Mikael Nordenmark



Articles in journals

Klockmo, C. , Marnetoft, S. , Selander, J. & Nordenmark, M. (2014). Important components to create personal working alliances with clients in the mental health sector to support the recovery process. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, vol. 37: 1, pp. 40-47.

Nordenmark, M. (2013). Disagreement about division of household labour and experiences of work-family conflict in different gender regimes. Géneros. Multidiciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 2: 3, pp. 205-232.

Strandh, M. , Hammarström, A. , Nilsson, K. , Nordenmark, M. & Russel, H. (2013). Unemployment, gender and mental health : The role of the gender regime. Sociology of Health and Illness, vol. 35: 5, pp. 649-665.

Vinberg, S. , Gundersen, K. T. , Nordenmark, M. , Larsson, J. & Landstad, B. (2012). Entrepreneurs’ health – the importance of psychosocial working conditions and individual factors. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, vol. 4: 4, pp. 374-390.

Klockmo, C. , Marnetoft, S. & Nordenmark, M. (2012). Moving toward a recovery-oriented approach in the Swedish mental health system : an interview study of Personligt Ombud in Sweden. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, vol. 3, pp. 1-16.

Hagqvist, E. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Nordenmark, M. (2012). Division of labor, perceived labor-related stress and well-being among European couples. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 2: 4, pp. 452-460.

Nordenmark, M. , Vinberg, S. & Strandh, M. (2012). Job control and demands, work-life balance and wellbeing among self-employed men and women in Europe.. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, vol. 3

Månsdotter, A. , Nordenmark, M. & Hammarström, A. (2012). The importance of childhood and adulthood aspects of gendered life for adult mental ill-health symptoms – a 27-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort. BMC Public Health, vol. 12, pp. Art. no. 493

Klockmo, C. , Marnetoft, S. , Nordenmark, M. & Dalin, R. (2012). Knowledge and attitude regarding recovery among mental health practitioners in Sweden. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, vol. 35: 1, pp. 62-68.

Svensson, J. , Romild, U. , Månsdotter, A. & Nordenmark, M. (2011). Gendered gambling domains and changes in Sweden. International Gambling Studies, vol. 11: 2, pp. 193-211.

Nordenmark, M. & Stattin, M. (2009). Psychosocial wellbeing and reasons for retirement in Sweden. Aging & Society, vol. 29: Part 3, pp. 413-430.

Sjöström, R. , Alricsson, M. , Asplund, R. & Nordenmark, M. (2009). Back to work - A two year outcome of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme focused on physical function and pain. Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 31: 3, pp. 237-242.

Fjell, Y. , Alexanderson, K. , Nordenmark, M. & Bildt, C. (2008). Perceived physical strain in paid and unpaid work and the work-home interface: the associations with musculoskeletal pain and fatigue among public employees.. Women & health, vol. 47: 1, pp. 21-44.

Nordenmark, M. , Grönlund, A. , Halleröd, B. , Evertsson, L. , Nilsson, K. , Norberg-Schönfeldt, M. , Nyman, C. & Wikström, M. (2008). Vi kan inte bortse från jämställdhetens baksida. Dagens Nyheter, : 090104, pp. A06-A06.

Nordenmark, M. (2007). Arbete och familj : En källa till konflikt. Loop, vol. 3, pp. 51-53.

Strandh, M. & Nordenmark, M. (2006). The interference of paid work with household demands in different social policy contexts : Perceived role conflicts in Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Hungary and the Czech Republic. British Journal of Sociology, vol. 57: 4, pp. 597-617.

Nordenmark, M. , Strandh, M. & Layte, R. (2006). The impact of unemployment benefit system on mental wellbeing of the unemployed in Sweden, Ireland and Great Britain. European Societies, vol. 8: 1, pp. 83-110.

Nordenmark, M. (2004). Balancing work and family demands : Do increasing demands increase stress?. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, vol. 32: 6, pp. 450-455.

Nordenmark, M. (2004). Does gender ideology explain differences between countries regarding the involvement of women and men in paid and unpaid work?. International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 13: 3, pp. 233-243.

Nordenmark, M. (2004). Multiple social roles and well-being : a longitudinal test of the role stress theory and the role expansion theory. Acta Sociologica, vol. 47: 2, pp. 115-126.

