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Tools for students


During your studies at Mid Sweden University, you will come across some tools that you need to be able to handle. On this page you will find information and user guides for the most common tools used at Mid Sweden University. If you would like further guidance with the tools, please contact our student mentors.

Learning Management System (Moodle)

Office suites (word processor, spread sheet and presentation programs)

Adobe Connect

Learning Management System


Mid Sweden University uses one centrally supported system for online teaching: the Learning Management System Moodle.

You can access Moodle via the student portal, click on the name of your course under "My Courses".

For you to access your course, you must register in LADOK. After registration it may take up to one working day before you can access your courses.

Office suites

During your study you will make use of various office software for writing reports and essays. The office suites include word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software.

Microsoft Office

The computer lab at Mid Sweden University all have access to Microsoft Office, but also the laptops you can borrow at the university library.

Open Office

Open Office is an office suite that you can download for free.


Apple's equivalent to Microsoft Office.

Google Docs

As a student or employee at my university, you get a Google Account and can use Google Docs, a simple cloud-based office suite. In Google Docs, you and your fellow students can edit documents simultaneously, even if you are on different locations.

Read about how to format your essay

Adobe Connect

Get started with Adobe Connect 8 (video in Swedish)

Adobe Connect is a video conference system that is run through the computer that can be used both for education and for meetings. You can run Adobe Connect in your ordinary web browser, it requires broadband connection to the Internet and thet you have a flash client installed. If you are supposed to present something in a meeting yourself it is recommended that you use a headset. If you also want to be visible you need a webcam.

Adobe Connect you find on, your login there is the same as the one you use logging into the student portal.

At Sunet - the Swedish university network - you can read more about how to get started with Adobe Connect.

Meeting rooms in SUNET's Adobe Connect can only be created by teachers. In order for students to have their own meetings the Mid Sweden University has created three open meeting rooms. You can use any of these rooms when they are free but you can not book them in advance. Material that is put forth in any of the meeting rooms will be cleaned out periodically.  Use any of the following open rooms:, miun-cafe2 , miun-cafe3

Download instructions

Student: Cheat sheet for Adobe Connect  (only in Swedish)
Download and try out the different functions.

Try it out!

If you have any further questions you can connect to SUNET's support room:

The support room is manned during the following hours:
Monday - Friday          8.45 - 10.15
Monday - Thursday  12.45 - 16.30
Mondays                      18.00 - 20.00

Learn more

Helpdesk's pages about Adobe Connect

More resources

At Adobe you can find more extensions to Adobe Connect