Susanne Sahlin

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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Lindberg, J. O. & Sahlin, S. (2012). A decade later: Twelve Teachers´retrospective views on a national programme for teachers´ professional development and ICT.. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, vol. 2: 1, ss. 25-34.

Lindberg, J. O. & Sahlin, S. (2011). Bridging school-subjects and distances in upper secondary schools. Campus-Wide Information Systems, vol. 28: 3, ss. 144-153.


Sahlin, S. (2015). Combining a thesis and an evaluation mission in a school development and research project - methodological considerations. .

Sahlin, S. (2015). Entrepreneurship as capacity building in three schools. .

Sahlin, S. & Styf, M. (2014). Internationalization and school leadership : – keys to school improvement?. .

Sahlin, S. (2014). Looking for the concept of the total leadership : -  An international literature review of research on school leadership. .

Sahlin, S. (2013). How do the overall leadership of three schools influence school performance and goal achievement, and how can we understand it from a school leadership perspective?. I Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the EDUCATION, LEARNING, STYLES, INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES NETWORK: Building Learning Capacity for Life.

Sahlin, S. & Söderlund, A. (2010). E-lärande med stöd av sociala medier. .

Lindberg, J. O. & Sahlin, S. (2010). Enhancing the European dimension in upper secondary schools - using ICT to bridge school-subjects and distances.. I Readings in Technology and Education: Proceedings of ICICTE 2010.. S. 38--48.

Rasmusson, M. , Sundgren, M. & Sahlin, S. (2008). Podcasting and blogging - the way to learn? : Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research 2008 in Gothenburg Sept 10. .