Ulf Söderlind

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I have worked in the energy area for more than 20 years. I have a passion for technique and technical systems, especially in relation to energy.
I also have a passion for environmental issues such as the Co2 and green house problems.
My colleagues and I are working in the bioenergy area more specific in the area of biomass gasification, the group name is “Bioenergy group”. We are gathering knowledge and skills in the DFBG allothermal gasification area to be able to convert biomass to chemicals e.g. automotive fuels.
The need for short and long time alternatives to fossil sources are huge and the time frame to come up with solutions are probably shorter than we think.
In my line of work, I handle the MIUN gasification/DME laboratory which is one of the largest laboratories at the university. The handling and responsibilities are spread over development of our systems, creation of innovations and advising students/Phd,s
I also have a wide responsibility to maintain contacts between companies and our research group.
If you have interest to come in contact with us please call- or mail me!


My responsibilities are to promote development of technique and knowledge in the area of Energy and more specific in Bio- energy/renewables.
I manage the gasification- and DME laboratory in Härnösand and work in close relation with all researchers, students and companies related to this field.
I started my work at MIUN by assisting a researcher in the field of sustainable refrigerants for heat pumps. This project gave me valuable experience that still are useful and the years co-operation with the researcher was pleasant.
In the year 2000 I come in contact with Dr. Wennan Zhang who was working with gasification of wastes and low value materials to low calorific gas mainly for heating of industrial processes. I was given the responsibility to develop and construct the MIUN gasfier and the MIUN gasification laboratory including measurement and analysis.
About 2004 we altered the research goals to include biomass gasification towards syngas for chemical production, mainly for Bio Automotive Fuels.
We choose to use the indirect gasification method to be able to minimise plant size in order to fit the gasification technique to the exsisting energy system and to fit it to the commodity source transportation radius, mainly forest residues.
Presently we are incorporated in the FSCN research centre at MIUN and the gasification is a part of the value chain for "Biorefinery" in tune with the fibre research activities at MIUN.
The gasification laboratory has expanded with a DME synthesis unit in cooperation wit Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion GIEC, a part of the Chinese Academy of Sience.
More expansions are in pipeline for our laboratory ,since the area of renewable chemicals and energy is of more interest than ever.


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , Engstrand, P. & Zhang, W. (2015). An experimental study on catalytic bed materials in a biomass dual fluidised bed gasifier. Renewable energy, vol. 81, ss. 251-261.

He, J. , Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2012). Simulation of biomass gasification in a dual fluidized bed gasifier. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, vol. 2: 1, ss. 1-10.

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2011). Experimental test on a novel dual fluidised bed biomass gasifier for synthetic fuel production. Fuel, vol. 90: 4, ss. 1340-1349.

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , Henschel, T. , Engstrand, P. & Zhang, W. (). Internal tar/CHreforming in a biomass dual fluidised bed gasifier.. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,

Zhang, W. , Dai, X. , Söderlind, U. & Wu, C. (). STUDY ON 6 MW CFB GASIFIER FUELED WITH SAWMILL WASTES. Biomass and Bioenergy,

Artiklar, forskningsöversikter

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , He, J. & Zhang, W. (2011). Review of syngas production via biomass DFBGs. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 15: 1, ss. 482-492.


Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. , Henschel, T. , Engstrand, P. & Zhang, W. (2014). Internal tar/CH4 reforming in a biomass dual fluidised bed gasifier. I Proceeding of 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications.

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2014). CATALYTIC REDUCTION OF TAR/CH4 BY AN INTERNAL REFORMER IN A DFB GASIFIER. I European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Proceedings.. S. 620--625.

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2013). Internal Tar/CH4 Reforming using a Novel Design in a Biomass Dual Fluidised Bed Gasifier. I 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : Setting the course for a biobased ecomomy. Florence, Italy : (European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings). S. 2038--2042.

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2012). Tar/CH4 Reforming by Catalytic Bed Materials in a Biomass Fluidised Bed Gasifier. I 20th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition : Proceedings of the International Confernce held in Milano, Italy, 18 - 22 June 2012.

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2010). TAR/CH4 REFORMING BY CATALYTICALLY ACTIVE MATERIALS IN A BIOMASS DUAL FLUIDISED BED GASIFIER . I The second International Symposium on Gasification and Its Application (ISGA 2010), December 5-8, Fukuoka, Japan.

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2009). Preliminary Test on the Allothermal Gasifier at Mid Sweden University. I 17th European Biomass Conference : FROM RESEARCH TO INDUSTRY AND MARKETS. Florence, Italy :

Göransson, K. , Söderlind, U. & Zhang, W. (2008). BTL laboratory at Mid Sweden University. I 16th European Biomass Conference. Florence : . S. 1041--1045.

Zhang, W. & Söderlind, U. (2005). A review on transportation fuels from biomass syngas : 7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling and Reintegration, Beijing. .

Zhang, W. , Dai, X. , Söderlind, U. & Wu, C. (2004). Further test on the Sanya 6MW biomass CFB gasifier. I 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection. Rome, Italy, 10 - 14 May 2004.

Zhang, W. , Dai, X. , Söderlind, U. , Wu, C. & Luo, X. (2002). A PRELIMINARY TEST ON AN INDUSTRIAL BIOMASS CFB GASIFIER . I 12th European Biomass Conference : Vol. 1.. S. 745--748.

Zhang, W. , Yu, C. , Tabikh, A. , Dai, X. , Söderlind, U. , Adanes, J. , de Diego, L. , García-Labiano, F. & et al. (2002). Process simulation of circulating fluidized beds with combustion/gasification of biomass.. I Twelfth European Biomass Conference - Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection : European Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection 12, 2002, Amsterdam>. Florence : . S. 1503-


Olofsson, I. , Nordin, A. & Söderlind, U. (2005). Initial Review and Evaluation of Process Technologies and Systems Suitable for Cost-Efficient Medium-Scale Gasification for Biomass to Liquid Fuels. Umeå : Umeå Universitet (ETPC Report 05-02)