Business Administration Ba (A), Societal Entrepreneurship - Management, Organization and Financing, 15 Credits
General data
Code: FÖ106G
Subject/Main field: Företagsekonomi
Cycle: First cycle
Progression: (A)
Credits: 15
Progressive specialization: G1N - First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements
Answerable department: Department of Business, Economics and Law
Answerable faculty: Faculty of Human Sciences
Established: 9/1/2010
Date of change: 9/2/2013
Version valid from: 8/30/2013
Selection rules and procedures
The selectionprocess is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and the local order of admission.
Grading system
The grades A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F are given on the course. On this scale the grades A through E represent pass levels, whereas Fx and F represent fail levels.
Course reading
Required literature
Author: Augustinsson, Erika & Brisvall, Maja
Title: Tjäna pengar och rädda världen
Edition: 2009
Publisher: Bookhouse Publishing
Author: Gawell, Malin; Johannisson, Bengt & Lundqvist, Mats red
Title: Samhällets entreprenörer - en forskarantologi om samhällsentreprenörskap
Edition: 2009
Publisher: KK-stiftelsen
Author: Söderfjell, Stefan
Title: Ledarskapets fem utmaningar
Edition: 2008
Publisher: Books on Demand
Author: Wheelan, Susan A
Title: Creating effective teams: a guide for members and leaders
Edition: 2010, 3:e upplagan
Publisher: SAGE, Thousands Oakes