Being Entrepreneurial in Public: The Role of Agency in Swedish Economic Development and Crisis Management Policies

Skriv ut 5 okt oktober 2015

Evangelia Petridou, statsvetenskap

The object of policy research is the understanding of the interactions between the machinery of the state and political actors. These actors are broadly defined as working in the public sector (appointed or elected) or as interested private citizens as part of civil society, acting individually or in groups in any one level of governance aiming at producing pervasive public action that is, action not solely limited to legislation, rules and regulations and executive orders. To this end, researchers employ a large number of tools in the form of theories, models, and frameworks.


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Petridou, E. (2014). Theories of the Policy Process: Contemporary Scholarship and Future Directions. Policy Studies Journal, vol. 42: Supplement issue s1, ss. s12-s32.

Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2012). Conducting creativity in the periphery of Sweden : A bottom-up path towards territorial cohesion. Creative Industries Journal, vol. 5: 1&2, ss. 119-137.

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Miles, L. & Petridou, E. (2015). Entrepreneurial Resilience : Role of policy entrepreneurs in the political perspective of crisis management. I Organizational Resilience : Concepts, Integration and Practice. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press. S. 67-81.

Narbutaité Aflaki, I. , Petridou, E. & Miles, L. (2015). Political Entrepreneurship Redux : Looking into the Future. I Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate. S. 206-215.

Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2015). Archipelagic Tourism : Synthesis and Reflections. I Archipelago Tourism : Policies and Practices. Aldershot : Ashgate (New Directions in Tourism Analysis). S. 241-248.

Petridou, E. , Narbutaité Aflaki, I. & Miles, L. (2015). Unpacking the Theoretical Boxes of Political Entrepreneurship. I Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate. S. 1-16.

Petridou, E. & Ioannides, D. (2013). Creative serendipity : when art and public entrepreneurship revitalize a downtown. I Regioner, regionalism och entreprenörskap. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden Unversity. S. 120-138.

Ioannides, D. & Petridou, E. (2012). Tourism workers and the equity dimension of sustainability. I Tourism Enterprises and the Sustainability Agenda across Europe. Farnham : Ashgate. S. 187-203.

Ioannides, D. & Petridou Daughtrey, E. (2006). Competition in the travel distribution system: the US travel sector.. I Corporate Rivalry and Market Power. London : I.B. Tauris. S. 124-142.


Sparf, J. & Petridou, E. (2015). Tidal wave: critical junctures, political agency and the shift of crisis management policy in Sweden, 2004-2009. I NEEDS - The First Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies. University of Copenhagen, December 9-11, 2015.


Petridou Daughtrey, E. (2006). Industrial Market Trends : A survey of Springfield's Manufacturing/Warehouse Market. Springfield MO : Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce

Samlingsverk (redaktör)

Narbutaité Aflaki, I. (ed.) , Petridou, E. (ed.) & Miles, L. (ed.) (2015). Entrepreneurship in the Polis : Understanding Political Entrepreneurship. Aldershot : Ashgate


Triantafyllopoulos, I. K. , Petridou, E. & Carawan, E. (2013). Graphē paranomōn, A TRANSLATION : Indictment for unlawful proposals (Translated from the 2nd ed 1962 by E. Petridou, notes by E. Carawan)

Petridou, E. (2010). Closer look cases: Eureka Springs, AR: a destination reinvented through time; Travel Agents: the voice at the other end of the line; Southwest Airlines: "Often immitated, never duplicated"; Ask me no questions; Forks, Washington: Twilight Zone  These closer look cases are found in Ioannides, D and Timothy, DJ: Tourism in the USA: a spatial synthesis : Routledge.


Doctoral student
Evangelia Petridou

Political science

Starting year
2010 (expected to defend in September 2016)

Bo Svensson, Mid Sweden University
Pär Olausson, Mid Sweden University
Lee Miles, Disaster Management Centre, Bournemouth University,  UK.