R.A.W. The Network for Reflexive Academic Writing Methodologies is an international interdisciplinary research network at the Mid Sweden University, which constitutes a meeting place for researchers, teachers and academic professionals interested in alls forms of reflexive academic writing methodologies.
The network encourage dialogue and the building of long term international relationships for researchers, teachers and academic professionals who wish to apply a reflexive approach to their own practice. It welcomes the diversity of reflexive writing methodologies and the study of documents of life such as biography, autobiography, narrative approaches, memoir, memory work, official reports, diaries, blogs, and letters and so on, used by scholars in different disciplines and interdisciplinary fields as well as academic professionals. In particular, the network supports critical and experimental academic work, which combines textual, visual, and verbal and other expressions and welcomes the application of a diversity of perspectives, theories and methodologies.
The network is based at the Department of Social Work and the Mid Sweden University. As the only network in Sweden with a focus on these issues it has national significance, but indeed an emphasis on international collaboration between members and universities.