Invitation to all employees at Mid Sweden University

Print 2 Nov November 2015

In connection with the Miun 2025 work, we will conduct a number of activities before the end of 2016 in order to reflect on our university together. We would like to invite all employees to share their experiences and thoughts about our university by writing a short text/reflection:

Stories about My University – a way of realizing something together

Mid Sweden University has many faces and its history contains many interesting stories. If we only have access to one single story about the journey leading up to our 10th anniversary, it will be difficult for us all to recognize our university and to acknowledge the equal value of the work that every single one of us does. It will also be difficult to see all possible new horizons, based on just that one story. This way, making our differences visible will provide the basis for our reflections on what we have lost, what we have won and what we hope to find.

Stories about My University will be a book of stories that we as employees at Mid Sweden University want to tell about our workplace and our work, in order to contribute our insight to the new strategy work. All employees are welcome, and we would like to see contributions from a variety of different people with regard to professional roles (administrative and technical personnel, teachers/researchers), positions (managers, staff members), length of employment at Mid Sweden University (new employees, employees who have been at Miun for a long time), and of course with regard to gender and background.

The texts do not have to be very long (1-3 A4 pages) and there are no restrictions as to the type of text, meaning that they do not have to be written in an academic style; the focus will be on stories and contemplations. If you would like to contribute, but would prefer to be interviewed, that is also a possibility. Please send your proposed contribution in Word format to and no later than 31 January 2016.