 1990/91, , , ss. 54-57.

Ekelund, N. (1992). Forøget ultraviolet stråling og dens betydning for havmiljøet.”. Naturens Verden, vol. 2, ss. 57-63.

Ekelund, N. (1991). The effects of UV-B radiation on dinoflagellates. Journal of plant physiology (Print), vol. 138, ss. 274-278.

Ekelund, N. (1990). Effects of UV-B radiation on growth and motility of four phytoplankton species. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 78, ss. 590-594.

Braune, W. & Ekelund, N. (1990). Phototactic responses in Haematococcus lacustris and its modification by light intensity and the carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor Norflurazon. Archives of Microbiology, vol. 154, ss. 448-452.

Ekelund, N. (1989). Effects of calcium channel blockers and DCMU on motility and the photophobic response of Gyrodinium dorsum. Archives of Microbiology, vol. 151, ss. 187-190.

Ekelund, N. (1989). Öresund. Kisa-Rapport. Nr. 5,

Ekelund, N. , Dolle, R. & Nultsch, W. (1988). Phototactic responses of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in electric fields. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 73, ss. 265-270.

Ekelund, N. & Häder, D. (1988). Photomovement and photobleaching in two Gyrodinium species. Plant and Cell Physiology, vol. 29, ss. 1109-1114.

Ekelund, N. (1988). Ljusrörelser hos mikroorganismer. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, vol. 82, ss. 333-336.

Ekelund, N. & Björn, L. O. (1987). Photophobic stop-response in a dinoflagellate: Modulation by preirradiation. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 70, ss. 394-398.

Sundqvist, C. & Ekelund, N. (1986). Spectral properties and chromophore rotation of phytochrome bound to substituted Sepharose. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 66, ss. 185-190.

Ekelund, N. , Sundqvist, C. , Quail., P. & Vierstra, R. (1985). Chromophore rotation in 124-k Dalton Avena sativa phytochrome as measured by light changes in linear dichroism. Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 41, ss. 221-223.

Björn, G. , Ekelund, N. & Björn, L. O. (1984). Light-induced lineardichroism in photoreversibly photochromic sensor pigments.” - IV. Lack of chromophore rotation in phycochrome b immobilized in vitro. Physiologia Plantarum, : 60, ss. 253-256.


Wängberg, S. , Selmer, J. , Gustavsson, K. & Ekelund, N. (1997). UV-B Effects on Nordic Marine Ecosystem – A literature Review. Copenhagen : Nordic Councils of Ministers

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Gylle, A. M. , Nygård, C. A. , Pocock, T. & Ekelund, N. G. A. (2007). Salinity effect on oxygen evolution and the relative amount of RuBisCO in the brackish Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae). I Pysiological responses of marine and brackish Fucuc vesiculosus L with respect to salinity. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University Licentiate Thesis). S. 1-8.


Nilsson, L. & Ekelund, N. (2008). Effects of estrogenic substances on the movement of Euglena gracilis. I INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY, VOL 30, PT 3, PROCEEDINGS. (INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY - Proceedings). S. 357--359.


Carlsson, F. , Vetterli, A. , Pocock, T. , Ekelund, N. & Falk, S. (2005). A comparative study including Clamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlamydomonas raudensis Ettl. strains SAG 49.72 and UWO 241 focusing on phototaxis.. I Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop Biotechnology of Microalgae.

Nyberg, M. , Nygård, C. & Ekelund, N. (2002). Impacts of UV-radiation on photosynthesis of Fucus vesiculosus at low temperature and different salinities. I The Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology : 28th Congress in Melbourne, Melbourne (Australia), 4-10 Feb 2001.. S. 242--245.

Ekelund, N. & Björn, L. O. (1990). Ultraviolet radiation stress in dinoflagellates in relation to targets, sensitivity and radiation climate. I Proceeding. Meeting La Jolla, Californien “Response of marine phytoplankton to natural variations in UV-B flux.”.


Ekelund, N. & Nielsen, T. (1998). Inhibition and adaptation of photosynthesis in marine phytoplankton as an effect of ultraviolet radiation. (European Commission, Ecosystems research report 30)

Danilov, R. & Ekelund, N. (1998). Correlation between different levels of waste substances from the forest industry and the growth rate of Euglena gracilis. Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Mitthögskolan 1998:8)