Call for proposals for research-driven innovation

Print 18 Nov November 2015

Mid Sweden University is testing a new method for the utilisation of research. This method involves using SEK 4,000,000 to fund regular research, the results of which are considered to have great potential to be of benefit and value to society. 

The value may be of a financial, social or environmental nature. The research may relate to new products, services or processes, new marketing methods or new ways of organizing businesses, work organization or external relationships. The definition is based on OECD’s broad definition of innovation.

The purpose of this call for proposals is to contribute to the increased utilisation of research findings by offering researchers at the university the opportunity to turn over the utilisation process to Mid Sweden University’s holding company, MIUN Holding AB. This will enable another party to run the utilisation process and allow the researchers to focus on their research. The holding company and the researcher/research team will sign an agreement (license agreement, ownership share, patent rights or similar) that will allow the researcher to feel safe in the knowledge that he or she will also benefit from any utilisation of his or her research. The innovation process is dependent on the researcher’s competence. The researcher is a key actor with regard to the proposed idea and will be linked to the utilisation process in accordance with the specifications of the agreement.

Any application shall be made on a special form (see the attachment below: Application form, research-driven innovation). It should be no more than five (5) pages long and it should contain a description of:

  1. The idea/innovation that is proposed for agreement with another party
  2. In what way the idea may be of value and benefit to society
  3. The existing demand for your idea/innovation from a financial, social and/or environmental perspective
  4. In what way the research may generate new knowledge and promote the above idea/innovation in the future
  5. The additional value to the research/research environment
  6. The qualifications and competence (brief CV) of the researcher/research team
  7. How any funding will be used, draw up a rough budget

The research projects that are considered to contribute the most benefit and value, and at the same time have the greatest potential to provide a basis for new innovations, will be prioritized. The assessment panel will consist of the board of MIUN Holding AB, of which the university’s Deans are members. External experts may also be included in the panel. The assessment panel will be subject to a non-disclosure agreement. The applications that are considered to have the greatest potential will be presented to the Faculty in order to verify their scientific relevance before a decision is made and the funding is allocated.

This call of proposals should be considered a trial. A successful application will be granted up to SEK 1,000,000 based on an assessment of the degree of innovation of the idea. The funding must be used no later than 31 December 2017. There may be further calls for proposals, but only after this one has been followed up and analysed.


If you have any questions or you would like to discuss utilisation in more detail, please contact innovation adviser Sven Wadman


Application form, research-driven innovation

Please send your application by e-mail to no later than 22 December 2015.