Francisco Esteves

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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Strack, J. , Lopes, P. & Esteves, F. (2015). Will you thrive under pressure or burn out? Linking anxiety motivation and emotional exhaustion. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 29: 4, ss. 578-591.

Silva, C. , Chaminade, T. , Fonseca, D. , Santos, A. , Esteves, F. , Soares, I. & Deruelle, C. (2015). Attachment style impacts behavior and early oculomotor response to positive, but not negative, pictures. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 56: 3, ss. 327-334.

Silva, C. , Da Fonseca, D. , Esteves, F. & Deruelle, C. (2015). Motivational approach and avoidance in autism spectrum disorder : A comparison between real photographs and cartoons. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, vol. 17, ss. 13-24.

Oliveira, S. E. H. , Esteves, F. & Carvalho, H. (2015). Clinical profiles of stigma experiences, self-esteem and social relationships among people with schizophrenia, depressive, and bipolar disorders. Psychiatry Research, vol. 229: 1-2, ss. 167-173.

Arriaga, P. , Adrião, J. , Madeira, F. , Cavaleiro, I. , Maia e Silva, A. , Barahona, I. & Esteves, F. (2015). A "dry eye" for victims of violence: effects of playing a violent video game on pupillary dilation to victims and on aggressive behavior. Psychology of violence, vol. 5: 2, ss. 199-208.

Strack, J. & Esteves, F. (2015). Exams? Why worry? Interpreting anxiety as facilitative and stress appraisals. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, vol. 28: 2, ss. 205-214.

Soares, S. , Esteves, F. & Lundqvist, D. (2015). In the grip of fear: Dissociations in attentional processing of animal fearful individuals. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 56: 1, ss. 11-17.

Fernandes, S. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2015). Using an educational multimedia application to prepare children for outpatient surgeries. Health Communication, vol. 30: 12, ss. 1190-1200.

Silva, C. , Ferreira, A. , Soares, I. & Esteves, F. (2015). Emotions Under the Skin: Autonomic Reactivity to Emotional Pictures in Insecure Attachment. Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 29: 4, ss. 161-170.

Oliveira, S. , Esteves, F. , Pereira, E. , Carvalho, M. & Boyd, J. (2015). The Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version of the ISMI Scale. Community mental health journal, vol. 51: 5, ss. 606-612.

Galinha, I. C. , Oishi, S. , Pereira, C. R. , Wirtz, D. & Esteves, F. (2014). Adult Attachment, Love Styles, Relationship Experiences and Subjective Well-Being : Cross-Cultural and Gender Comparison between Americans, Portuguese, and Mozambicans. Social Indicators Research, vol. 119: 2, ss. 823-852.

Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). 100 anos depois: Onde está o Watson?. Psicologia Na Actualidade, : 18, ss. 18-35.

Arriaga, P. , Esteves, F. & Feddes, A. R. (2014). Looking at the (mis) fortunes of others while listening to music. Psychology of Music, vol. 42: 2, ss. 251-268.

Galinha, I. , Pereira, C. & Esteves, F. (2014). Versão reduzida da escala portuguesa de afeto positivo e negativo-PANAS-VRP: Análise fatorial confirmatória e invariância temporal. Psicologia, vol. 28: 1, ss. 53-65.

Fernandes, S. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). Atitudes infantis face aos cuidados de saúde e percepcão de dor: Papel mediador dos medos médicos. Ciência e Saúde Colectiva, vol. 19: 7, ss. 2073-2082.

Soares, S. , Lindström, B. , Esteves, F. & Öhman, A. (2014). The hidden snake in the grass: superior detection of snakes in challenging attentional conditions. PLoS ONE, vol. 9: 12, ss. Art. no. 0114724

Fernandes, S. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). Providing preoperative information for children undergoing surgery: a randomized study testing different types of educational material to reduce children’s preoperative worries. Health Education Research, vol. 29: 6, ss. 1058-1076.

Galinha, I. C. , Pereira, C. R. & Esteves, F. G. (2013). Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Temporal Invariance of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Psicologia, vol. 26: 4, ss. 671-679.

