Agnieszka Piersiak


How come you participated in the summer university?
I was here in Sundsvall earlier on an Erasmus exchange and then I saw a poster and thought why not. At first I thought I wanted to see more of Sweden and Sundsvall and my friends, and then I also thought it would be great to meet new people with new ideas and specialists with new technical solutions, like Martin Sharman. It was a great experience hearing him lecture.

What was it like working with the project?
It was cool working with the project; my team was the biology team. I was the only biologist and worked with one student from economics and one from informatics. It was a great cooperation so we had a lot of fun. The project was also really good. 

How did you combine your skills?
We looked at the costs and benefits of different solutions; our work was based on cooperation, real-life cooperation. We had some ideas and we discussed them, tried them and abandoned some of them.

What did you like the best about the summer university?
Everything! The lectures, meetings, spending time together, the Swedes are great. It was the best!