Nordenmark, M. & Nyman, C. (2003). Fair or unfair? : Perceived Fairness of Household Division of Labour and Gender Equality among Women and Men: The Swedish case. European Journal of Women's Studies, vol. 10: 2, pp. 181-209.

Nordenmark, M. (2002). Multiple social roles - a resource or a burden : Is it possible for men and women to combine paid work with family life in a satisfactory way?. Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 9: 2, pp. 125-145.

Nordenmark, M. (2000). Familjesituation och arbetsmarknadsstatus : Vad förklarar ensamstående föräldrars låga sannolikhet att erhålla ett arbete?. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, vol. 6: 2, pp. 97-111.

Nordenmark, M. (1999). The concentration of unemployment within families and social networks. : A question concerning attitudes or structural factors?. European Sociological Review, vol. 15: 1, pp. 49-59.

Nordenmark, M. & Strandh, M. (1999). Towards a Sociological Understanding of Mental Well being Among the Unemployed � s : The Role of Economic and Psychosocial Factors. Sociology: the journal of the British Sociological Association, vol. 33: 3, pp. 577-597.

Nordenmark, M. (1999). Non-financial employment motivation and well-being in different labour market situations : A Longitudinal Study. Work, Employment and Society, vol. 13: 4, pp. 601-620.

Nordenmark, M. (1999). Employment commitment and psychological well-being among unemployed men and women. Acta Sociologica, vol. 42: 2, pp. 135-146.

Nordenmark, M. (1999). Arbetslöshetskoncentration: Ett resultat av negativa attityder gentemot arbete?. Sociologisk forskning, : 3, pp. 4-21.

Articles, book reviews

Nordenmark, M. (2009). Combining work and care in Russia and Sweden. Zhanna Kravchenkos PhD thesis, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University. Sociologisk forskning, : 1, pp. 100-102.


Nordenmark, M. (2004). Arbetsliv, familjeliv och kön. Umeå : Boréa

Chapters in books

Nordenmark, M. (2014). Minut för minut mot en jämställd tid. In Glimtar av jämställdhet. Umeå : Boréa Bokförlag. pp. 33-50.

Nordenmark, M. , Björk Eydal, G. & Rostgaard, T. (2014). Gender regime, attitudes towards childcare and actual involvement in childcare among fathers. In Fatherhood in the Nordic welfare states : Comparing care policies and practice. Bristol : Policy Press. pp. 163-184.

Nordenmark, M. (2008). Bråk och rollkonflikter – jämställdhetens avigsida?. In Jämställdhetens pris. Umeå : Boréa. pp. 111-134.

Nordenmark, M. (2008). Disagreement about division of work among couples in Europe: The role of gender ideology and labour involvement. In Nordic Social Attitudes in a European Perspective. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 152-171.

Nordenmark, M. (2008). Är upplevelse av stress mellan arbetsliv och familjeliv ett hinder för kvinnors arbetsmarknadsdeltagande?. In Arbete, hälsa och kön. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 50-60.

Nordenmark, M. (2006). Unemployment. In The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology Vol X ST-Z. Oxford : Blackwell Publishing. pp. 5090-5091.

Nordenmark, M. (2006). Sociala relationer och upplevelse av ensamhet. In Äldres levnadsförhållanden : Arbete, ekonomi, hälsa och sociala nätverk 1980-2003. Stockholm : Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) (Levnadsförhållanden). pp. 638-.

Nordenmark, M. & Stattin, M. (2006). Pensionering och välbefinnande - betydelsen av pensionsorsak och inflytande. In Äldres levnadsförhållanden. : Arbete, ekonomi, hälsa och sociala nätverk 1980-2003. Stockholm : Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) (Levnadsförhållanden). pp. 638-.

Nordenmark, M. (2000). Unemployment and family life : The relationship among employment status, household division of labour and well-being. In Walking a tightrope : meeting the challenges of work and family. Aldershot : Ashgate.

Collections (editor)

Nordenmark, M. (ed.) & Rashid, S. (ed.) (2008). Arbete, hälsa och kön. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet 2)

Doctoral theses, monographs

Nordenmark, M. (1999). Unemployment, Employment Commitment and Well-being : The Psychosocial Meaning of (Un)employment among Women and Men. Dis. Umeå : Umeå univ., 1999 (Doctoral theses at the Department of Sociology : 10)


Nordenmark, M. (2011). Sverige blir jämställt redan under 2020-talet. Stockholm : DN-debatt.