Bernhardsson, J. , Bjärtå, A. , Esteves, F. & Sundin, Ö. (2013). INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS OF N2pc DURING FEAR PROCESSING. Psychophysiology, vol. 50, ss. S119-S119.

Soares, S. & Esteves, F. (2013). A glimpse of fear: Fast detection of threatening targets in visual search with brief stimulus durations. PsyCh Journal, vol. 2: 1, ss. 11-16.

Silva, C. , Soares, I. & Esteves, F. (2012). Attachment insecurity and strategies for regulation: When emotion triggers attention. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 53: 1, ss. 9-16.

Gaspar, A. & Esteves, F. (2012). Preschooler´s faces in spontaneous emotional contexts - how well do they match adult facial expression prototypes?. International Journal of Behavioral Development, vol. 36: 5, ss. 348-357.

Martins, A. , Faisca, L. , Esteves, F. , Muresan, A. & Reis, A. (2012). Atypical moral judgements following traumatic brain injury. Judgment and decision making, vol. 7: 4, ss. 478-487.

Esteves, F. , Arriaga, P. , Carneiro, P. & Flykt, A. (2010). Emotional responses (verbal and psychophysiological) to pictures of food stimuli. Psicologia, vol. 24: 2, ss. 89-111.

Soares, S. , Esteves, F. , Lundqvist, D. & Öhman, A. (2009). Some specific animal fears are more specific than others: Evidence from attention and emotion measures. Behaviour Research and Therapy, vol. 47: 12, ss. 1032-1042.

Costa, R. & Esteves, F. (2008). Skin conductance responses to visual sexual stimuli. International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 67: 1, ss. 64-69.

Carneiro, P. , Albuquerque, P. , Fernandez, A. & Esteves, F. (2007). Analyzing false memories in children with associative lists specific for their age. Child Development, vol. 78: 4, ss. 1171-1185.

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Gaspar, A. , Esteves, F. & Arriaga, P. (2014). On Prototypical Facial Expressions Versus Variation in Facial Behavior : What Have We Learned on the “Visibility” of Emotions from Measuring Facial Actions in Humans and Apes. I The Evolution of Social Communication in Primates. Springer (Interdisciplinary Evolution Research). S. 101-126.

Arriaga, P. , Esteves, F. & Fernandes, S. (2013). Playing for better or for worse? : Health and social outcomes with electronic gaming. I Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services. IGI Global. S. 48-69.

Madeira, F. , Arriaga, P. , Adrião, J. , Lopes, R. & Esteves, F. (2013). Emotional gaming. I Psychology of gaming. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. S. 11-29.


Claudio, A. P. , Carmo, M. B. , Gomes, I. L. , Esteves, F. & Gaspar, A. (2015). Sense of presence inside a feared (virtual) tunnel. I PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 10TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI 2015).

Esteves, F. , Emauz, A. & Gaspar, A. (2015). Assessing affective empathy towards humans and other animals from emotional facial expressions. .


Lavrador, L. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2015). Sensiblización a escalofrios emocionales. .

Esteves, F. & Santos, I. (2015). Attentional bias to caloric food stimuli. .

Leal, A. , Lopes, R. , Arriaga, P. & Esteves, F. (2014). The brain mapping of emotion in human faces : Clinical aplication in epilepsy. I IEEE MeMeA 2014 - IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings.. S. 46--49.

Rosa, P. J. , Esteves, F. & Arriaga, P. (2014). Effects of fear-relevant stimuli on attention : Integrating gaze data with subliminal exposure. I IEEE MeMeA 2014 - IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings.. S. Art. no. 6860021-

Gaspar, A. , Esteves, F. & Emauz, A. (2014). Us humans, them dogs and the others: assessing affective empathy towards humans and other animals from facial expression, using facial EMG. .

Esteves, F. & Petisca, S. (2014). Food choices in conditions of fictitious food scarcity. .

Cláudio, A. P. , Carmo, M. B. , Pinheiro, T. , Esteves, F. & Lopes, E. (2013). Virtual environment to treat social anxiety. I Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).. S. 442--451.