The Knowledge Foundation Board visited STC

Print 16 Sep September 2015

On Tuesday, September 15, the board and management of Knowledge Foundation visited Mid Sweden University. The Knowledge Foundation chose to locate its board meeting at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall and in connection to this they visited the research centers STC and FSCN to get a better view and presentation of the research conducted within the Knowledge Foundation Environment.

In 2011 the two research centres STC and FSCN Mid Sweden University was granted as a Knowledge Foundation Environment by the Knowledge Foundation. It is a long-term initiative that aims to create a more profiled research in co-production with the industry. Mid Swede University operates in a region of great forest industry that demand innovation and efficiency for increased profitability and growth. By combining the two research areas in forestindustry and technology new opportunities for the region's industries are created that improve and renew working methods and products.

At Tuesday's visit vice chancellor Anders Söderholm and Dean Hans-Erik Nilsson welcomed the Knowledge Foundation's CEO Madelene Sandström, Director of Operations Stefan Östholm and program managers Olof Hugander and Olle Vogel. From the Knowledge Foundation's board participated:

Ola Asplund, senior advisor IF Metall
Lars Ekedahl, professor emeritus
Kerstin Eliasson, ordförande KK-stiftelsen. F.d. statssekreterare, och ordförande Rådet för forskningens infrastrukturer (RFI)
Kajsa Ellegård, professor i teknik och social förändring, Linköpings universitet
Bengt Lennartson, professor i automation, Chalmers tekniska högskola
Helena Malmqvist, Samordnare extern forskning, ABB AB, Corporate Research
Margareta Norell Bergendahl, professor och vice rektor Kungliga tekniska högskolan.
Björn Sundell, FoU-konsult, tidigare vd Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning
Gunnar Wetterberg, historiker, författare

Images from the roundtour at STC and FSCN

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