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Chemistry 2 for the Introductory Year of Science, 7.5 Credits

General data

Code: KE005X
Subject/Main field: Kemi
Cycle: Pre-university level
Credits: 7.5
Progressive specialization: BXX - Pre-university level, can not be included in a degree
Answerable department: Department of Natural Sciences
Answerable faculty: Faculty of Science, Technology and Media
Established: 3/5/2007
Date of change: 10/30/2013
Version valid from: 7/1/2013

Selection rules and procedures

The selectionprocess is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance and the local order of admission.

Grading system

The grades A, B, C, D, E, Fx and F are given on the course. On this scale the grades A through E represent pass levels, whereas Fx and F represent fail levels.

Course reading

Required literature

Author: Björn Lüning, Stefan Nordlund, Lars-Johan Norrby, Anna Peterson
Title: Modell och verklighet. Kemi 2/B